Versions Compared


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  • Support for SOAP web services in Proxies. You can now reference a SOAP service when you create a Proxy endpoint.

  • Refer to the Platform section for Lifecycle Management Public APIs. You can now use Public API to publish, unpublish, deprecate, and retire APIs.


  • Added the Trust All Certificates checkbox in the Create proxy endpoint dialog. Similar to the setting in the REST Snaps, you can choose to allow your Proxy to trust self-signed, unsigned, or expired certificates in the endpoints.

  • API policy violations are now delivered in JSON. When a client executes an API that results in an authorization or authentication error, the error is returned in the JSON format.

  • Logging added to the Callout Authenticator API policy. You can now use the Snaplex logs to troubleshoot why the authentication failed when your Callout Authenticator policy rejects a client request.

  • Improved error output for the JSON Validator API policy. The API caller can easily determine which part of the JSON failed validation.

  • Wildcard endpoint support for dynamic base paths and error handling in Proxy endpoint mapping. When the base path is a path parameter, the Proxy uses this endpoint and routes through the mappings.

  • Improved error handling in the Developer Portal API specification editor. Specification violations now appear in the editor.

  • Added the Time Unit field in the Client Throttle API policy. You can now define a Request Limit value in requests per second.

  • API Manager now supports asynchronous API migration with Public APIs.


  • The Bouncy Castle library version is upgraded from bcpg-jdk150n[1.69] to bcpg-jdk180n[1.73] in all our Snap Packs. This upgrade brings in the latest security features to enhance the performance of the SnapLogic platform.

  • The Generic Database Account now supports the SSH Tunneling connection. You can now encrypt the network connection between your client and the database server, ensuring a highly secure connection.

  • The Hive Snap Pack is Cloudera-certified for Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW). You can use the Hive Execute Snap to work with CDW clusters through a Generic Hive Database account.

  • The Marketo Bulk Extract Snap works successfully in the non-lineage path in an Ultra task.

  • The Private Key Account now supports expression for the Key passphrase field.

Known Issues

  • A Kafka An Account configured with a JKS truststore fails on a Groundplex that has the JVM option We recommend that you remove this option.
