The Bouncy Castle library version is upgraded from
in all our Snap Packs. This upgrade brings in the latest security features to enhance the performance of the SnapLogic platform.The Generic Database Account now supports the SSH Tunneling connection. You can now encrypt the network connection between your client and the database server, ensuring a highly secure connection.
The Hive Snap Pack is Cloudera-certified for Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW). You can use the Hive Execute Snap to work with CDW clusters through a Generic Hive Database account.
The Marketo Bulk Extract Snap works successfully in the non-lineage path in an Ultra task.
The Private Key Account now supports expression for the Key passphrase field.
Known Issues
An A SnapLogic Account configured with a JKS truststore fails on a Groundplex that has the JVM option
. We recommend that you remove this option.