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None at the moment.

Snap Type:



This Snap executes a SQL update with the given properties. Keys from the document will be used as the columns to update and their values will be the updated value in the column.

ETL Transformations & Data Flow

This snap is a data source. It works by performing a standard JDBC DatabaseMetaData#getTables() query for the tables within the database. The Schema name value is used to populate the schemaPattern parameter in that query.

This snap does not require any temporary files or other external resources.

Input & Output

  • Input:  This snap requires one document per record to be updated. The fields correspond to table columns.

  • Input Schema Provided: Yes, via JDBC metadata query.

  • Output: This snap provides an output document which contains the "status" field depicting the number of records updated and the "message" field depicting the status of the update query with the original document passed to it as an input.

  • Output Schema Provided: No
  • Preview Supported: Yes
  • Passthrough Supported: No

Expected upstream Snaps: Any Snap with a document output view.

Expected downstream Snaps: Any Snap with a document input view. Note: nothing is written to the output view so pipelines should only be used to sequence operations.


  • The Redshift account does need to specify the Endpoint, Database name, Username, and Password.
  • The Redshift account does not need to specify the S3 Access-key ID, S3 Secret key, S3 Bucket, and S3 Folder.
  • The Redshift account security settings does need to allow access from the IP Address of the cloudplex or groundplex.
Limitations and Known Issues

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nameRedshift limitation with PostgreSQL driver
pageRedshift - Execute


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Redshift Account for information on setting up this type of account.



This Snap has at most one document input view.

The input document contains map data. Each document is mapped to a single record with the mapping performed by matching document field name with table column name.


 This Snap has at most one document output view.


This Snap has at most one error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.


Database Write Snaps output all records of a batch (as configured in your account settings) to the error view if the write fails during batch processing.



Required The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Schema name

The database schema name. Selecting a schema filters the Table name list to show only those tables within the selected schema. The property is suggestible and will retrieve available database schemas during suggest values.


The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Example: test

Default value: [None]

Expression property: No

Table Name

Required. Name of the table to execute the update on


The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Example: people

Default value: Not selected

Expression property: No

Update condition

Specify the SQL WHERE clause of the update statement. You can define specific values or columns to update (Set condition) in the upstream Snap, such as Mapper Snap, and then use the WHERE clause to apply these conditions on the columns sourced from the upstream Snap. For instance, here is a sample of an Update SQL query:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2,
WHERE condition;


If the Update Condition field is left blank, the condition is applied on all the records of the target table. 

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nameOriginal structure_for_primary_key
pageOracle - Update


Instead of building multiple Snaps with inter dependent DML queries, it is recommended to use the Multi Execute Snap.
In a scenario where the downstream Snap does depends on the data processed on an Upstream Database Bulk Load Snap, use the Script Snap to add delay for the data to be available.

Refer to the example to understand how to use the Update Condition.


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pageOracle - Update

Default value: Not selected

Expression property: Yes

Number of retries

Specifies the maximum number of attempts to be made to receive a response. The request is terminated if the attempts do not result in a response.

Example: 3

Default value: 0

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pageFile Reader

Retry interval (seconds)

Specifies the time interval between two successive retry requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt resulted in an exception. 

Example:  10

Default value: 1

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nameSnap Execution
pageSOAP Execute

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pageSOAP Execute

Insert excerpt
Azure SQL - Bulk Load
Azure SQL - Bulk Load



type "e" does not exist

This issue occurs due to incompatibilities with the recent upgrade in the Postgres JDBC drivers.

Download the latest 4.1 Amazon Redshift driver here and use this driver in your Redshift Account configuration and retry running the Pipeline.


Basic Use Case

  • The following pipeline describes how the Snap functions along with Mapper snap in a pipeline. Refer to the "Redshift Update_1.slp" in the Downloads section for pipeline reference.

Following is a selection from the "testupdate" table listing the customers information:

Assume we wish to update the customer with the id = "3" with a new age = "31".

Enter testupdate in the Table name property and id='3' in the Update condition property.

Assume that the Update Snap receives a Map data in the input view as following from the Mapper Snap: 

 The selection from the "testupdate" table will now look like this:

  • Be careful when updating records. If we had omitted the Update condition property, in the example above, the "testupdate" table would have looked like this: 

The pipeline preview will look like below:

Typical Snap Configurations

When you save and execute the above pipeline as shown in the example with the update condition, the Snap internally formats a standard SQL UPDATE statement as following:

Code Block
UPDATE testupdate
SET age='31'
WHERE id='3';

and submit the request to the database server.

Advanced Use Case

The following pipeline describes how the Snap functions along with other Snaps such as Redshift Execute and Mapper in a pipeline. Refer to the "Redshift Update_2.slp" in the Downloads section for pipeline reference.

We are using "Redshift Execute" to select all the records in the table "testupdate":


We are then using the "Mapper" to select the appropriate column "$age" in the Expression property and creating the new set of updated values there ($age+31) and finally specifying the target column name, "$age" in Target path. 

After validating/ executing the above pipeline, the "testupdate" table has been changed to:



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patterns.*slp, .*zip

Insert excerpt
Redshift Snap Pack
Redshift Snap Pack