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You can use the REST Patch Snap to execute an HTTP Patch method on a REST API service endpoint to replace business object resources. If the given resource does not exist, the Snap creates the resource. 



Supported Features


Field NameField TypeDescription

Insert excerpt
File Writer
File Writer

Default ValueREST Patch
ExampleREST Patch

Service URL*


Specify the service endpoint URL of REST API. You can provide the URL in one of the following ways:

  • As a JavaScript expression in expression language.

For example:'+encodeURIComponent("Special_char_owner_!3)12.json")

  • As a plain string that you should enclose in double quotes ("").

For example: "".replace("%s", $.widg

For Snaps using AWS Signature V4 accounts, you can use the canonical name (CNAME) for the URI so it's not necessary for the URL to end with or have the region and service provided in it. However, if you are using the CNAME you must provide it in the AWS Region and Service Name fields in the AWS Signature V4 account.

The hostname in the CNAME must be equal to the bucket name.

For example:
Previous URI:

New URI with CNAME:

Here, the bucket name is

The Snap finds the value at the JSON path $ in the input data and replaces "%s" in the Service URL with the value. You can connect File Reader and JSON Parser Snaps upstream of a REST Put Snap and prepare the following JSON file for the File Reader Snap:


The Service URL for the REST snap has to be valid. If the Service URL contains any special characters, such as !, =, %21, $, and ^, the Snap throws an exception error. You can escape the special characters (using expression language) using one of the following methods:

We recommend you use the former (encodeURIComponent) method to escape the special characters.

Default Value: N/A

HTTP EntityString

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Default Value$  (the HTTP entity data is at the root of the input map data)
Example$.entity  (if the HTTP entity data is the value of the "entity" key at the root of the input map data)

Batch sizeInteger

Multiexcerpt macro

The number of documents to be included in a single request. The incoming documents will be accumulated in a list up to the defined batch size before it is submitted to the endpoint

Make sure to set the batch size only if your REST endpoint expects a list.

Default Value: N/A

Show all headersCheckbox

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Delete

Default ValueDeselected

Form Upload

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Default Value: N/A
ExampleREST Patch

Multipart Type

Dropdown list

Choose the type of multipart upload that you want to initiate. The available options are:

  • FILE: Use this option to upload a file.

  • TEXT: Use this option to upload text.

Multipart Key

Specify the key required for the multi-part to upload a file or text as required.

HTTP POST uses multi-part entity to achieve the form upload. The form data of its multi-part entity contains key-value pairs.Multipart Key can be anything and it depends on the service endpoint.

Default Valuefile
Examplefile, initial_comment, channels

Multipart ValueString/Expression

Specify the the file or text to be uploaded.

If Multipart Type is FILE, the following are applicable:

  • The file protocols supported for file values are 'sldb:///' and 'file:///'.

  • If the file path is a relative path, it is considered as an SLDB file.

  • If this field is not empty, HTTP Entity and Batch size fields are ignored and the Multipart Key field is required.

  • If the value is an expression, the input document is used to evaluate the expression. Each input document invokes one file upload.

  • This field does not support wildcard or glob patterns.

If Multipart Type is a TEXT, then

  • The value should be expression enabled and enclosed in double quotes.


For Text part upload using the Form Upload, the Http Entity and Filename to be used fields are ignored.

Default Value: N/A

Filename to be used


Enter the name that you want to use for the file at the endpoint.

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Put

Default Value: N/A

Multipart Content- Type


Select the content type headers for the data in the body of the multipart HTTP request. This enables the Snap how to read or interpret the input file .

The available options are:

  • application/octet-stream

  • text/plain

  • application/json

  • text/csv

  • text/html

  • image/jpeg


If the Multipart Type is TEXT, it is generally not required to specify any value in this field. When you do not specify any value, the API uses the default value text/plain; charset=UTF-8.

  • To specify other HTTP headers configure the headers in the HTTP header field set.

  • If you configure both Multipart Content-Type and HTTP header fields, the value in the Multipart Content-type gets precedence. 

Default Value: N/A

Trust all certificatesCheckbox

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pageREST Post

Default ValueDeselected

Follow redirectsCheckbox

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pageREST Post

Default ValueSelected

Query parameters
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pageREST Post

Query parameter


Enter the name of the query parameter.

Default Value: N/A

Query parameter value


Enter the value that you want to assign to the parameter.

Default Value: N/A

HTTP Header

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post


Configuring HTTP headers helps avoid problems in reading or opening files uploaded using the REST Post Snap. Refer to the Troubleshooting section, below, for more information.



Enter the name of the HTTP header.

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pageREST Put

Default Value: N/A



Enter the value that you want to assign to the HTTP header.

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Put

Default Value: N/A

Response entity typeString

Select one of the following response entity types you want the Snap to display in the output document.:

  • DEFAULT - This option enables the Snap to process the response automatically. The response entity is processed automatically based on the Content-Type header in the response. If the content provided does not parse with the provided Content-Type, the snap will result in an error.
    The following two scenarios describe the Snap’s behavior when using the Process Array checkbox::

    • When you select the Process Array checkbox, the Snap parses JSON or XML and produces a stream of documents at the output view.

    • When you deselect the Process Array checkbox, the Snaps sends the data as it is at the output view.   

  • TEXT - Select this option to enable, the Snap to produce an entity of string type.

  • BINARY - Select this option to enable the Snap to produce an entity of byte array type.

If you select TEXT or BINARY, the Snap does not parse the entity content. If you select DEFAULT, the Snap produces the expected result in most cases, but if it fails to process as expected, you can set the Response entity type to TEXT or BINARY.

Default ValueDEFAULT
Example: N/A

Cookie PolicyDropdown list

Select a Cookie Policy from the following options:

  • Browser Compatibility: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you are facing issues while parsing cookies, you should try using this policy.

  • Ignore Cookies: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. You should use this policy to prevent HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.

  • RFC Strict: This policy uses the set-cookie header

  • RFC Lax: The policy uses set-cookie and set-cookie2 for parsing.


When using a cookie policy, you must select Show All Headers checkbox to view the parsed cookies from the cookie policy specification.

Default Value: Ignore Cookies
Example: RFC Strict

Read timeoutInteger

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pageREST Post

Default Value900

Connection timeoutInteger

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pageREST Post

Default Value30

Maximum request attempts Integer

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pageREST Post

Default Value5

Retry request intervalInteger

Specify the time in seconds to wait before retrying the request.

Default Value3

Retry PolicyString

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageREST Post

Default ValueConnection errors
ExampleAll errors

Normalize URLCheckbox

Select this checkbox to normalize the Service URL. This enables the Snap to convert double slashes (//) in the URL path to a single slash (/).
For example, is converted to


Deselecting this checkbox reverts the Snap to 4.19 Snaplex behavior, where the URL paths were not normalized by default.

In the 4.20 Release, due to the HTTP client upgrade the URL paths were normalized by default. Hence, there was a change in behavior in handling the URL paths in 4.20 release when compared to 4.19. This change in behavior should not impact the existing Pipelines, because most of the websites map URL paths with double or single slashes to the same endpoint. For example, and both URLs are directed to the same endpoint. Hence, we recommend you to select the Normalize URL checkbox.

However, an exception to this is when you use non-standard URLs that differentiate the URL paths containing double slashes from those with single slashes and map them to different endpoints, in which case you must deselect Normalize URL checkbox. 
For example, http://host/pages/foo.html and http://host/pages//foo.html point to different URIs, and servers assign different meanings to them.

Default Value: Selected

Snap ExecutionCheckbox

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageAnaplan Read

Default ValueValidate & Execute
ExampleValidate & Execute


  1. Click the JSON Generator Snap and configure it to supply the email ID that you want to remove from a SnapLogic Org, say DocTest. 

  2. Configure the REST Patch Snap to send the user details retrieved from the JSON Generator Snap to the service URL documented in User and Group APIs. You must also specify in the HTTP Headers section that the content type used in this REST call is "application/json".

  3. In this Snap:
  4. When you run the Pipeline, the user listed in the JSON Generator Snap is removed from the group you specified in the service URL.
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