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New Snaps and Accounts
Introduced the NetSuite REST Snap Pack, which contains the following Snaps and Accounts:
NetSuite REST Access Token Account: Connects NetSuite REST Snaps with the NetSuite SuiteCloud Rest services that rely on the bearer token.
NetSuite REST M2M OAuth2 Account: Authenticates with NetSuite’s REST APIs using the NetSuite M2M client credentials OAuth2 protocol.
NetSuite REST Read: Reads records based on the Record ID.
NetSuite REST Execute: Executes SuiteQL queries on the NetSuite server.
NetSuite REST Search: Fetches data from the NetSuite server based on the specified search criteria.
Added the Google Service Account to the HTTP Client Snap, which enables you to connect to various Google Cloud endpoints such as Analytics 4 and Compute Engine.
Enhanced the Anaplan Snap Pack with support for retries to help avoid failures during the pipeline execution.
The Copybook Parser Snap now supports configuring fields from subsequent copybooks using fully qualified names.
The existing NetSuite Snap Pack is renamed to NetSuite SOAP due to the introduction of the NetSuite REST Snap Pack.
The JSON key field in the Binary Google Service Account supports JSON strings. You can set the JSON key with a file from SLDB. You can also dynamically pass the value with a pipeline parameter or a secrets manager expression.
Enhanced the Parquet Reader Snap with a new Use datetime types checkbox, which supports LocalDate and DateTime datatypes.
Enhanced the Parquet Writer Snap with the support for LocalDate and DateTime. The Snap now shows the schema suggestions for LocalDate and DateTime correctly.
Enhanced the Parquet Writer Snap with a Decimal Rounding Mode dropdown list to enable the rounding method for decimal values when the number exceeds the required decimal places.
Added pagination in the List Read Items Snap. Also added suggestions for the List name field.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Snap Packs:
Enhanced the following Snaps with a new Error out on no results checkbox, which selectively routes the input document to the error view when no results are returned:
Added proxy authentication.
The Instance URL field in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Access Token Account and the Business Central Access Token Account is no longer expression enabled by default.
The Cross company checkbox is added to the Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Create, Update, and Delete Snaps to ensure that the other company records are getting created, updated, and deleted.
Improved the Salesforce Bulk Upsert Snap error messages by limiting the length of the reason displayed with the error. (Within the error reported to the UI, the full message is logged.)
The SAP Concur OAuth2 Account now supports the Auth endpoint config and Token endpoint config field sets to configure custom properties for the OAuth2 endpoint.
Enhanced the input schema for the SAP S/4HANA Create Snap.
The Snowflake Snap Pack is now bundled with the default Snowflake JDBC JAR v3.14.
The Splunk Basic Auth Account now includes Read timeout and Connection timeout fields, which enable you to manage the timeout settings for your connections.
Improved the SQL Server Bulk Load Snap by adding retries to help avoid failures during the pipeline execution.
The Binary Upload File Snap now supports files larger than 2 GB.
Behavior Changes
When you select the Use datetime types checkbox in the Parquet Reader Snap, the Snap displays the LocalDate and DateTime in the output for INT32 (DATE) and INT64 (TIMESTAMP_MILLIS) columns. When you deselect this checkbox, the columns retain the previous datatypes and display string and integer values in the output.
Improved support for generating SQL queries with a new SQL editor preview panel in the Designer.
Improved overall quality of generated results for all features:
Pipeline description
Pipeline generation
Expression generation and mappings for the Mapper Snap
SQL query generation
Q&A using the SnapLogic documentation knowledge base
We have migrated the documentation for the Analytics Snaps to our new documentation site.
The following documents are no longer available in the Confluence documentation site. You can access the latest documentation here.