Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Snap Pack: Added the following Snaps:
Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Bulk Import: Imports (in bulk) Bulk imports the data associated with the selected entity in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM application.
Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Bulk Export: Exports (in bulk) Bulk exports the data associated with a selected entity from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM application.
NetSuite REST Snap Pack: Added the following Snaps:
NetSuite REST Create: Creates records using the NetSuite REST API.
NetSuite REST Update: Updates records using the NetSuite REST API through the Internal ID.
NetSuite REST Delete: Deletes records using the NetSuite REST API through the Internal ID.
Workday Snap Pack: Added the WorkdayQL Snap, which connects with the Workday Query Language (WQL) endpoints.