Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Snap Pack: Added the following Snaps:
Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Bulk Import: Imports Bulk imports the data associated with the selected entity (in bulk) in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM application
Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Bulk Export: Exports Bulk exports the data associated with a selected entity (in bulk) from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM application
NetSuite REST Snap Pack: Added the following Snaps:
NetSuite REST Create: Creates records using the NetSuite REST API
NetSuite REST Update: Updates records using the NetSuite REST API through the Internal ID
NetSuite REST Delete: Deletes records using the NetSuite REST API through the Internal ID
Workday: Added the WorkdayQL Snap, which connects with the Workday Query Language (WQL) endpoints
Amazon S3: Added support for Amazon S3 Express One Zone.
Supports pipeline parameters in mapping and expression generation
Generates multiple expressions instead of one
Analyzes pipelines and suggest ways to improve your pipelines
Remembers previous questions and answers in the current conversation