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Schema name not found

The schema name is required for Snowpipe Streaming.

Provide a schema name in the Snap configuration.


Ingest Data from One Table to Another in Snowflake

This example pipeline demonstrates how to use Snowflake - Snowpipe Streaming Snap to ingest data into the Snowflake database from a different table in the Snowflake database.


Download this pipeline.

Step 1: Configure the Snowflake - Execute Snap to delete the existing table.


Step 2: Configure the Snowflake - Select Snap with Schema name and Table name fields. Add the second output view for Snowflake - Select to pass the schema to the downstream Snowflake - Snowpipe Streaming Snap to enable table creation.

snowflake-select-config.pngImage Added

snowflake-select-second-output.pngImage Added

Step 3: Configure the Snowflake—Snowpipe Streaming Snap to ingest the data into the Snowflake database as and when available. On validation, the data is successfully inserted into the Snowflake database.

snowpipe-streaming-config.pngImage Added

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 Ingest Data from a Source into Snowflake

This example pipeline demonstrates how to use Snowflake - Snowpipe Streaming Snap to ingest data into the Snowflake database from a source as and when it is available.

snowpipe-streaming-example-pipeline2.pngImage Added

Download this pipeline.

Step 1: Configure the Sequence Snap to generate ten documents.

Step 2: Configure the Mapper Snap to pass the values to the downstream Snowflake- Snowpipe Streaming Snap.


Step 3: Configure the Snowflake - Execute Snap to create or replace an existing table with the column datatype.


Step 4: Configure the Mapper Snap to pass the values to the downstream Snowflake- Snowpipe Streaming Snap.


Step 5: Configure the Snowflake—Snowpipe Streaming Snap to ingest the data into the Snowflake database as and when available. On validation, the data is successfully inserted into the Snowflake database.

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Snap Pack History

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Snowflake Snap Pack
Snowflake Snap Pack
