Error | Reason | Resolution |
| The Role ARN, External ID, or the session duration has incorrect information. | Ensure that the role configuration, ARN, external ID, and session duration are correct, check AWS service status, handle exceptions properly, and consult customer support if needed. |
Debug IAM Permissions
The Kafka MSK IAM Account contains an IAM debug property, which, when enabled supports debugging for IAM configuration. When you enable IAM debugging (Global properties and Logging Level) in the Snaplex configuration, the account logs the IAM credential identity in the Snaplex log. To enable this property, you You need to update the Snaplex configuration, specifically the logging level, and define a JVM system property.
Note |
There might be Enabling the debug property might have a potential performance implication if you enable the debug property. Hence. Therefore, we recommend that you use this feature in your development environment instead of the production environment. If you need to enable this property in Production, we advise you to leave it enabled only long enough to resolve the problem and then disable it afterward. |
On the Logging tab, set the logging level to Debug.
On the Node Properties tab, define a Global Property for JVM system properties as shown below or append a value to an existing property.
Key: jcc.jvm_options
Value: -Daws.msk.iam.debug=true
Restart the Snaplex node.