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Table of Contents


Remote Python Script Snap has the ability to execute a Python script natively on local/remote Python executors. Remote Python Executor (RPE) can be installed either on the same node as the Snaplex or a remote node which is accessible by the Snaplex.


Download the SnapLogic Python Server Package

This package is available for existing customers. Contact us to download the package.

Image Removed
  1. Establish SSH connection to the node.
  2. Install Docker CE.
  3. Create and start RPE container.

SSH to the Node

Copy the package and extract to the node. Change the directory to snaplogic_python_server_imageEstablish SSH connection to the node where you want to install the RPE. Root access may be required for the latter steps.

Install Docker

Follow the instructions on the the official Docker site to install Docker CE on your machine.

Configure the Python Server

You can change the port and token in The default port for Python 2 is 5201, while the default port for Python 3 is 5202. The default security token is "" that can be changed. If the port 5201 and 5202 are exposed to the public, ensure to have a strong security token.

Paste code macro
nohup python /opt/python_server_data/ 5201 "" > /opt/python_server_data/python2_server.log &
python3 /opt/python_server_data/ 5202 "" > /opt/python_server_data/python3_server.log
The following is a code snippet from Dockerfile. You may add/remove the Python libraries as required.

 Click here for Ubuntu, here for CentOS, and here for Windows.

Start RPE

Docker Images

Docker container is an instance created from Docker image. We provide RPE as Docker images which can be found here. Currently, there are 4 tags (types) available.

  1. min: the minimal version for CPU instances.
  2. ds: the data science version for CPU instances containing recommended libraries for data science.
  3. min-cuda9-cudnn7: the minimal version for GPU instances.
  4. ds-cuda9-cudnn7: the data science version for GPU instances containing recommended libraries for data science.

Below is the list of Python libraries in the ds and ds-cuda9-cudnn7 tags. 



ds-cuda9-cudnn7 has tensorflow-gpu==1.11.0 instead of tensorflow==1.5.0.

CPU Instance

Execute the following command to start the RPE container minimal version:

Paste code macro
sudo docker run --memory-swap="-1" -dti -p 5301:5301 -e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=" -v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/ --name=rpe snaplogic/rpe:min 

Execute the following command to start the RPE container data science version:

Paste code macro
sudo docker run --memory-swap="-1" -dti -p 5301:5301 -e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=" -v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/ --name=rpe snaplogic/rpe:ds

GPU Instance

Execute the following command to start the RPE container minimal version for GPU instance:

Paste code macro
install numpy==1.14.2 RUN pip install simplejson==3.14.0 RUN pip install jsonpickle==0.9.6 RUN pip install scikit-learn==0.19.1 RUN pip install pyyaml==3.12 RUN pip install h5py==2.7.1 RUN pip install scipy==1.0.1 RUN pip install keras==2.1.6 RUN pip install pymongo==3.6.1 RUN pip install psutil==5.4.5 RUN pip install more_itertools==4.1.0 RUN pip install python-dateutil==2.7.2 RUN pip install pytz==2018.4 RUN pip install pandas==0.22.0 RUN pip install pillow==5.1.0 RUN pip install nltk==3.3 RUN pip install textblob==0.15.1 RUN python -m textblob.download_corpora RUN pip install bokeh==0.13.0 RUN pip install tensorflow==1.5.0

Build the Docker Image

Execute the following command to build the Docker image

sudo docker run --memory-swap="-1" -dti -p 5301:5301 -e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=" -v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/ --name=rpe snaplogic/rpe:min-cuda9-cudnn7  

Execute the following command to start the RPE container data science version for GPU instance:

Paste code macro
sudo docker run --memory-swap="-1" -dti -p 5301:5301 -e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=" -v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/ --name=rpe snaplogic/rpe:ds-cuda9-cudnn7 


See below for explanation of each option:

--memory-swap="-1"--memory-swap="<memory_swap_limit>"The container can use unlimited space for memory swapping. See Memory Swap for more information.
-p 5301:5301-p <host_port>:5301The RPE is accessible from host port which is 5301 by default. You may change the host port to support multiple containers on the same node.
-e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN="-e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=<token>"The default token is empty. Strong token is recommended.
-v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/-v <log_dir>/opt/remote_python_executor_log/The log is mounted to /opt/remote_python_executor_log/by default. This location can be changed.
--name=rpe--name=<container_name>The container's name which can be changed in case of multiple containers on the same node.

Manage RPE

Since the RPE starts with the container, use the following commands to start, stop, restart and remove the RPE.

Paste code macro
sudo docker start rpe
sudo docker stop rpe
sudo docker restart rpe
sudo docker rm rpe

Custom Image

The custom RPE package can be download here. This package contains Dockerfile and others. You can modify the Dockerfile and add required libraries in requirements.txt. Then, executing the following command to build the Docker image (make sure to cd into the directory containing Dockerfile).

Paste code macro
sudo docker build --no-cache -t snaplogic_
rpe .

Create Container


Once the image is built, execute the following command to create and

run a Docker container. The Python server starts and stops with the

start the custom RPE container.

Paste code macro
sudo docker run --memory-swap="-1" -dti -p 5201-5202:5201-5202 5301:5301 -e "REMOTE_PYTHON_EXECUTOR_TOKEN=" -v /opt/remote_python_executor_log/:/opt/remote_python_executor_log/ --name=python_serverrpe snaplogic_pythoncustom_server

Restarting Python Server

Since the Python server starts with the container, use the following commands to restart the Python server:

Paste code macrodocker stop python_server docker start python_server