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Snap type:



This Snap deletes an item or a bunch of items (based on batch size) from an existing table in AWS DynamoDB. 

  • Expected upstream SnapsAny Snap that provides a document output view, such as Structure or a JSON Generator Snap. 
  • Expected downstream SnapsAny Snap that has a document input view, such as Filter or Data or JSON Formatter.
  • Expected inputThe table's key schema is suggested on input view. The values for the record keys are passed from the input view. 
  • Expected outputThis Snap returns an HTTP response code 200 on success. 

Note: The delete operation performed by this Snap is Idempotent, that means even when the given input records do not exist, the Snap still gives an HTTP 200 response.



Support and limitations:


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. 

See DynamoDB Account for information on setting up this type of account.


InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Table name

Required. The name of the table to delete the data from. This property is suggestible, that shows the list of the tables in the database.
Example: Thread
Default value: [None]

Delete condition

Specifies a condition to be used on non-key attributes for performing the delete operation.


Applicable only when batch size is 1.

Default value: [None]  

Batch size


Specifies the number of records to be deleted in a single request.

Default value:1

Output deleted records 

Specifies whether or not to display the original records in the output view. 
Default value: Not selected  

Expression attribute values

This property is used to specify the placeholders to be used in delete condition property above. Refer here for more information.


 Attribute TypeValue
 :val1 SAmazon DynamoDB
  • Attribute name must always begin with a colon(:val1)
  • Type will be S

    Specify the placeholders for the Expression Attribute Names and/or Expression Attribute Values. 


    DynamoDB reserves certain words and they are called reserved names. You must not use reserved words as attribute names in expressions. If you must write an expression that contains a word that conflicts with a DynamoDB reserved word, then you can define an expression attribute name to use in the place of the reserved word. For more information, see Expression Attribute Names.

    Similarly, you cannot use certain values as attribute values in expressions and instead must define an expression attribute name. For more information, see Expression Attribute Values.

    Click + to enter:

    • Attribute: The expression attribute name. Begins with a # for names and : for values. 
    • Type: The attribute type. Blank for Expression Attribute Names. S for string, N for number, and so on, for Values.
    • Value
     is the
    • : The actual literal to be used in the delete
    • condition.


    Suppose, you have a table T1

    has two columns A1 and A2 where A1 is a key- attribute and A2 is a non-key attribute. A record having value for A2 as 'Snap' needs to be deleted. We cannot enter A2=Snap in the delete condition directly , instead

    with a column named Product. We want to delete a value from the Product column. Here, you cannot enter Product=value in the delete condition directly but must assign a placeholder for the value

    and hence

    . Hence,


    we define

    an Attribute :v1 of Type S, and Value as Snap. We will then give A2=:v1 in the delete condition

    the Attribute :val1 of Type S and under Value, pass $values1. In the Snap Delete condition, we enter Product=:val1.

     Attribute TypeValue
     :val1 S$value1

    Image Added

    Similarly, if your table contains a column named UUID (a reserved word) and you want to delete a value from the UUID column, then you must assign a placeholder for the column name because you cannot use a reserved word directly in your expression. We can define the Attribute #u, leave the Type blank, and enter the value as UUID. In the Snap Delete condition, we enter #u=:val1.

     Attribute TypeValue

    Image Added

    Execute during preview

    This property enables you to execute the Snap during the Save operation so that the output view can produce the preview data.  

    Default value: Not selected

    title DynamoDB Complex types

    DynamoDB Complex types:

    • Sets
    • Lists
    • Map

    String Set [SS]

    A values of this type contains a set of strings delimited by double quotes as follows:

    Pattern: [String object 1, String object 2, ........, String Object n]

    Example: ["Snaplogic", "San Mateo", "Pipeline"]

    Number Set [NS]

    A value of this type contains a set of numbers delimited by double quotes as follows:

    Pattern: [Number Obj1, Number Object2,...., Number Object n]

    Example: ["123", "24.56", "-35", "-21.456","0"]

    Binary Set [BS]

    A value of this type contains a set of base64-encoded binary data objects delimited by double quotes as follows:

    Pattern: [ Binary Object 1, Binary Object 2,...Binary Object n]

    Example: ["U3Vubnk=", "UmFpbnk=", "U25vd3k="]

    List (L):

    A value of this type contains a set of objects. Each object further can be of any type (String, Number, String Set, Map, List etc.,). In general, the List object resembles a JSON array.

    Pattern: [ object 1, object 2, ........, Object n]

    Example: [{"N":"3"},{"S":"-7.5"},{"B":"U3Vubnk="},{"L":[{"N":"-45.56"},{"M":{"Name":{"S":"ahmed"}}}]},{"M":{"name":{"S":"syed"}}},{"SS":["a","b"]},{"BS":["U3Vubnk="]},{"NS":["23","45"]}]


    A value of this type contains a set of key- value pairs. Keys are always strings, whereas values can be of any type (String, Number, String Set, Map, List etc.,). In general, the Map object resembles a JSON array.
    Pattern: {"Key1":Object1, "Key2": Object2......"Keyn": Objectn}

    Example: {"id":{"S":"snaplogic"}, "orgs":{"L":[{"S":"uat"}, {"S":"qa"}]}, "admins":{"L":[{"M":{"name":{"S":"a"}}}, {"M":{"name":{"S":"45"}}}]}}

    The pipeline using the Binary Set types for the Delete Table Item Snap:



    In this pipeline, the DynamoDB Delete Item Snap, deletes a record from the table DynamoDB_Delete1 using a delete condition by defining a placeholder.

    In the upstream Mapper Snap, supply the key (737314009510) of an item to be deleted and define its placeholder value ($values1) for the attribute to be used in the delete condition.  

    In the DynamoDb Delete Table Item Snap,  we want to delete a record from the table DynamoDB_Delete1, when the delete condition is Product = :val1, where the attribute :val1 = $Values1. 


    Successful execution of the pipeline displays the HTTP status code 200 in the output view: 

    Insert excerpt
    DynamoDB Snap Pack
    DynamoDB Snap Pack