DynamoDB Account

DynamoDB Account

In this article


Use this account type to connect DynamoDB Snaps with data sources that use DynamoDB accounts. The account now supports the IAM role using the Authentication Types when setting up the account.



Limitations and Known Issues


Account Settings


  • Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon ( ): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ( ): Indicates the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( ): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.

  • Remove icon ( ): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency


Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default Value: None
Example: DynamoDB IAM Role



Specify a unique label for the account.

AWS Endpoint*

Default Value: None
Example: xyz876jhnJKBuya9730




Specify the AWS Endpoint URL. Refer to AWS Service Endpoints for more information.

AWS Region*

Default Value: None
Example: us-east-1




Specify the AWS region where the application is running from the allowed values.

Authentication Type

Dropdown List


Select either of the following Authentication Types to create your DynamoDB Account:

  • User Credentials

  • IAM Role

Learn more about DynamoDB Account Configuration Scenarios.

Cross Account IAM Role settings are available in the Account settings dialog box regardless of the Authentication Type you choose.

AWS Access Key ID

Default Value: None
Example: us-east-1

String /Expression

Appears when you select User Credentials as Authentication Type.

Specify the Access Key ID associated with your AWS authentication.

AWS Secret Key

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>



Specify the Secret Key associated with your AWS authentication.

AWS Security Token

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>



Specify the Security Token to get access to AWS resources using credentials. Note that only global Security Token Service (STS) regions are supported.

Cross Account IAM Role

Use this field set to configure the cross-account access. Learn more about - Setting up Cross-Account IAM Role.

Role ARN

Default Value: N/A
Example: arn:aws:iam::612864912850:role/EC2_to_assume_role


Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.


External ID

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Specify an External ID that might be required by the role to assume.

DynamoDB Account Configuration Scenarios


Groundplex Type

Role attached to EC2 instance

Authentication Type and other details


Groundplex Type

Role attached to EC2 instance

Authentication Type and other details

When the Groundplex type is an AWS EC2 and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB access role.

AWS EC2-type

DynamoDB access role.

Select Authentication Type as the IAM Role.

When the Groundplex type is an AWS EC2 and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

AWS EC2-type

DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

Select Authentication Type as IAM the Role and provide details for the Cross-account IAM Role.

When you do not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB access role.

User does not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex. Value is from local machine.

DynamoDB access role

Select the Authentication Type as User Credentials and provide details for the following fields:

  • AWS Access Key ID

  • AWS Secret Key

  • AWS Security Token (optional)

When you do not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

User does not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex. Value is from local machine.

DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

Select Authentication Type as User Credentials and provide details for the following fields:

  • AWS Access Key ID

  • AWS Secret Key

  • AWS Security Token (optional)

  • Cross-account IAM Role

DynamoDB Permissions

The ListTables permission requires all resources (*) to be selected (because it needs to be able to list all the DynamoDB tables), but the others can have policies that are more limited (for example, to a specific table) as per the DynamoDB API Permissions reference. Following is the most basic and permissive Policy document that could be assigned to the user that would guarantee all the required permissions are granted.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1482439123852", "Action": [ "dynamodb:BatchGetItem", "dynamodb:BatchWriteItem", "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "dynamodb:ListTables", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:UpdateItem" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }








Failed to validate account: Failed to connect to service endpoint.

The connection to the host failed.

Verify that the Cross-account IAM role is not attached to the EC2 instance. Refer to Configure an IAM Role in a DynamoDB Account | Attach IAM Role to Instance for additional information.

AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key are mandatory for Client Credentials.

The AWS Access Key and AWS Secret might be invalid.

Verify valid AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret are provided.

Failed to perform AssumeRole operation.

The following could be the reasons:

  • Insufficient permissions

  • Incorrect Role ARN

  • Account or role restrictions

  • Verify that the Sanplex is an EC2 plex and IAM role associated with the EC2 instance can assume the cross-account IAM role.

  • Ensure that the necessary permissions and trust relationships are correctly configured.

  • Ensure that the correct role ARN and valid credentials are being used.

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