MySQL Snap Pack
Kalpana Malladi
Diane Miller (Deactivated)
Aparna Tayi (Unlicensed)
In this article
Use the MySQL Snap Pack to connect to your MySQL database or MySQL-compatible database (like Aurora and MariaDB) and achieve read and write access to its objects.
Use Snaps in this Snap Pack to:
Get list of tables in a database.
Lookup records in the target table and return a selected set of fields.
Fetch data from a database.
Execute SQL statements to delete, update, merge or insert data within a specified table.
Supported Versions
This Snap Pack is tested against:
MySQL 8.0.17
Amazon Aurora 1.17.2
Azure SQL DB 5.6 and 5.7
MySQL - Bulk Load Snap supports the following versions:
MySQL 8.0.17
MySQL 5.6.34
Known Issues
When MySQL execute Snaps (MySQL - Execute and MySQL - Multi Execute) are followed by MySQL non-execute Snaps, such as MySQL - Insert, MySQL - Merge, and so on, the following error is displayed when executed:
Table definition has changed, please retry transaction.
This happens due to a known issue in the MySql Connector. For more information about this issue, see MySQL Bug #65378.
Snap Pack History
Release | Snap Pack Version | Date | Type | Updates |
February 2025 | 440patches30071 | Latest | Fixed the Null Pointer Exception (NPE) issue in the MySQL Snaps. Now, these Snaps display an exception error instead of NPE when the URL properties (key and value) and either key or value are empty. | |
February 2025 | 440patches30047 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the MySQL Bulk Load Snap that failed to display an exception when inserting null values into non-null columns. | |
February 2025 | main29887 | Stable | Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release. | |
November 2024 | main29029 | Stable | Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release. | |
August 2024 | main27765 | | Stable | Updated and certified against the current Snaplogic Platform release. |
May 2024 | 437patches26298 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the MySQL - Multi Execute Snap and the MySQL - Execute Snaps that displayed a | |
May 2024 | main26341 | Stable | Updated the Delete Condition (Truncates a Table if empty) field in the MySQL - Delete Snap to Delete condition (deletes all records from a table if left blank) to indicate that all entries will be deleted from the table when this field is blank, but no truncate operation is performed. | |
February 2024 | 436patches25659 | Latest |
| |
February 2024 | main25112 | Stable | Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release. | |
November 2023 | main23721 |
| Stable | Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release. |
August 2023 | main22460 | | Stable | The MySQL - Execute Snap now includes a new Query type field. When Auto is selected, the Snap tries to determine the query type automatically. |
May 2023 | main21015 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
February 2023 | 432patches19870 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the preview data of the MySQL-Execute Snap that displayed the date format as | |
February 2023 | main19844 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
November 2022 | 431patches19263 | Latest | The MySQL Insert Snap no longer includes the Preserve case-sensitivity checkbox because the database is case-insensitive. The database stores the data regardless of whether the columns in the target table and the input data are in mixed, lower, or upper case. | |
November 2022 | main18944 | Stable |
| |
September 2022 | 430patches17894 | Latest | The MySQL Select Snap now work as expected when the table name is dependent on an upstream input; | |
August 2022 | 430patches17387 | Latest | The following issues are fixed in the MySQL Bulk Load Snap:
| |
August 2022 | main17386 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.29 | main15993 |
| Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. |
4.28 Patch | 428patches15101 | Latest | Fixed an issue with SQL Server - Execute Snap where the Pipeline was failing when there were consecutive execute Snaps with a procedure call, followed by select statements. | |
4.28 | main14627 | Stable | Updated the label for Delete Condition to Delete Condition (Truncates Table if empty) in the MySQL Delete Snap. | |
4.27 | main12833 | Stable |
| |
4.26 | main11181 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.25 | 425patches11008 | Latest |
| |
4.25 | main9554 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.24 | main8556 | Stable |
| |
4.23 Patch | 423patches7732 | Latest | Fixes an issue in the MySQL - Bulk Load Snap to support the following versions:
| |
4.23 | main7430 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.22 Patch | 422patches6629 | Latest | Fixes the MySQL Snap Pack by acknowledging the lineage information of the original document in an empty output view when Pass Through is enabled. | |
4.22 | main6403 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.21 Patch | 421patches6272 | Latest | Fixes the issue where Snowflake SCD2 Snap generates two output documents despite no changes to Cause-historization fields with DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP Snowflake data types, and with Ignore unchanged rows field selected. | |
4.21 Patch | 421patches6144 | Latest | Fixes the following issues with DB Snaps:
| |
4.21 Patch | mysql8842 | Latest |
| |
4.21 Patch | MULTIPLE8841 | Latest | Fixes the connection issue in Database Snaps by detecting and closing open connections after the Snap execution ends. | |
4.21 | snapsmrc542 |
| Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. |
4.20 Patch | db/mysql8815 | Latest | Fixes the MySQL Stored Procedure Snap to resolve compatibility issues with the Amazon Aurora database. | |
4.20 Patch | db/mysql8786 | Latest | Fixes the MySQL - Bulk Load Snap to use the UTF-8 character set for writing temporary files in order to successfully handle special characters, irrespective of the value specified in the Character set field in the Snap settings. | |
4.20 | snapsmrc535 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.19 Patch | db/mysql8638 | Latest | Fixes the MySQL Database Account where the associated Snaps produce a huge count of open file descriptors when the Configure SSH Tunnel property is enabled. | |
4.19 Patch | db/mysql8635 | Latest | Fixes the MySQL - Execute Snap where the retry option fails to establish a connection with the MySQL database, after an interrupted transmission. | |
4.19 Patch | db/mysql8407 | Latest | Fixes an issue with the MySQL - Update Snap wherein the Snap is unable to perform operations when:
| |
4.19 Patch | db/mysql8390 | Latest | Fixes an issue wherein the MySQL Snaps are unable to reconnect to the MySQL database after the breakdown of a connection. | |
4.19 Patch | db/mysql8340 | Latest | Fixes an issue with the MySQL Bulk Load Snap wherein the Snap is unable to execute the bulk load feature with MySQL 8.0 and higher versions. | |
4.19 | snaprsmrc528 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.18 Patch | db/mysql7846 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the MySQL Snaps wherein the Snaps exhibit degraded performance with snapsmrc523. | |
4.18 | snapsmrc523 | Stable | Reverted a 4.17-patch (db/mysql7395) update regarding how BIT and BOOLEAN column data type values are displayed. They now display as true or false (4.17GA behavior in snapsmrc515) rather than converting to 0 or 1 values (4.17-patch behavior). | |
4.17 Patch | db/mysql7395 | Latest | Fixed an issue wherein bit data types in the MySQL - Select table convert to true or false instead of 0 or 1. | |
4.17 Patch | db/mysql7357 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the MySQL Execute snap wherein the Retry property for connection fails after the database connection is severed. | |
4.17 | ALL7402 | Latest | Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers. | |
4.17 | snapsmrc515 | Latest |
| |
4.16 Patch | MULTIPLE7123 | Latest | Added two new properties, Number of retries and Retry interval, to Delete, Insert, Select, Execute, Merge, Update, and MutliExecute Snaps that enables you to handle retry attempts during a connection failure. | |
4.16 Patch | db/mysql6823 | Latest | Fixed an issue with the Lookup Snap passing data simultaneously to output and error views when some values contained spaces at the end. | |
4.16 | snapsmrc508 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.15 Patch | MULTIPLE6413 | Latest | Added 2 new properties, JDBC Driver Class and JDBC JARs. The new properties enable uploading JDBC JARs that help connect to MYSQL8. | |
4.15 Patch | db/mysql6332 | Latest | Replaced Max idle time and Idle connection test period properties with Max life time and Idle Timeout properties respectively, in the Account configuration. The new properties fix the connection release issues that were occurring due to default/restricted DB Account settings. | |
4.15 | snapsmrc500 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.14 | snapsmrc490 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.13 | snapsmrc486 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.12 Patch | db/mysql4924 | Latest | Fixed the MySQL Bulk Load Snap so that it doesn't produce an output document if there are no input documents. | |
4.12 | snapsmrc480 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.11 | snapsmrc465 | Stable |
| |
4.10 Patch | mysql3988 | Latest | SSH Tunnelling related properties added at the Account level for both MySQL Dynamic Account and MySQL Database Account. | |
4.10 | snapsmrc414 | Stable | Added Auto commit property to the Select and Execute Snaps at the Snap level to support overriding of the Auto commit property at the Account level. | |
4.9.0 Patch | mysql3070 | Latest | Fixed an issue regarding connection not closed after login failure; Expose autocommit for "Select into" statement in PostgreSQL Execute Snap and Redshift Execute Snap | |
4.9 | snapsmrc405 | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.8.0 Patch | mysql2755 | Latest | Potential fix for JDBC deadlock issue. | |
4.8.0 Patch | mysql2695 | Latest | Addresses an issue where some changes made in the platform patch MRC294 to improve perfomance caused Snaps in the listed Snap Packs to fail. | |
4.8 | snapsmrc398 | Stable |
| |
4.7.0 Patch | mysql2189 | Latest | Fixed an issue for database Select Snaps regarding Limit rows not supporting an empty string from a pipeline parameter. | |
4.7.0 Patch | mysql2280 | Latest | MySQL Merge will now route documents to the output and error views correctly | |
4.7 | snapsmrc382 | Stable | Added a new Snap, MySQL Bulk Load. | |
4.6 | snapsmrc362 | Stable |
| |
4.5.1 | snapsmrc344 | Stable | Fixed an error in a tooltip for MySQL - Select Snap. | |
4.5 | snapsmrc344 | Latest | Resolved an issue in MySQL Insert Snap to ensure an error is reported when table column is set to NOT NULL. | |
4.4.1 | NA | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.4 | NA | Stable | Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release. | |
4.3.2 | NA | Stable |
| |
4.3 | NA | NA | Stable | Table List Snap: A new option, Compute table graph, now lets you determine whether or not to generate dependents data into the output. |
4.2.2 | NA | NA | Stable |
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