MySQL - Bulk Load

MySQL - Bulk Load

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MySQL account settings have been shared across different MySQL Snaps and the batch size settings varies the performance for some of the Snaps. We recommend changing the batch size setting (within the account details) to 100k or 200k for only the MySQL Bulk Load Snap (these batch size settings for bulk load may vary based on the environment settings but this range should be ideal).

If you are using other MySQL Snaps along with MySQL Bulk Load Snap in the same pipeline, then use different accounts for each of these Snaps and increase the batch size setting for MySQL Bulk Load Snap (within the account details) as mentioned above.

The bulk load feature is disabled by default for MySQL 8.0 and higher versions. To use the MySQL Bulk Load Snap with MySQL v8 and higher, enable the server and the Snap as a client of the Bulk Load feature in the JDBC driver.

To enable the bulk load feature in the JDBC driver, perform the following actions:

  • In MySQL v8 or higher, add the following lines to my.cnf file and restart the server.

    If the my.cnf file does not exist, create one in the main directory of the server.

  • In MySQL Bulk Load Snap (r4.19 or later), add the following entry to the Url properties field in the associated MySQL account.

    allowLoadLocalInfile = true

Snap type:



Snap executes MySQL bulk load.  This Snap uses the LOAD DATA INFILE statement internally to perform the bulk load action. The file is first copied to JCC node, then to MySQL server under tmp directory and finally to the target MySQL table. 

Ensure sufficient space in the JCC and MySQL tmp location.

Table Creation

If the table does not exist when the Snap tries to do the load, and the Create table property is set, the table will be created with the columns and data types required to hold the values in the first input document. If you would like the table to be created with the same schema as a source table, you can connect the second output view of a Select Snap to the second input view of this Snap. The extra view in the Select and Bulk Load Snaps are used to pass metadata about the table, effectively allowing you to replicate a table from one database to another.

The table metadata document that is read in by the second input view contains a dump of the JDBC DatabaseMetaData class. The document can be manipulated to affect the CREATE TABLE statement that is generated by this Snap. For example, to rename the name column to full_name, you can use a Mapper (Data) Snap that sets the path $.columns.name.COLUMN_NAME to full_name.  The document contains the following fields:

  • columns - Contains the result of the getColumns() method with each column as a separate field in the object. Changing the COLUMN_NAME value will change the name of the column in the created table. Note that if you change a column name, you do not need to change the name of the field in the row input documents. The Snap will automatically translate from the original name to the new name. For example, when changing from name to full_name, the name field in the input document will be put into the "full_name" column. You can also drop a column by setting the COLUMN_NAME value to null or the empty string.  The other fields of interest in the column definition are:

    • TYPE_NAME - The type to use for the column.  If this type is not known to the database, the DATA_TYPE field will be used as a fallback.  If you want to explicitly set a type for a column, set the DATA_TYPE field.

    • _SL_PRECISION - Contains the result of the getPrecision() method.  This field is used along with the _SL_SCALE field for setting the precision and scale of a DECIMAL or NUMERIC field.

    • _SL_SCALE - Contains the result of the getScale() method.  This field is used along with the _SL_PRECISION field for setting the precision and scale of a DECIMAL or NUMERIC field.

  • primaryKeyColumns - Contains the result of the getPrimaryKeys() method with each column as a separate field in the object.

  • declaration - Contains the result of the getTables() method for this table. The values in this object are just informational at the moment.  The target table name is taken from the Snap property.

  • importedKeys - Contains the foreign key information from the getImportedKeys() method. The generated CREATE TABLE statement will include FOREIGN KEY constraints based on the contents of this object. Note that you will need to change the PKTABLE_NAME value if you changed the name of the referenced table when replicating it.

  • indexInfo - Contains the result of the getIndexInfo() method for this table with each index as a separated field in the object.  Any UNIQUE indexes in here will be included in the CREATE TABLE statement generated by this Snap.

  • The Snap will not automatically fix some errors encountered during table creation since they may require user intervention to resolve correctly. For example, if the source table contains a column with a type that does not have a direct mapping in the target database, the Snap will fail to execute. You will then need to add a Mapper (Data) Snap to change the metadata document to explicitly set the values needed to produce a valid CREATE TABLE statement.
  • The BLOB type is not supported by this Snap.  


Support and limitations:
  • Does not work in Ultra Tasks.
  • When MySQL execute Snaps (MySQL - Execute and MySQL - Multi Execute) are followed by MySQL non-execute Snaps, such as MySQL - Insert, MySQL - Merge, and so on, the following error is displayed when executed:

    Table definition has changed, please retry transaction.

    This happens due to a known issue in the MySql Connector. For more information about this issue, see MySQL Bug #65378.


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See MySQL Account for information on setting up this type of account.

MySQL account settings have been shared across different MySQL Snaps and the batch size settings varies the performance for some of the Snaps. We recommend changing the batch size setting (within the account details) to 100k or 200k for only the MySQL Bulk Load Snap (these batch size settings for bulk load may vary based on the environment settings but this range should be ideal).

If you are using other MySQL Snaps along with MySQL Bulk Load Snap in the same pipeline, then use different accounts for each of these Snaps and increase the batch size setting for MySQL Bulk Load Snap (within the account details) as mentioned above. 


This Snap has one document input view by default. 

A second view can be added for metadata for the table as a document so that the target absent table can be created in the MySQL database with a similar schema as the source table. This schema is usually from the second output of a database Select Snap. If the schema is from a different database, there is no guarantee that all the data types would be properly handled.

OutputThis Snap has at most one document output view.

This Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view. 



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Schema name

The database schema name. In case it is not defined, then the suggestion for the Table name will retrieve all tables names of all schemas. The property is suggestible and will retrieve available database schemas during suggest values.

The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Example: SYS
Default value: [None] 

Table name

Required. Table on which to execute the bulk load operation.

The values can be passed using the pipeline parameters but not the upstream parameter.

Example: people
Default value:  [None] 

Create table if not present

Whether the table should be automatically created if it is not already present. 

Default value: Not selected 


This is used to specify a list of one or more partitions and/or subpartitions. When used, if any input document cannot be inserted into any of the partitions or subpartitions named in the list, the input document will be ignored.

Default value:  Not selected 


When no column list is provided, input documents are expected to contain a field for each table column. When a column list is provided, the Snap will load only the specified columns.
Default value: Not selected 

Set Clause

Required. This is used to assign values to columns. For example, you can use "COLUMN1 = 1" to insert integer 1 to column COLUMN1 for each input document. See this link for more information.

Default value: [None] 

On duplicates

Required. Specifies the action to be performed when duplicate records are found. In other words, rows that have the same value for a primary key or unique index as an existing row. If you choose REPLACE, input rows replace the existing rows. If you choose IGNORE, input rows are ignored.

Default value: IGNORE 

Concurrency Option

Specifies how to handle the load process when other clients are reading from the table. 

Available concurrency options are:

  • LOW_PRIORITY -  If this option is selected, the loading process is delayed until no other clients are reading from the table. This affects only storage engines that use only table-level locking (such as MyISAM, MEMORY, and MERGE).
  • CONCURRENT - If this option is used with a MyISAM table that satisfies the condition for concurrent inserts (that is, it contains no free blocks in the middle), other threads can retrieve data from the table while MySQL Bulk Load Snap is executing. This affects the performance of the MySQL Bulk Load Snap a bit, even if no other thread is using the table at the same time.

Default value: None 

Character Set

The MySQL server uses the character set indicated by the character_set_database system variable to interpret the information in the inputs. If the contents of the inputs use a character set that differs from the default, it is recommended that you specify the character set of the inputs with this property. A character set of binary specifies "no conversion".

It is not possible to load data that uses the ucs2, utf16, utf16le, or utf32 character set. 

 Default: [None] 

Chunk size

Specifies the number of records to be loaded at a time.

Note: This property will override the "Batch size" property of the account

Default: 100000

Snap execution

Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

When invalid data is passed to the Snap, the Snap execution fails. The database administrator can set a global variable that can either handle an invalid case by passing a default value (such as, if strings are passed for integers, then pass the value 0) , or by displaying an error. See Load Data Syntax for more information.

In a scenario where the Auto commit on the account is set to true, and the downstream Snap does depends on the data processed on an Upstream Database Bulk Load Snap, use the Script Snap to add delay for the data to be available.

For example, when performing a create, insert and a delete function sequentially on a pipeline, using a Script Snap helps in creating a delay between the insert and delete function or otherwise it may turn out that the delete function is triggered even before inserting the records on the table.


The following example illustrates the usage of the MySQL Bulk Load Snap.  In this pipeline, we map the data using the Mapper Snap, insert it into the target table using the MySQL Bulkload Snap,  read the data using the MySQL Select Snap and additionally sending the first document to the output view using the Head Snap.

The pipeline:

1. The mapper Snap maps the data and writes the result to the  target path, enron numeric_table. 

2. The MySQL Bulk Load Snap loads inputs to the table, enron numeric_table.

3. The MySQL Select Snap gets records from the table, enron numeric_table  where the clause is col1= 100. 

4.  The Head Snap is set to1, meaning it would send the first document to the output view, and hence the  MySQL Select Snap passes the first document only.

Successful execution of the pipeline gives the following output preview.

Snap Pack History

 Click to view/expand
Release Snap Pack VersionDateType  Updates
February 2025main29887 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2024main29029 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2024




Updated and certified against the current Snaplogic Platform release.

May 2024437patches26298 Latest

Fixed an issue with the MySQL - Multi Execute Snap and the MySQL - Execute Snaps that displayed a null pointer exception when the Snap did not check  null table metadata.

May 2024main26341 StableUpdated the Delete Condition (Truncates a Table if empty) field in the MySQL - Delete Snap to Delete condition (deletes all records from a table if left blank) to indicate that all entries will be deleted from the table when this field is blank, but no truncate operation is performed.
February 2024436patches25659 Latest
  • Fixed an issue with the MySQL- Multi Execute Snap that committed the changes when the Snap was expected to roll back if any query failed and the Number of Retries was more than 0. The Snap now performs a rollback when one or more queries fail.

  • Fixed an issue with the MySQL-Insert Snap that displayed an error when you inserted values such as 128 or more in the Tinyint unsigned datatype when the datatype must accept all the values in the range of 0-255.

  • Fixed an issue with MySQL-Insert Snap that failed to store the Time datatype with precision in the target table when passed from an upstream Mapper Snap in the string format or Date-only date format.

February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023main23721


StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2023




The MySQL - Execute Snap now includes a new Query type field. When Auto is selected, the Snap tries to determine the query type automatically.

May 2023



Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023432patches19870 Latest

Fixed an issue with the preview data of the MySQL-Execute Snap that displayed the date format as %m %d %Y (without the forward slash '/'). The Snap now displays the date as intended in %m/%d/%Y format after validation.

February 2023main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022431patches19263 Latest

The MySQL Insert Snap no longer includes the Preserve case-sensitivity checkbox because the database is case-insensitive. The database stores the data regardless of whether the columns in the target table and the input data are in mixed, lower, or upper case.

November 2022main18944 Stable
  • The MySQL - Insert Snap now creates the target table only from the table metadata of the second input view when the following conditions are met:

    • The Create table if not present checkbox is selected.

    • The target table does not exist.

    • The table metadata is provided in the second input view.

September 2022430patches17894 Latest

The MySQL Select Snap now work as expected when the table name is dependent on an upstream input;

August 2022430patches17387 Latest

The following issues are fixed in the MySQL Bulk Load Snap:

  • Writing the first batch of records to a temporary file after the Snap fails. Now the Snap writes to the error view as is the expected behavior.

  • Temporary files generation when a record does not contain a table column. Now, the Snaplex removes the temporary files created along with the directory after the Pipeline execution.

August 2022main17386 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.





Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.28 Patch



Fixed an issue with SQL Server - Execute Snap where the Pipeline was failing when there were consecutive execute Snaps with a procedure call, followed by select statements.

4.28main14627 StableUpdated the label for Delete Condition to Delete Condition (Truncates Table if empty) in the MySQL Delete Snap.
4.27main12833 Stable
  • Enhanced the MySQL Database Account to skip batch execution, when the Batch size value is one. When the Batch size is greater than one, the batch is executed.
  • Enhanced the MySQL - Execute Snap to invoke stored procedures.
4.26main11181 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.25425patches11008 Latest
  • Enhanced the MySQL - Lookup Snap suggestions to load the Output Fields and Lookup Column settings.
  • Fixed an issue with MySQL - Select Snap where the second output view of the Snap was showing empty column values and improved the error messages in the Snap where the Snap fails with Null Pointer Exception when the account reference provided is invalid.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
  • Enhances the MySQL - Select Snap to return only the fields (provided in the Output Fields) in the output schema (second output view), through a new check box Fetch Output Fields In Schema. If the Output Fields property is empty all the columns are visible.
  • Enhances the MySQL - Stored Procedure to accept parameters from input documents by column keys. If the values are empty, the parameters are populated based on the column keys for easier mapping in the upstream Mapper Snap.
4.23 Patch423patches7732 Latest

Fixes an issue in the MySQL - Bulk Load Snap to support the following versions:

  • MySQL 8.0.17 
  • MySQL 5.6.34
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.22 Patch422patches6629 Latest

Fixes the MySQL Snap Pack by acknowledging the lineage information of the original document in an empty output view when Pass Through is enabled. 

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.21 Patch421patches6272 Latest

Fixes the issue where Snowflake SCD2 Snap generates two output documents despite no changes to Cause-historization fields with DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP Snowflake data types, and with Ignore unchanged rows field selected.

4.21 Patch421patches6144 Latest

Fixes the following issues with DB Snaps:

  • The connection thread waits indefinitely causing the subsequent connection requests to become unresponsive.
  • Connection leaks occur during Pipeline execution.
4.21 Patch
mysql8842 Latest
  • Fixes the SSH tunneling issue by ensuring connectivity between JCC and MySQL server.

  • Updates the UI for MySQL Accounts to simplify the SSH tunneling configuration as described in Configuring MySQL Accounts.

4.21 PatchMULTIPLE8841 Latest

Fixes the connection issue in Database Snaps by detecting and closing open connections after the Snap execution ends.



StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.20 Patch 

db/mysql8815 Latest

Fixes the MySQL Stored Procedure Snap to resolve compatibility issues with the Amazon Aurora database.

4.20 Patch 

db/mysql8786 Latest

Fixes the MySQL - Bulk Load Snap to use the UTF-8 character set for writing temporary files in order to successfully handle special characters, irrespective of the value specified in the Character set field in the Snap settings.  

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.19 Patch db/mysql8638 Latest

Fixes the MySQL Database Account where the associated Snaps produce a huge count of open file descriptors when the Configure SSH Tunnel property is enabled.

4.19 Patch 

db/mysql8635 Latest

Fixes the MySQL - Execute Snap where the retry option fails to establish a connection with the MySQL database, after an interrupted transmission.

4.19 Patch 

db/mysql8407 Latest

Fixes an issue with the MySQL - Update Snap wherein the Snap is unable to perform operations when:

  • An expression is used in the Update condition property.
  • Input data contain the character '?'.

4.19 Patch 

db/mysql8390 Latest

Fixes an issue wherein the MySQL Snaps are unable to reconnect to the MySQL database after the breakdown of a connection.

4.19 Patch 

db/mysql8340 Latest

Fixes an issue with the MySQL Bulk Load Snap wherein the Snap is unable to execute the bulk load feature with MySQL 8.0 and higher versions.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.18 Patch db/mysql7846 Latest

Fixed an issue with the MySQL Snaps wherein the Snaps exhibit degraded performance with snapsmrc523.


Reverted a 4.17-patch (db/mysql7395) update regarding how BIT and BOOLEAN column data type values are displayed. They now display as true or false (4.17GA behavior in snapsmrc515) rather than converting to 0 or 1 values (4.17-patch behavior).

4.17 Patch db/mysql7395 Latest

Fixed an issue wherein bit data types in the MySQL - Select table convert to true or false instead of 0 or 1.

4.17 Patch db/mysql7357 Latest

Fixed an issue with the MySQL Execute snap wherein the Retry property for connection fails after the database connection is severed.


Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.

  • Fixed an issue with the MySQL Execute Snap wherein the Snap would send the input document to the output view even if the Pass through field is not selected in the Snap configuration. With this fix, the Snap sends the input document to the output view, under the key original, only if you select the Pass through field.
  • Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during preview check box.
4.16 PatchMULTIPLE7123 Latest

Added two new properties, Number of retries and Retry interval, to Delete, Insert, Select, Execute, Merge, Update, and MutliExecute Snaps that enables you to handle retry attempts during a connection failure.

4.16 Patch db/mysql6823 Latest

Fixed an issue with the Lookup Snap passing data simultaneously to output and error views when some values contained spaces at the end.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.15 PatchMULTIPLE6413 Latest

Added 2 new properties, JDBC Driver Class and JDBC JARs. The new properties enable uploading JDBC JARs that help connect to MYSQL8.

4.15 Patch db/mysql6332 Latest

Replaced Max idle time and Idle connection test period properties with Max life time and Idle Timeout properties respectively, in the Account configuration. The new properties fix the connection release issues that were occurring due to default/restricted DB Account settings.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.12 Patch db/mysql4924 Latest

Fixed the MySQL Bulk Load Snap so that it doesn't produce an output document if there are no input documents.



StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
  • New! MySQL Stored Procedure Snap added to call/execute MySQL Stored Procedure.
  • SSH Tunnelling related properties added at the Account level for both MySQL Dynamic Account and MySQL Database Account.
4.10 Patchmysql3988 Latest

SSH Tunnelling related properties added at the Account level for both MySQL Dynamic Account and MySQL Database Account.




Added Auto commit property to the Select and Execute Snaps at the Snap level to support overriding of the Auto commit property at the Account level.

4.9.0 Patch

mysql3070 Latest

Fixed an issue regarding connection not closed after login failure; Expose autocommit for "Select into" statement in PostgreSQL Execute Snap and Redshift Execute Snap

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.8.0 Patchmysql2755 Latest

Potential fix for JDBC deadlock issue.

4.8.0 Patch

mysql2695 Latest

Addresses an issue where some changes made in the platform patch MRC294 to improve perfomance caused Snaps in the listed Snap Packs to fail. 



  • Info tab added to accounts.
  • Database accounts now invalidate connection pools if account properties are modified and login attempts fail.

4.7.0 Patch

mysql2189 Latest

Fixed an issue for database Select Snaps regarding Limit rows not supporting an empty string from a pipeline parameter.

4.7.0 Patch



MySQL Merge will now route documents to the output and error views correctly




Added a new Snap, MySQL Bulk Load.

  • Enhanced MySQL Execute Snap to fully support SQL statements with/without expressions & SQL bind variables.
  • Extended support for MySQL Dynamic accounts.
  • Resolved an issue in MySQL Select Snap that caused failures in the second output view when retrieving outputs from a table with a dot (.) character.
  • Resolved an issue in MySQL Execute Snap that caused failures when passing expression ($variable_name) for stored procedures.
  • Resolved an issue in MySQL Execute Snap that caused failures when an SQL statement had an inline comment.
  • Resolved an issue in MySQL Execute Snap that ignored all statements after "–".



Fixed an error in a tooltip for MySQL - Select Snap.




Resolved an issue in MySQL Insert Snap to ensure an error is reported when table column is set to NOT NULL.

4.4.1NA StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.4NA StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.3.2NA Stable
  • NEW! MySQL Lookup Snap
  • Improved performance of the MySQL Execute Snap.

Table List Snap: A new option, Compute table graph, now lets you determine whether or not to generate dependents data into the output.


  • Ignore empty result added to Execute and Select Snaps. The option will not write any document to the output view for select statements producing no results.
  • Resolved a Java exception in MySQL Merge Snap.