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Snaps are the building blocks of a Pipeline and perform a a pipeline. Each Snap performs a single function, such as read, writeparse, transform or act on write data. They are found in the Snap Catalog, accessible on the left  You can view the Snaps available to you (or your account) in the Snaps Catalog, on the left-hand side of the SnapLogic Designer. Drag  You can drag a Snap from the Snap catalog onto the workspace to the Snap Catalog onto the Canvas to use it in a pipelinePipeline.

The Snap catalog is populated with a By default, the Snap Catalog contains a set of core Snaps available to Snaps available to all users.  

To add

You can add premium or custom Snaps

, they must be installed in

by installing them in Manager on

the project

the project-level Snap Packs page.

  • To

  • know which version of a Snap Pack is in use,

learn about Snap development, see our developer site.

Snap Popups

Once a Snap is on the workspace, click it to open the Snap popup to configure the settings. Click the Snap again to hide the popup.

Most Snap popups have the following tabs:

  • Settings: contains the configurable properties for the Snap
  • Accounts: if you need login information to connect to another application from this Snap, you would set it on this tab.
    Account reference can be an expression. In that expression you can pass a pipeline parameter that must evaluate to the name of a valid account. Provide a full path or the account name will be searched for in the current project, then project space shared, then org shared. This works similarly to using Pipeline Execute.  
  • Views: contains the input, output, and error views for the Snap. Views that have a circle shape process document data while those with a diamond shape process binary data.

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    If an error occurs and and error view is not specified, you will still see an error message. For more detailed information, and to write that information to a file, configure an error view.

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      • Min and Max list the minimum and maximum number of views of that type allowed.
      • To rename a view, edit the text.
      • To add a view, click the plus sign next to the view type.
      • To remove a view, click the minus sign next to the view name; to remove all views of that type , click the minus sign next to the Name header. 
    • Info: contains general information about the Snap such as name, purpose, and developer.


    • Click the question mark to access documentation about the Snap.
    • Click the trash can to delete the Snap from your pipeline.
    • Click the edit icon Image Removed to edit the properties. Click it again to save your changes.
    • Click the "X" to close the dialog.

    Snap Documentation

    In addition to providing information about Snap requirements and functionality, the documentation identifies the expected upstream and downstream Snaps, and the expected input and output. In a typical use case, the expected content might not always be required, depending on the integration or the application process that you trying to perform.


    SOAP, REST, and application-specific Snaps assume the user is familiar with that application or API. See the application's documentation for detailed information.


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