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Table of Contents


What is SnapLogic API Management?

SnapLogic API Management is a feature that allows you to expose your pipelines and 3rdthird-party API endpoints as RESTful APIs , making make it easier to share your SnapLogic integrations with other applications and systems.Learn More.

How can I make the SnapLogic APIs available to users outside SnapLogic?

To make your APIs available to users outside SnapLogic, you can publish those APIs in a custom Developer Portal that is customized with your own brandingbrand. Also, You can also create proxies to allow you to integrate with third-party APIs.Learn More.


Can I monitor and analyze usage of my APIs with SnapLogic API Management?

Yes, the SnapLogic API Dashboard provides monitoring and analytics features that allow you to track the usage of your APIs, including metrics such as request/response times, error rates, and traffic volume.Learn More.


How do I use SnapLogic API Management?

To use SnapLogic API Management, you first need to must create a pipeline that you want to expose as an API. Then, you can configure the API settings, such as authentication, URL path, and request/response formats , in the SnapLogic Manager. Alternatively, you can create API Proxies for 3rdthird-party endpoints outside of SnapLogic. Learn More.


Why is my Snaplex


not showing up?

The Snaplex must be in global shared folder and the Cloudplex must have a configured load balancer. Learn More.

Why I can't see new policies?

All the Snaplex needs to be on the latest version to view new policies. Learn More. 

Which endpoints are supported?
SnapLogic Snaps can be configured as endpoints. See the Snaps topic in the sidebarRefer to REST Snap Pack. Learn More about Snaps.


Do the application endpoints / APIs have anti-automation controls


(for example, rate limiting protection/CAPTCHA



Yes. Each Org has a concurrent and daily API limit. Any request over the limit receives an the HTTP Status Code 429 response.


Is there


a maximum message size for the API


to respond and request?

No set limit. We do limit the response cache to have a response less than the MAX_CACHE_BYTES which is a value of 90000000 bytes which is equivalent to 85.83 MB.


Who can provide access in the Subscription Manager?

Only Org admins can provide access in the Subscription Manager as of now. Learn More.


Do we support OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.0?

Yes, we do support have supported OAS 3.0 from since the February 2024 release 2024. Learn More.