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Use the Workday Prism Analytics Bulk Load Snap to upload multiple records/files from many cloud or on-premise sources (such as ERP, CRM, and other databases) to derive analytical reports on the input data. SnapLogic integrates Workday Prism Analytics's Utilize Data Load API, enabling you to use the Workday Prism Analytics Bulk Load Snap in conjunction with other standard-mode Snaps. This Snap comes with OAuth 2.0 authentication to secure your data. 

This Snap accepts documents from the input view, creates a batch CSV file, and also compresses and uploads the same to an existing or new dataset or table. 


Expected Input and Output

  • Input: 
    • First input: A document with data that can comprise numbers, text, Boolean, and date/time stamps.
    • Second input: A schema definition. Ensure that you pass name and type data types in the schema definition.
  • Output: A document that states the number of records processed and can contain the ID, name, bucket size, state, and processed files.

The following are a few SnapLogic Snap Packs that can work with the Workday Prism Analytics Bulk Load Snap:

  • Binary 
  • Transform 
  • REST
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX/CRM 
  • MS Dynamics 365 for Sales
  • Salesforce

Configuring Views

Input view

One or two documents
Output viewOne document
Error viewOne document

Limitations and Known Issues

  • Max bucket size: 3GB (compressed)
  • Maximum size of a single file is 256MB (compressed; handled internally by Workday Prism Analytics Snap)
  • Max size of all files across buckets: 100GB (compressed)
  • Max files per bucket: 100
  • Max concurrent file uploads: 10
  • Max buckets: 100 (in a rolling 24 hour period)
  • File names are not modifiable but are replaceable
  • JCC logs do not contain Retry messages in case of network failures 
  • The Snap does not support Delta Lake operations currently.

  • The Snap does not support using Workday Instance ID for creating data set/tables.

Snap Settings

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample Value
LabelStringEnter a name for the Snap. This needs to be unique within the Pipeline.Workday Prism Analytics Bulk LoadBulk Load Updated Data
Dataset/Table NameString

The name of the dataset or table to which you want to upload the input documents. The dataset or table name must match with the dataset name in Workday Prism Analytics. This field can accept up to 255 alphanumeric and underscore characters. The string must start with a letter and cannot end with an underscore.

  • Ensure that the user has at least Write permission for the target endpoint in Workday Prism Analytics.
  • The table or dataset names used must be unique.
  • While creating a table, you must offer the table’s schema as an input to the Snap.

N/AAnalytics dataset
Create Dataset/Table if Not PresentCheck boxSelect this check box to create an empty dataset or table if there is no corresponding dataset or table in Workday Prism Analytics. DeselectedNA
Operation TypeObject

Specify whether you want to add or replace data in the existing dataset/table. Available options are:

  • Append: Adds data to the existing dataset/table.


    The schema of the incoming data must match the schema of the existing data in the dataset/table. Schema validation fails in case of a mismatch in column IDcolumn name, and column type; but does not fail if the metadata fields, such as defaultValueand description, do not match the target dataset schema. The Snap replaces mismatched metadata fields.

  • Replace: Replaces the data in the existing endpoint with the input data. 
Bucket Completion TimeoutInteger


A Workday bucket is a folder that contains all the files that you want to upload to Workday at a time. Once the Snap is able to connect to your Workday Prism Analytics account, it creates a bucket using the data that you provide to the Snap.

The maximum number of minutes for which you want the Snap must to wait for the wBucket bucket to complete the bulk upload. We recommend that you update this value depending on the size of the data that you want to upload. If the bulk load is not completed within the completion timeout period, the operation times out.

Default value: 30

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 9999999999999990

Connection TimeoutInteger

The number of seconds after which the Snap must abort while executing. 

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 999999999

30 30
Maximum Retry AttemptsInteger

The maximum number of retry attempts that this Snap must make to connect with Workday Prism Analytics, after which the Pipeline will abort. 

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 9999999999999990

Retry Request IntervalInteger

The number of seconds for which the Snap must wait between two retry requests.

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 9999999999999990

Multiexcerpt include macro
nameSnap Execution
pageSOAP Execute
Check box

Multiexcerpt include macro
pageSOAP Execute


Multiexcerpt include macro
nameTemporary Files


This use case demonstrates a Pipeline that derives how many opportunities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM converted into revenue in the preceding 3, 6, and 12 months. This data is derived by integrating Dynamics CRM/AX with Workday Prism Analytics using a host of SnapLogic Snaps. You can download the following pipeline and configure the respective accounts and data files to explore this use case. 

Pipeline Example

Preview Outputs

Pipeline 1

Pipeline 2


patterns*slp, *zip

Insert excerpt
Workday Prism Analytics Snap Pack
Workday Prism Analytics Snap Pack