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You can use this account type to connect SQL Server Snaps with data sources that use In this article

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You can use this account type to connect SQL Server Snaps with data sources that use SQL Server database accounts. Account details specified in this account (at a Snap level) are called Service Accounts.



If you upload customized JDBC jars to the directory, the following error might occur:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library C:\\opt\\snaplogic\\ldlib\\sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader

To fix this issue, remove all JDBC jars from the SQL server account and restart the JCC node.

  • Service Account Authentication implies that the active AD user session on the Snaplex is leveraged to obtain access to the SQL Server instance. Therefore, you need not provide values in the Username and Password fields.

  • Do not specify a port number.

  • SnapLogic recommends using the default JAR. You can download the latest JAR file from here.

  • Configure the following properties for JDBC under URL properties:


In addition to providing the account properties such as Hostname, Database name, Username, and Password, ensure that the following settings/configurations are done for Active Directory Kerberos or NTLM Protocol (as the case may be) to implement User Impersonation with the SQL Server instance.

Authentication Using Active Directory Kerberos

SQL Server Snap Pack does not support this mode of authentication on Cloudplexes.


  • Set up Active Directory and SQL Server in the same domain and verify that you are able to perform Windows authentication using SQL Server Management Studio.

  • On the Active Directory Server, Set the Service Principle Name(SPN) for the SQL Server. Learn more.


SQL Server Snap Pack does not support this mode of authentication on Cloudplexes.

SnapLogic supports (tested and certified) Active Directory authentication for SQL servers on the following driver JAR version for Java 11:

  •  Installed the correct JAR file.

Supported versions



driver JAR version for Java 11. Refer to Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Serverfor details.

Ensure that you have installed the correct JAR file. Also, use the following configurations in Account Settings to To configure Active Directory authentication, configure the following in the Account settings:

  • JDBC Driver class:

  • JDBC Connection URLjdbc:sqlserver://ServerNameFQDN:portNumber;databaseName=DBNAME

SnapLogic supports Active Directory authentication for SQL Server using the User impersonation method. The prerequisites are as follows:


In the account settings, add the following to Url property name and Url property value:

URL property name

URL property value






The domain name must be added as a URL property and not along with the user name.





java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library C:\\opt\\snaplogic\\ldlib\\sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader.

You have uploaded customized JDBC JAR files to the directory.

Remove all JDBC JARs from the SQL Server account and restart the JCC node. This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.

The correct sqljdbc_auth.dll file is not available in the ldlib folder.

Download the appropriate sqljdbc_auth.dll file  and place it in $SL_ROOT/ldlib.

No valid credentials provided
Server not found in Kerberos database.

The Service Principal Name (SPN) is not setup properly.

Ensure that you have setup the SPN for MSSQLSvc service properly.

Defective token detected.

Kerberos fails when a mismatch occurs between the SPN for the SQL Server service and the hostName.

For example, if FQDN of the machine is used to setup SPN, the hostname must be an FQDN and not an IP address, while establishing a connection.

Provide a value for hostName that matches with the SPN in context. Also ensure that the properties authenticationScheme, domain and integratedSecurity are defined for the account.
