Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Your Org must have a subscription to the API Management feature; otherwise, the API Management UI is not enabled.

  • You must have Write permissions to create an API.

  • To create API version using Git, you need to be a Git-authenticated user.

API Manager

You can navigate to the API Manager console by clicking Manager > API Management > API Manager.


  1. Navigate to API Management > API Manager, and click the target API to display the API Details page.

  2. Click the Versions tab, then click Image Removed(blue star)  to display the Create Version dialog window.

  3. In the Create API version dialog window, select Create from Existing Project, then click Continue:

  4. In the Create API Version-Select Assets dialog window, select/deselect the assets from the Project to use in the API Version, then click Import and Continue.
    An Asset selected at the root level also imports the leaf-level Assets.

  5. Enter information about your API Version, then click Create.
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    • General Info: Provide basic information about your API. The name is the API name plus the version number.

      • Description: Enter a brief description.

      • Version: Define the version. By default, the version is 1.0 when you create an API for the first time.

      • Tags: Enter any tags associated with your API.

    • Endpoint Configuration: The base path for the endpoint.

    • Server Configuration: Enter the Snaplex associated with this API.

    You must enter a name and Snaplex. You can also change the version from this dialog window, and therefore create another version of the API.

    After you create a version of an API, the Version asset is displayed on the Versions Details page. You can view information about the assets used in the API version by clicking it.


  1. Navigate to API Management > API Manager, and click the target API to display the API Details page.

  2. Click the Versions tab, then click Image Removed(blue star)  to display the Create Version dialog window.

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  3. In the Create API version dialog window, select Create Empty API Version click Continue.
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  4. Enter information about your Version, then click Create.

    • General Info: Provide basic information about your API. The name is the API name plus the version number.

      • Description: Enter a brief description.

      • Version: Define the version. By default, the version is 1.0 when you create an API for the first time.

      • Tags: Enter any tags associated with your API.

    • Endpoint Configuration: The base path for the endpoint.

    • Server Configuration: Enter the Snaplex associated with this API.

    You must enter a name and Snaplex. You can also change the version from this dialog window, and therefore create another version of the API.Image Removed

    After you create a version of an API, the Version asset is displayed on the Versions Details page. You can view information about the assets used in the API version by clicking it.

Create the API version from a Git repository

You can create the API version from the Git repository as shown below:

  1. In the API Manager page, click on the API:

    git-op-apiversion-apimanager-accepted.pngImage Added

  2. Click on the Versions tab:

    git-op-apiversion-version.pngImage Added


  3. Click on the the add icon ( (blue star) ) and a pop-up wizard Create API version is displayed:

    git-op-apiversion-version-add.pngImage Added


  4. In Create API version wizard, select Create from Git Checkout:

    git-op-apiversion-git-checkout.pngImage Added


  5. Choose the Git Repository from field Repository and choose the branch from the field Branches/Tags:

    git-op-apiversion-git-repo-branch.pngImage Added


  6. Click Continue and enter in the rest of the details, then click Create:

    git-op-apiversion-gi-details.pngImage Added


  7. Your API version is created from Git Repository:

    git-op-apiversion-version-created.pngImage Added


Edit API Version

You can edit the API Version with the below steps:


  1. Navigate to API Management > API Manager, click the target API to display the API details page.

  2. Click the Versions tab and point your cursor on the target Version.
    The delete icon is displayed.
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  3. Click Image Removed(blue star)  to delete the API Version, then click Delete on the confirmation prompt.
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The API Version is deleted from the API Manager console.


You can manage the following SnapLogic assets in your API Version on the Assets tab:

Clicking an asset opens up a dropdown that contains the same options in the Assets table view in Manager.

In the Assets tab of an API Version, these asset components - Task name, Pipeline, Pipeline parameters, and Task run policy - can no longer be edited when referenced by a published API. You must unpublish the API to modify any of its assets.

Adding an Asset

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target version and click to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click (blue star) to open the assets menu

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  3. Select one of the following choices:

    • Accounts. Opens the Create Account dialog where you make Account selections.

    • File. Opens the Upload File dialog.

    • Pipeline. Opens the blank Designer canvas where you build your Pipeline.

    • Task. Opens the Create Task dialog where you create your Task.

  4. Complete the required dialogs associated with the type of Asset.

Moving an Asset

You can move your API version Assets from one version to another version in the same API or to another version in a different API.


Snap Packs cannot be moved as Assets.

To move an Asset:

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target version and click to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

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    You can filter by Asset type by clicking one of the following pills.

    • All. Click to display all Assets.

    • Accounts. Click to filter by Accounts.

    • Directories. Click to filter by directories created with Task debug details from your Task.

    • Files. Click to filter by files.

    • Pipeline. Click to filter by Pipelines.

    • Task. Click to filter by Tasks.

  3. Click(blue star) to display the APIM project tree, then select the destination API version.

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  4. Click Move on the Move Asset(s) confirmation prompt.

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  5. If one or more Assets with the same name exist in the API version, the Error occurred while moving Asset(s) prompt appears.

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    Choose one of the following options:

    • Stop: Cancels the entire operation, and the specified Assets are not moved to the destination version.

    • Skip: Does not move the selected Asset if an existing Asset in the destination version has the same name.

    • Overwrite: Replaces the asset with the same name in the destination version with the specified Asset.

Select Apply to all to skip moving or to overwrite the Assets in the destination version.

Copying an Asset


You cannot copy Files into the same API Version. If you copy Pipelines, Tasks, or Account to the same API Version, then the copied Assets overwrite the original Asset.

You can copy an asset

To copy from assets from Manager, navigate to the target project folder, select your assets, and click (blue star) to copy:


In the Copy Projects Assets dialog, select the target API Versions:



Click Continue.

Select Asset types, then click Copy.


To copy assets from an existing API Version, navigate to the target API Version and click it to display the Version Details page.

  1. Click the Assets tab:

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  2. Select the target assets and click the (blue star) to copy. You cannot copy Directories or Snap Packs.

  3. When the Copy Assets dialog appears, select a destination API version. If Files are selected, the Destination picker does not display the same folder:

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  4. Click Copy.


If one or more Assets with the same name exist in the API version, the Error occurred while copying Asset(s) dialog appears.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Stop: Cancels the entire operation, and the specified Assets are not moved to the destination version.

  • Skip: Does not copy the selected Asset if an existing Asset in the destination version has the same name.

  • Overwrite: Replaces the Asset with the same name in the destination version with the specified Asset.

Select Apply to all to skip moving or to overwrite the Assets in the destination Version.

When Pipelines are copied to the same destination Version, the copied Pipeline is added with the following name:

Copy of pipeline_name

The original Pipeline remains in the destination Version.

Deleting an Asset


WARNING: Deleting assets of a published API can adversely affect its endpoints and any subscriptions to it. In addition, unexpected errors can occur when running pipelines that depend on those assets.

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target API Version and click it to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

  3. Select the Asset to delete and click the trash icon ( (blue star) ). You can select multiple Version Assets.

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    The Delete confirmation message appears:

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  4. Click Delete.

  5. Verify the deleted Assets by navigating to the Manager Recycle Bin for your Org:

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Changing the Snaplex of a Task inside an Unpublished API

You can change the Snaplex a Task runs on if the API Version is unpublished. You cannot change the Snaplex of a Task if the API is already published.

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target API Version and click it to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

  3. Click the target Task to open the Update Task dialog.

  4. In the Snaplex field, click (blue star) to open the dropdown list of Snaplexes available in the Org’s global shared folder:

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  5. Select the target Snaplex and click Update.

Editing the Run Policy for a Task inside a Version

You can open the Update Task dialog from the Version > Assets tab of an API to change its configuration. You can also change the Run Policy.


API Manager does not support Scheduled Tasks. When you edit a Task in the Assets tab, the Update Dialog displays only Triggered and Ultra as Run Policy selections.

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target API Version and click it to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

  3. Click on the target Task to open the Update Task dialog.

  4. In the Run Policy field, click (blue star) to select a different Task type:

    Update task dialogImage Removed

Downloading a Specification File

You can download the specification file from the Assets tab. Both JSON and YAML file formats are supported for download.

  1. In Manager > API Management > API Manager, navigate to the target API Version and click it to display the Version Details page.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

  3. Point the cursor as the File, and click (blue star) to open the dropdown menu.

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  4. Select Download.

APIM Asset Tracking with Git

When your Org is integrated with Git, you can access the same set of functionalities for APIM version assets, and the Version is treated as the Project folder.

Supported Git Operations with Versions

In the Versions tab, you can manage your Versions similarly to Projects in Manager.


The following GIT operations are supported in Versions:

  • Checkout Git Repository: Allows you to check out repositories and branches/tags.

  • Git Add Tag: Allows you to access Git tags for your Versions.

  • Commit to Git: Allows you to commit your changes to an API Version in Git.

  • Git Pull: Allows you to pull the changes made by other users into the API Version.

Supported Git Operations with Version Assets

In the Assets tab of your API Versions, you can manage Assets similarly to Project Assets in Manager. For example, APIM Assets are tracked by the Git repository and Git status, as shown in the following image.


When you select an Asset or point and click on it, the Git options menu appears:


You can perform the following actions from this menu:


Checkout Git Repository: Allows you to check out this Asset from its associated Git repository.


Commit to Git: Allows you to commit your changes to a Version Asset in Git.


Git Pull: Allows you to do a pull on the latest changes made to the Version Asset.


Add to Repository: Allows you to add the Version Asset to the Git repository.

