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Snap type:



This Snap reads



You can use this read type Snap to read binary data from various sources such as SLDB, HTTP, S3, SFTP, HDFS, and produces a binary data stream at the output. Unlike the File Reader Snap, this Snap can read more than one file in the given directory and its subdirectories recursively.

  • Expected upstream Snaps: The Snap has no input view and no Snap can be connected upstream.
  • Expected downstream Snaps: Any Snap with a binary input view can be connected downstream, such as File Writer, CSV Parser, JSON Parser, or XML Parser.
  • Expected input: The Snap has no input view.
  • Expected output: Binary data read from the source specified in the Selected files property. The binary data can be previewed at the output of the Snap.

Image Added


Multiexcerpt include macro
pageFile Reader


and limitations:

for Ultra Pipelines



in Ultra Pipelines. 


  • For most file protocols, the Snap behaves the same way in both Snaplex and Groundplex. However,
the hdfs protocol
  • the HDFS protocol works only in a Groundplex. The Hadoop cluster must open to the Groundplex server instance without any authentication.

Known Issues


Snap Input and Output

Input/OutputType of ViewNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription


  • Min:0
  • Max:1


  • Min:1
  • Max:1
  • File Writer
  • CSV Parser
  • JSON Parser
  • XML Parser

Binary data read from the source specified in the Selected files property.


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. This Snap supports a Basic auth account, an AWS S3 auth account, SSH Auth account, SMB account, or no account. See Configuring Binary Accounts for information on setting up accounts that work with this Snap.

Account types supported by each protocol are as follows:

Account types
sldbno account
s3AWS S3
ftpBasic Auth
sftpBasic Auth,
SSH Auth 
SSH Auth
ftpsBasic Auth
hdfsno account
httpno account
httpsno account


wasbAzure Storage
wasbsAzure Storage

Google Storage


The FTPS file protocol works only in explicit mode. The implicit mode is not supported.

Required settings for account types are as follows:

Basic AuthUsername, Password
AWS S3Access-key ID, Secret key
SSH AuthUsername, Private key, Key Passphrase
SMBDomain, Username, Password
Azure StorageAccount name, Primary access key
Google StorageApproval prompt, Application scope, Auto-refresh token
(Read-only properties are Access token, Refresh token, Access token expiration, OAuth2 Endpoint, OAuth2 token and Access type.)
InputThis Snap has no input views.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one binary output view provides the binary data stream read from the specified sources. 
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The

Snap Settings

Selected Files 

Wildcard Regex Subfolders. A user can specify one or more data sources by clicking the + button.
Note: The A multiexcerpt-include-macro

Snap Execution

Field NameField TypeDescription



Specify the name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your


A table property, which consists of three columns: Pipeline.

Default Value: Multi File Reader
ExampleMulti File Reader

Selected Files 

Use this field set to define data sources. This field set contains Folder/File

Wildcard, and Include

subfolders fields.  Click Image Added to add a data source. Add each entry in a separate row.


All selected files must be under the same protocol.



Specify the URL for the data source and , which can be a directory or a file. It should start begin with a file protocol. The supported file protocols are:

  • http:
  • https:
  • s3:
  • sftp:
  • ftp:
  • ftps:
  • hdfs:
  • sldb:
  • smb:
  • wasb:
  • wasbs:
  • gs:

The File property should have the syntax:


Please note "://" is a separator between the file protocol and the rest of the URL and the host name and the port number should be between "://" and "/". If the port number is omitted, a default port for the protocol is used. The hostname and port number are omitted in the sldb and s3 protocols.

The File property should be an absolute path for all protocols except sldb. For sldb files, the Snap can access only files in the same project directory or the shared project directory, and cannot access files in other projects.

For sldb, http and https protocols, URL for a regular file should be entered. Folders are not supported for these protocols.
If this property is a regular file, the Wildcard and Include subfolders property are ignored.

In the SnapLogic 4.3.2 release, WASB (Windows Azure Storage Blob) or WASBS protocol (wasb:/// or wasbs:///) support has been added to the Binary Snaps.

In the WASB and WASBS file URL, the top directory should be the name of the 'Azure Storage container'.

ExampleDefault Value: 

  • If a pipeline is created in a project other than the shared project and you want to read the "asset.json" file from the same project, enter "asset.json" or "sldb:///asset.json".
  • If a pipeline



    • If a Pipeline is created in a project other than the shared project and you want to read the "asset.json" file from the shared project, enter "shared/asset.json" or "sldb:///shared/asset.json".
    • If a pipeline Pipeline is created in the shared project and you want to read the "asset.json" file from the shared project, enter "asset.json" or "sldb:///asset.json".
    • s3:///<S3_bucket_name>@s3.<region_name><path>
      For region names and their details, see AWS Regions and Endpoints.
    • s
    • s
    • smb://
    • _filename (A key/value pair with "filename" key should be defined as a pipeline parameter.)sldb:///usr/john/json_files/asset.json
    • s3://yourAcccessKeyID:yourSecretKey@s3/yourBucketName/folder1/folder2/ (if an account is not used within the Snap)
    • s3://yourAcccessKeyID:yourSecretKey@s3/yourBucketName/folder1/rawData.csv (if an account is not used within the Snap)
    • file:///D:/testFolder/  (if the Snap is executed in the Windows Groundplex and needs to access D: drive)
    • wasb:///Snaplogic/testDir/sample.csv  (to read files in the 'testDir' folder in the 'Snaplogic' container)
    • gs:///testBucket/testDir/ (if the bucket name is 'testBucket')

    Default value: [None]




    Specify the wildcard pattern, if the URL in the Folder/File property is for a directory. All files matching the wildcard pattern are selected. This property is not supported for the sldb, http, and https protocols. The asterisk pattern character ("*", also called "star") and the question mark ("?") are supported. The "*" character matches zero or more characters. The "?" matches exactly one character.

    Default Value: [None]


    • *.*
    • *.csv
    • *.json
    • *.??? (matches all files with three-character extensions)
    Default value: [None]

    Include Subfolders 


    Select to search subfolders for the specified Wildcard if Folder/File is set to a directory.

    If the Include Subfolders property is true and the you select this checkbox and the Folder/File property is for a folder, all files in the subfolders matching the given wildcard pattern are selected. 
    This property checkbox is not supported for the sldb, http, and https protocols.

    Default valueValue
    : Not selected 

    Number of retries

    Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts that the Snap must make in case there is a network failure, and the Snap is unable to read the target file.

    If the value is larger than 0, the Snap first downloads the target file to a temporary local file. If any error occurs during the download, the Snap waits for the time specified in the Retry interval and attempts to download the file again from the beginning. When the download is successful, the Snap starts to stream the data from the temporary file to the downstream pipeline. All temporary local files are deleted when they are no longer needed.

    • Ensure that the local drive has sufficient free disk space to store the temporary local file.

    • The retry operation is applied for each file the Snap downloads.

    Example:  3

    Minimum value: 0

    Default value: 0

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    pageFile Reader

    Retry interval (seconds)

    Specifies the minimum number of seconds for which the Snap must wait before attempting recovery from a network failure.

    Example:  3

    Minimum value: 1

    Default value: 1

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    pageFile Reader

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    pageDirectory Browser
    nameDropdown listSOAP Execute

    Multiexcerpt include macro
    pageAnaplan Read

    The pipeline Pipeline validation (achieved by pressing "Retry") imposes a 5-minute timeout. If there are a large number of files to be read by the Snap as a result of Wildcard and Include subfolders settings, the Snap validation may fail due to this 5-minute timeout limit.

    Output Fields for the Different Protocols

    The output fields that the Multi File Reader Snap generates depends on the protocol you select. The following table lists the output fields for the different protocols supported by the Snap:

    Output Fields
    • content-type
    • content-length
    • last-modified: _snaptype_datetime
    • etag
    • accept-ranges
    • content-location
    • content-disposition
    • content-type
    • date
    • x-amz-meta-md5
    • content-length
    • server
    • x-amz-server-side-encryption
    • x-amz-meta-length
    • x-amz-meta-create_time
    • last-modified: _snaptype_datetime
    • x-amz-meta-file_id
    • x-amz-meta-ttl
    • content-disposition
    • x-amz-meta-owner
    • x-amz-meta-expire_time
    • etag
    • x-amz-request-id
    • x-amz-meta-mimetype
    • x-amz-id-2
    • accept-ranges
    • content-location
    • WASB
    • SMB
    • SFTP
    • GStorage
    • content-type
    • content-location
    • content-disposition


    Insert excerpt
    Binary Snap Pack
    Binary Snap Pack