The following table shows the release dates of the SnapLogic Platform through January 2024.
A SnapLogic release can refer to the following updates:
Every month, SnapLogic updates the control plane and UI.
Every three months, SnapLogic updates the Snaplex WAR (Web Application Resource) file. This is called the quarterly release.
In the months between the quarterly releases, SnapLogic includes a restricted Snaplex WAR file that contains customer-specific updates.
WAR files are available in the Update Snaplex dialog on the Settings tab.
Refer to SnapLogic Release Process to understand the SnapLogic release process. The following table documents the time when the UAT build or GA release is available or an upgrade completes in local (US Pacific) and universal (UTC) format.
Snaplex Autoupgrades can take more than an hour if a Snaplex has many nodes because we upgrade them sequentially to avoid downtime.