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HTTP Client

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The HTTP Client Snap is an advanced REST Snap that enables you to send HTTP requests to a server and receive corresponding HTTP responses. It integrates all commonly used HTTP methods, including DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT, and TRACE.

We highly recommend that you use the HTTP Client Snap as a replacement for the REST Snaps.


Snap Type

The HTTP Client Snap is a Transform-type Snap that transforms the data passed through the HTTP request.


A valid account with the required permissions.

Support for Ultra Pipelines  

Works in Ultra Pipelines


The HTTP Client Snap hides the Authorization headers in the debug information for Basic Authentication and Digest Authentication Accounts because of security considerations.

If you specify the Authorization headers manually in the Snap or through the Secured Headers Account, then the headers are displayed in the debug information, but the values are hidden as follows:

Behavior Change

With the 433patches21307 update, pagination evaluation occurs before sending the output to the output view. Therefore, if snap.out.totalCount is part of the Has next or any other pagination properties, the Snap will not include the count in the output corresponding to the request that produced the output document.

Known Issues

  • This Snap fails with the Name may not be null error when the key-value pair values are empty for the x-www-form-urlencoded Entity Type.

  • The AWS Sig V4 Account does not support Virtual Private Cloud for the HTTP Client Snap.

Snap Views



Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps



Binary or Document

  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper

  • File Reader

  • JSON Parser

Each input document includes one of the following:

  • Details associated with the data required from the target RESTful server.

  • Details associated with the data that must be replaced or created in the target RESTful server.

  • Object ID to be deleted at the REST API service endpoint.


Binary or Document

  • Min: 1

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper

  • Union

  • Copy

  • Join

  • Filter

Each output document contains one of the following:

  • Data retrieved from the RESTful web server.

  • Response data from the REST API service endpoint detailing the status of the request.

  • Details related to the business objects.

When you include a second output view, the Snap uses this view to output the debug information by capturing the request and response.


Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter when running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution: Stops the current Pipeline execution if the Snap encounters an error.

  • Discard Error Data and Continue: Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.

  • Route Error Data to Error View: Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

When you select the Enable debug checkbox, the information about the executed request and response is written to the error view in case of errors.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap Settings

  • Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon ((blue star)): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ((blue star) ): Indicates the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( (blue star) ): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.

  • Remove icon ( (blue star)): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.

  • Upload icon ((blue star) ): Indicates that you can upload files.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default ValueHTTP Client
ExampleHTTP Client



Specify a unique name for the Snap.

Request Method*

Default ValueGET
Example: HEAD



Specify a custom method or choose one of the following HTTP request methods:


  • GET

  • HEAD



  • POST

  • PUT



Default Value: N/A



Specify the service endpoint URL of the REST API. You can provide the URL in one of the following ways:

  • As a JavaScript expression in expression language. For example, http://coresnapsqa-v4.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/S3Account/'+encodeURIComponent("Special_char_owner_!3)12.json")

  • As a plain string that you should enclose in double quotes (""). For example, "https://www.example.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect/%s".replace("%s", $.widget.id)

You can use the canonical name (CNAME) for URI so it's not necessary for the URL to end with amazonaws.com or have the region and service provided in it. However, if you are using the CNAME you must provide it in the AWS Region and Service Name fields in the AWS Signature V4 account.

The host name in the CNAME must be equal to the bucket name.
For example:
Previous URI: https://jsmith-bucket.nia3.snaplogic.net.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/HttpClientTest/test1
New URI with CNAME: https://jsmith-sltest.nia3.snaplogic.net/HttpClientTest/test1
Here bucket name is jsmith-bucket.nia3.snaplogic.net

The Snap finds the value at the JSON path "$.widget.id" in the input data and replaces "%s" in the URL with the value. You can connect the File Reader and JSON Parser Snaps upstream of the HTTP Client Snap and prepare the following JSON file to the File Reader Snap:

 { "widget": { "id": "111", "name": "foo" } }
 { "widget": { "id": "555", "name": "bar" } }

The URL for this Snap must be valid. If the URL contains any special characters, such as !, =, %21, $, and ^, the Snap displays an exception error. You can escape the special characters (using expression language) using one of the following methods:

  • Use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly. For example, 

  • If you are aware of the code, use the code directly in the URL field. For example, http://coresnapsqa-v4.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/S3Account/Special_char_owner_%213%2912.json; where <%213%2912> is the code.

We recommend you to use the former (encodeURIComponent) method to escape the special characters.

Query Parameters

Use this field set to add query parameters to be included in the request. This is optional and can either be defined directly in the URL, as separate parameters or both. 

Parameter Name

Default Value: N/A



Specify the name of the query parameter.

Parameter Value

Default Value:N/A



Specify the value to assign to the parameter.

HTTP Headers

Use this field set to create the HTTP header key-value pairs required for defining the headers for different types of input (JSON, PDF, DOCX, and so on). If you want to specify only content-type headers, you can configure the Multipart Content-Type property instead. 

Header Name

Default Name: N/A



Specify the name of the HTTP header. Alternatively, select one of the following options from the suggestion list:

  • Content-Type

  • Accept

  • User-Agent

  • Content-Length

  • Authorization

  • Connection

  • Accept-Encoding

This Snap accepts default value */* for the Accept header that enables the Snap to handle all forms of response content types.

Header Value

Default Value: N/A 
Example: uyfikhEugk2iKnJWPvG8Rv8sL73BgM2C



Specify the value for the HTTP header.

Enable debug

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to include the information about the executed request and response in the output document (under the_debug key that helps you with debugging).

  • When you select the Enable debug checkbox, the information about the executed request and response is written to both error and output documents (under the _debugkey) and it also displays a Lint warning in case of errors.

  • When you deselect the Enable debug checkbox, the history is neither written to error document nor output document and does not display any Lint warning.

Using debug mode increases memory usage because of the retention of historical requests. So, for long-running or large input pipelines, we recommend you to deselect the Enable debug checkbox to avoid memory issues.

Use form encoding for spaces

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to encode any space characters in query parameters using the plus sign (+) instead of the percent-encoding (%20).

On selecting this checkbox, the Snap preserves whatever encoding has already been made. So, if you place a plus symbol (plus) in the query portion URL or percent-encodes (%20), the Snap preserves the same.

For example, when the base HTTP Get URI is: http://domain.com/path?$filter="+ SourceRef1 eq 'W1179'"

  • The default (percent-encoding) is as follows:

  • When you select the Use form encoding for spaces checkbox, the URL is encoded as follows:

Learn more about encoding of query parameters.

Prevent URL encoding

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to prevent the Snap from automatic URL encoding of the input URI. Enable this setting to use an already encoded URI.

URL encoding encodes the same character in different encodings based on its location within the URL. The specific segments of the URL that apply here are the PATH portion and the QUERY portion: URI = scheme:[//authority][/path][?query][#fragment]

When you deselect this checkbox, the following are some of the characters that are automatically encoded by the Snap:

HTTP Entity

An HTTP entity is the message body you can send in a request or receive from a response. An entity represents both binary and character content. The POST and PUT methods use entities.

Entity Type

Default Value: none
Example: multipart

Dropdown list


Choose one of the following entity types to include in the request body.

  • none: Select this option if you do not want to use any body in your message.

  • multipart: This option enables you to send (form data) large binary or non-ASCII text to the server.

  • x-www-form-urlencoded: This option enables you to send the URL-encoded data to the server. You must specify the key-value pairs to enable the Snap to send the encoded data in the request body to the server.

  • raw: This option enables you to send raw data without modifying it. It supports the following file types:

    • Text

    • Javascript

    • JSON

    • HTML

    • XML

  • binary: This option enables you send binary data in the response body.

Multipart Subtype

Default Value: form-data
Example: form-data


Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Specify the MIME subtype for multipart, which specifies the nature of the message parts and their interrelationship.

Multipart Form

Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Use this field set to configure the fields required to upload multiple files and text. Learn more about Multipart Upload. By default, the Snap Settings display the fields required to upload a file. The data that is sent to the server using this entity type uses the following encoding pattern:

  • The control names and values are escaped. All space characters are replaced by the ‘+', and reserved characters follow the RFC 17.38 notations.

  • An equal symbol, ‘=', separates the key and value, and the key-value pairs use ‘&' as a separator.


Default ValueFILE
Example: TEXT

Dropdown list

Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Choose either of the following multipart types to initiate the upload:

  • FILE

  • TEXT


Default Value: N/A
Example: file


Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Specify the key for the multipart form-data needed to upload a file.

The HTTP Client uses multipart entity to achieve the file upload. The form-data of its multipart entity contains key-value pairs. Upload and multipart file key depend on the service endpoint.


Default Value: N/A

  • FILE: persons.csv

  • TEXT: “sldb://file.txt”, “sampletext”


Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Specify the file or text to be uploaded.

If Multipart Type is FILE, the following are applicable:

  • The file protocols supported for file values are 'sldb:///' and 'file:///'.

  • If the file path is a relative path, it is considered an SLDB file.

  • If this field is not empty, HTTP Entity and Batch size fields are ignored and the Multipart Key field is required.

  • If the value is an expression, the input document is used to evaluate the expression. Each input document results in one file upload.

  • This field does not support wildcard or glob patterns.

If Multipart Type is a TEXT, then:

  • The value should be expression-enabled and enclosed in double quotes.

For Text part upload using Form Upload, the HTTP Entity and Filename to be used are ignored.

Content Type

Default Value: N/A


Appears on selecting multipart for Entity Type.

Select the content type headers for the data in the body of the multipart HTTP request.

If you leave this field blank or enter an incorrect content type, some endpoints might respond with a 500 - Internal Server Error.

The available options are:

  • application/octet-stream

  • text/plain

  • application/json

  • application/xml

  • text/csv

  • text/html

  • image/jpeg

  • If the Multipart Type is TEXT, it is usually not required to specify any value in this field. When you do not specify any value, the API uses the default value text/plain; charset=UTF-8.

  • If you do not specify the content type, the payload is encoded in UTF-8 and the header is sent in accordance with the content type that is identified.

  • If you specify only the content type, the charset uses the HTTP1 default for the provided content-type, this is typically ISO-8859-1 (US-ASCII).

  • The best practice is to specify the charset with your content-type, for example application/json; charset=utf8

  • To specify other HTTP headers, configure the headers in the HTTP header field set.

  • If you configure both Multipart Content Type and HTTP Headers, the value in the Multipart Content Type takes priority. 


Use this field set to define key-value pairs for the URL-encoded form entity type.


Default Value: N/A
Example: id


Appears on selecting x-www-form-urlencoded for Entity Type.

Specify the key of the form entry.


Default Value: N/A
Example: $widget


Appears on selecting x-www-form-urlencoded for Entity Type.

Specify the value for the key defined above.

Raw Entity

Default Value: $
Example: $


Appears on selecting raw for Entity Type.

Specify the body to send in the request. If the raw entity is from an input document, the document is converted into JSON.


Default Value: N/A


Appears on selecting binary for Entity Type.

Specify or upload the file to send in the Post payload.


Properties to define pagination settings. Learn more about Pagination.

Has Next

Default Value: N/A



Specify the boolean expression to indicate whether there is a next page. Learn more about Has Next in action, Retrieving Contact Information from HubSpot Using Upstream Values .

With the 433patches21307, pagination evaluation occurs before sending the output to the output view. Therefore, if snap.out.totalCount is part of the Has next or any other pagination properties, the Snap will not include the count in the output corresponding to the request that produced the output document.

This field is null-safe; if the evaluated value is null, or if there is no value provided in Has Next field, the Snap stops the pagination.

Total Pages to Fetch

Default Value: N/A
Example: 5



Specify the maximum number of pages to fetch. The Snap stops fetching the next page if either the maximum number of pages is reached or the Has Next condition evaluates to false.

Override URI

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to enable the URI to be overridden with the specified Next URI for each pagination request.

Reuse request parameters

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to reuse the specified URI parameters in the pagination requests. You can use the Override Parameters table to overrirde some of them.

Override Headers

Define the headers to be overidden or added in the next pagination request. Headers with the same name are overwritten and new headers are appended. If the value is empty, the header is removed. The header value is evaluated against the response document.




Specify the name of the header to be updated or added.




Specify the value of the header to be udpated or added.

Pagination Interval (seconds)

Default Value: 0
Example: 5



Specify the interval in seconds between the requests for each page.

Client Settings

Additional settings for the HTTP Client.


Properties related to the connection to be established.

Cookie Policy

Default Value: RFC Lax
Example: RFC Strict

Dropdown list


Select a Cookie Policy from the following options:

  • Browser Compatibility: This policy is compatible with different servers even if they are not completely standards-compliant. If you have issues when parsing cookies, use this policy.

  • Ignore Cookies: This cookie policy ignores all cookies. Use this policy to prevent the HTTP Client from accepting and sending cookies.

  • RFC Strict: This policy uses the set-cookie header

  • RFC Lax: This policy uses set-cookie and set-cookie2 for parsing.

Trust all certificates

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to trust all certificates, such as self-signed certificates.  

Read Timeout (seconds)

Default Value: 900
Example: 60



Specify the number of seconds the Snap must wait before terminating the request because of a failure to read from the target service.

Connection Timeout (seconds)

Default Value: 30



Specify the number of seconds for which the Snap must wait before aborting the request due to a failure to establish a connection to the target endpoint or service.


Properties for handling retries.

Retry Condition

Default ValueConnection errors
ExampleAll errors

Dropdown list


Select one of the following options to handle connection and error responses:

  • Connection errors: Occurs when a client fails to establish a secure connection to the server.

  • Connection and auth errors (401/403): Occurs when either the user authorization fails or access to the page/resource is forbidden.

  • Connection and client errors (4xx): Occurs when the request for the resource contains bad syntax, or when the resource is not found (404).

  • Connection and server errors (5xx): Occurs when the server is unable to complete a request.

  • All errors: Applies to all of the above-listed errors.

Maximum Attempts

Default Value5



Specify the maximum number of attempts the Snap must make to receive a response. If the attempts do not result in a response, the Snap terminates the request.

Retry Interval (seconds)

Default Value3



Specify the number of seconds the Snap must wait between two successive requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt resulted in an exception.

Automatically retry on 429 responses

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to automatically retry the 429 Too Many Requests.

Use Retry-After header for 429

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to follow the Retry-After response header (if present) to retry the 429 rersponses.


Properties for handling redirections.

Follow redirects

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to accept the response and redirect the request.

Follow original HTTP method

Default Value: Deselected


Appears on selecting the Follow redirects checkbox.

Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to use the original HTTP method to do the redirect request. Otherwise, the GET method is used.

Maximum Number of Redirects

Default Value: 10
Example: 5



Specify the maximum number of redirects to allow.

Allow relative redirect

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to determine whether relative redirects should be allowed. The HTTP specification requires the location value to be an absolute URI.

Allow circular redirect

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to allow circular redirects to the same location.


Properties that define the display of the output.

Response Type

Default Value: JSON
Example: Text

Dropdown list

Choose one of the following response types:

  • JSON

  • Text

  • Raw

Extract entity as Documents

Default Value: Selected


Appears on selecting JSON for Response Type.

Select this checkbox to extract the response entity as an output document as per the specified JSON path. If the extracted value is a list, it is split.

Write unsuccessful response to Error View

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to treat all unsuccessful responses (308, 4xx, and 5xx) as errors and write them to the error view.

Include current cookies

Default Value: Selected



Select this checkbox to include current cookies in each output document.

Snap Execution

Default ValueExecute only
Example: Validate & Execute

Dropdown list


Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.





Stack trace error in the Snap:

"Caused by: java.io.EOFException at java.base/java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream.readUByte(Unknown Source)

The HTTP Client Snap sends Accept-Encoding is "gzip, deflate" in the request by default .

Provide Accept-Encoding = * in the HTTP header to prevent the error.

Failed to execute the HTTP request.

The Service URL must have a protocol, such as http://, https://.

Check the Snap properties. Specifically, check your entry in the Service URL field.

<Service_URL>: Name or service not known. This means that the service URL you entered is not accessible.

Failure: Validation errors: property_map.settings.serviceUrl.value: Could not compile expression: <Service_URL>

The Snap settings are not correct. Encountered extraneous input ':' at line 1:5; expecting={<EOF>, '||', '&&', '^', '==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '?', 'instanceof', 'in', 'matches', '[', '(', '.', PropertyRef}.

This means that you turned expressions on () when entering the string value into the Service URL field.

Fix the Snap configuration and try executing again. Check the expression syntax. Ensure that your service URL is a proper expression; or turn off the expression control (). 

Learn more about Using Expressions.

The provided URI is invalid.

Illegal character in schema name.

Verify that the URI and parameters that you provide are syntactically correct.

Status codes

URL Parse Exception - 403

The Service URL path might be containing any of the following special characters: !, =, %, #, $, ^&()_¢äâêîôûñç¡¿ÉÙËǨ°¸ðø©¢¾A+²½µ®§÷¶þ 

To escape the special characters, use the global function encodeURIComponent on any variables that might contain special characters so that they are encoded properly.

status code = 404

Phrase = NOT FOUND, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details.

This means that your service URL does not point to the correct endpoint.

Check the values of Snap properties. Specifically, check your service URL.

status code = 404

Phrase = NOT FOUND, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details.

This means that your service URL does not point to the endpoint that it should.

Check the values of Snap properties. Specifically, check your service URL.

status code = 406


This means that the endpoint is not receiving any details from upstream Snaps.

Ensure that you have valid references in the HTTP entity field.

status code = 409

CONFLICT, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details. This happens when you already have the resource that you want to create in the target endpoint.

Verify the values in the Snap configuration.

Too many Requests - 429

There are too many requests to the endpoint.

Wait for the retry to succeed. The HTTP Client Snap extracts the response header and automatically retries when it encounters status 429.

By default, the retry interval (Retry-After) is specified in the HTTP response header. If no value is available for Retry-After, then the Snap’s Retry Interval value is used.


Snap Pack History


Snap Pack Version




May 2024



Fixed an issue with the GraphQL Client Snap that displayed an error when passing the Float data type query variables to the endpoint.

May 2024



Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2024



Enhanced the HTTP Client Snap to optimize the memory usage by accumulating the Request History objects only when you select the Enable debug checkbox. Now, the Snap displays debug information and lint warnings only (in both Error view and Output view) when you select the Enable debug checkbox.

February 2024



Enhanced the GraphQL Client Snap to include detailed stack trace, error message, and reason within the Snap error view output.

February 2024



Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2023



Fixed an issue that caused the HTTP Client Snap to fail when the Basic Authentication account password contained special characters.

November 2023



November 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused incorrect parsing of the boundary parameter by some REST endpoints. If you need to specify a character set, enter it in the individual parts of the request, as the charset parameter has been removed from the multipart content-type.

November 2023



Fixed an issue with the GraphQL Client Snap that displayed a null pointer exception when the Header authenticated checkbox in the OAuth2 Account is deselected. The Snap now passes the credentials appropriately using URL parameters when the Header authenticated field is deselected.

November 2023



Added the Google Service Account to the HTTP Client Snap, which enables you to connect to various Google Cloud endpoints such as Analytics 4 and Compute Engine.

August 2023



Fixed an issue with the SnapLogic SSL Account for the HTTP Client Snap where a blank keystore or truststore URL caused an error during account configuration.

August 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that displayed incorrect cookie information, with a null value in the cookies when you have duplicate cookies in the header. The Snap now displays the cookie information correctly.

August 2023



Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the GraphQL Client Snap that caused an error even when the variable value was defined in the previous Snap.

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused an intermittent connectivity issue, which resulted in a 404 error .

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap where the Snap now conceals the additional authentication headers in the debug information for Secured Headers Account.

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap where the validation of the SSL Account for a specified Keystore or Truststore value failed despite providing the correct password.

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused pagination to fail when the next Snap in the pipeline could modify the input document (for example, the Mapper Snap).

Behavior Change:
With the 433patches21307, pagination evaluation occurs before sending the output to the output view. Therefore, if snap.out.totalCount is part of the Has next or any other pagination properties, the Snap will not include the count in the output corresponding to the request that produced the output document.

May 2023



  • Fixed an issue affecting the HTTP Client Snap, which caused it to hang for an extended period when the user-agent contained the term java.

  • The HTTP Client Snap is enhanced with the Prevent URL encoding checkbox. This checkbox enables you to control whether the Snap should automatically encode the URL or prevent the URL encoding based on your preference.

May 2023



Introduced the GraphQL Client Snap, which enables you to query a GraphQL endpoint and retrieve data. This Snap features a built-in query builder to help you efficiently build queries.

February 2023



  • Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused encoding of spaces in the query portion of an URL with a plus sign (+) instead of percent-encoding (%). This fix changes the default behavior to percent-encoding through the Use form encoding for spaces checkbox, which is deselected by default. Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to encode any space characters in query parameters using the plus sign (+).

  • Updated the HTTP Client Snap to stop sending unnecessary headers in GET requests that do not have an entity defined.

February 2023



For Snaps using AWS Signature V4 accounts, DNS canonical names are now supported for S3 buckets.

February 2023



Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2022



The HTTP Client Snap does not fail when making a PATCH request containing an empty response body and location in the Headers. The Snap checks the entity length if the response entity is empty and skips the data conversion.

November 2022



The HTTP Client Snap now accepts the default value */* for the Accept header, which communicates to the server that the Snap can handle all forms of response content types.

October 2022


Latest and Stable

Introduced the API Suite Snap Pack that contains the HTTP Client Snap. This Snap unifies all supported HTTP methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE, and PATCH that you can execute on a REST API service endpoint.

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