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Azure Synapse SQL Account

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You can use this account type to connect Azure Synapse SQL Snaps with data sources that use Azure Synapse SQL account.




The Azure Synapse Analytics does not support Batch Insert and therefore does not honor Batch executions.

Known Issues


Account Settings

  • Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon ((blue star)): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ((blue star)): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ((blue star)): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.

  • Remove icon ((blue star)): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency



Default Value: None.
ExampleAzure Synapse SQL Active Directory Account



Specify a unique label for the account.

Account properties*

Use this field set to define the account properties.


Default Value: N/A



Specify the server's address to which you must connect.

Port Number*

Default Value: N/A
Example: 1433



Specify the port number of the database server to which you must connect.

Database name*

Default Value: N/A
Example: Synapse SQL



 Specify the name of the database to which you must connect.


Default Value: N/A
Example: snapadminuser



Specify the username to connect to the database.
This username is used as the default username when retrieving connections and must be valid to set up the data source.


Default Value: N/A
Example: P#2,nxu0oiX2&?



Specify the password used to connect to the data source.
This password is used as the default password when retrieving connections and must be valid to set up the data source.


Use this field set to specify the JDBC JAR files to be loaded.  Add each JAR file in a separate row.

JDBC Driver*

Default Value: N/A
Example: sqljdbc9.2.0.jar



Specify the driver to use for your application.

If you specify any specific driver, ensure that you use the latest or 11.2x driver, because this Snap Pack uses the MSAL4J. If you use a version lower than 11.2x, you might encounter errors.

JBDC Driver Class

Default Value:



Specify the fully qualified name of the driver class to be used for connecting to the server.

Trust all certificates

Default ValueDeselected
Example: Selected



Select this checkbox if all SSL certificates are to be accepted for connecting to the database.

External Location

Default Value: None
Example: Blob Storage

Dropdown list


Select one of the following source data locations from which to load data into the target database:

  • None: Data is not staged on an external location.

  • Blob Storage: Data is stored in Azure Blob Storage.

  • Azure Data Lake Gen2: Data is stored in ADLS.

External Storage Endpoint

Default Value: N/A
Example: (for Blob Storage) (for ADLS Gen2)


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify the endpoint path for the selected external location. 



Storage Account

Default Value: N/A
Example: snapdev


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify your account name to access the selected Azure external storage location.  

Azure Container

Default Value: N/A
Example: snapdev


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify the name of the container in the Azure storage account.


Azure Folder

Default Value: N/A


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify the relative path for the folder within the container specified above. Leave this field blank to use all the folders in the specified container.

Azure Auth Type

Default Value: Access Key
Example: Shared Access Signature

Dropdown list

Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Select the authentication type to use for accessing the external storage location. Then, provide the values for Azure Identify and Azure Secret fields or the selected authentication type. The available options are:

  • Access Key

  • Shared Access Signature

  • Managed Identity

Learn more about authentication types: COPY INTO (Transact-SQL)  in Microsoft Docs.

Storage Key

Default Value: N/A
Example: 9PHrnM97QUmS/6JKXgQvceDk75vr/9dtHR+AStvw==


Appears on selecting Managed Identity for Azure Auth Type.

Specify the storage access key of the Azure Storage Account.

Azure Identity

Default Value: N/A
Example: Storage Account Key


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify the Azure Identity to access the selected external storage location.

  • If the Azure Auth Type is:

    • Access Key, then the Azure Identity must be a constant with a value of Storage Account Key.

    • Shared Access Signature, then the Azure Identity must be a constant with a value of Shared Access Signature.

    • Managed Identity, then the Azure Identity must be a constant with a value of Managed Identity.

The minimum RBAC roles required are Storage blob data contributor or Storage blob data owner for the AAD registered SQL Database server.

Azure Secret

Default Value: N/A
Example: UvhVF65Bukk9hVF65BuUvhVF


Appears on selecting Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 for External Location.

Specify the Azure Secret corresponding to the selected authentication type. 

  • If the Azure Auth Type is:

    • Shared Access Signature, then the Azure Secret must be the Shared Access Signature that provides delegated access to resources in your storage account.
      Minimum permissions required are READ and LIST.

    • Access Key, then the Azure Secret must be the Storage Account Key value.

Learn more about the expected values for this field.: COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) in Microsoft Docs. 

Enable Error File Support

Default Value: Deselected



Select this checkbox to specify the directory within the COPY statement where the rejected rows and the corresponding error file should be written.

The error file only applies to CSV file formats.

Error File Azure Folder


Appears when you select Error File Azure Folder.

Specify a valid path to a folder in the Azure container. You can specify the full path from the storage account or specify the path relative to the container.

Use new Azure account for error file

Default Value: Deselected


Appears when you select Error File Azure Folder.

Select this checkbox if you need to configure a new account.
Deselect this checkbox if the error file is in the same Azure storage account as configured.

Error File External Location

Default Value: Blob Storage
Example: Azure Data Lake Gen2


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Choose either of the following external locations where the files containing the data is staged:

  • Blob Storage

  • Azure Data Lake Gen2

External Storage Endpoint

Default Value: N/A




Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Specify the endpoint in your external location path.

Error File Storage Account

Default Value: N/A
Example: snaps_strg_account


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Specify a valid Azure Storage Account.

Error File Azure Container

Default Value: N/A
Example: snaps_container


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Specify a valid Azure Container to use for staging data.

Error File Azure Auth Type

Default Value: Access Key
Example: Managed Identity


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Choose the athorization type to access the error file in Azure Synapse:

  • Access Key

  • Shared Access Signature

  • Managed Identity

Error File Azure Identity

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Specify the Azure Identity that is part of the credential that specifies the authentication mechanism to access the external storage account.

Error File Azure Secret

Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Appears when you select Use new Azure account for error file.

Secret is part of the credential that specifies the authentication mechanism to access the external storage account.

Advanced properties

 Use this field set to specify the advanced properties.

Auto commit

Default valueSelected



Select this checkbox to commit each batch immediately after it is executed. If the Snap fails, only the batch being executed at that moment gets rolled back.

Deselect this checkbox to commit the execution output only after the execution of all batches is complete. If the Snap fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, unless the Snap finds invalid input data before it sends the insert request to the server and routes the error documents to the Error view.

Batch size*

Default Value: 50
Example: 60



Specify the number of statements to execute at a time.

  • Select queries are not batched.

  • Using a large batch size could use up the JDBC placeholder limit of 2100.

Fetch size*

Default Value: 100
Example: 80



Specify the number of rows to fetch at a time when executing a query.

Large values could cause the server to run out of memory. 

Max pool size*

Default Value: 50
Example: 60



Specify the maximum number of connections a pool must maintain at a time.

Max life time*

Default Value: 30
Example: 50



Specify the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool.

Ensure that the value you enter is a few seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure-imposed connection time limit. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime, subject to the Idle Timeout value. An in-use connection is never retired. Connections are removed only after they are closed.

Idle Timeout*

Default Value: 5
Example: 8



Specify the maximum amount of time a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool.

A value of 0 indicates that idle connections are never removed from the pool.

Checkout timeout*

Default Value: 10000
Example: 1000



Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available when the pool is exhausted.

If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout.

URL properties

Use this field set to define URL properties to use if any.

URL Property Name

Default Value: N/A



Specify a name for the URL property if any.

URL Property Value

Default Value: N/A
Example: 3



Specify a value for the URL property name.

Click Validate after entering the required details to ensure that all fields have been filled accurately. Click Apply to save the settings.

Snap Pack History

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Snap Pack Version




August 2024



Upgraded the org.json.json library from v20090211 to v20240303, which is fully backward compatible.

May 2024



Fixed an issue with the Azure Synapse SQL Select Snap that displayed an error and did not retry the connection when the serverless SQL pool was warming up.

May 2024



February 2024



Upgraded the jOOQ library of the Azure Synapse SQL Snap Pack from v3.9.1 to v3.17.x.

This upgrade is currently NOT available with the latest distribution. However, you can still consume this patch through 436patches25597. This update is scheduled to be included in the latest distribution release on April 10, 2024, and will be a part of the stable distribution with the GA release on May 8. 2024.

Behavior change:

The jOOQ library upgrade for Azure Synapse SQL Snap Pack, done as part of the 436patches25597, resulted in the following behavior change:

Previously, when “null”(string) was passed from the upstream Mapper Snap for the Bigint datatype, the /wiki/spaces/DRWIP/pages/3011674578Snap updated it as null without displaying any error. It displayed the status as 0 and the output message as Success. Now, the Snap displays the following error in this scenario:

Error converting value(expecting a number but you are sending String(“null”))

If you pass null from Mapper Snap with the expression enabled, the Snap updates the null value for the BigInt datatype correctly, as earlier.

February 2024



Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2023



Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2023



The Azure Synapse SQL - Execute Snap now includes a new Query type field. When Auto is selected, the Snap tries to determine the query type automatically.

May 2023



Fixed an issue with the Azure Synapse SQL Bulkload Snap that caused a 404 error when the External Location was set to ADLS Gen2 and the Azure Folder field was not specified in the account settings.

May 2023



Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023



The Azure Synapse SQL Account and Azure Synapse SQL Active Directory Account now support the latest JDBC Driver 12.2.0.jre11 by default. You do not have to upload the JAR file in the JDBC Driver field manually.

February 2023




Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2022



The Azure Synapse SQL - Bulk Load Snap no longer fails when loading the JDBC driver from SLDB as it now uses the uploaded JAR driver when performing all bulk load operations.

November 2022



Fixed the Azure SQL - Execute Snap using the Azure SQL Active Directory Account that failed with SQL operation failed errors in environments using federated authentication

November 2022



Fixed the Azure SQL - Execute Snap using the Azure SQL Active Directory Account that failed with SQL operation failed errors in environments using federated authentication

November 2022



The Azure Synapse SQL - Bulk Load Snap no longer fails with the error Invalid column value in CSV data file when the data contains the field quote character (").

November 2022



The Azure Synapse SQL Insert Snap no longer supports the Preserve Case Sensitivity checkbox.

November 2022



Introduced the Azure Synapse SQL Snap Pack. The Azure Synapse Analytics is service from Microsoft that helps you query data to create, update, insert, or delete data in the Azure Synapse SQL. This Snap Pack contains the following Snaps:

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