Configuring Marketo Account
This account is used by the Snaps in the Marketo Snap Pack.
You can create an account from a Designer or Manager. In Designer, when working on pipelines, every Snap that needs an account prompts you to create a new account or use an existing account. The accounts can be created in or used from:
Your private project folder: This folder contains the pipelines that will use the account.
Your Project Space’s shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users that belong to the Project Space.
The global shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users within an organization in the SnapLogic instance.
Configuring Marketo Accounts Using SnapLogic Designer
Drag a Marketo Snap to the Canvas and click the Snap to open its settings. Click the Account tab. You can now either use an existing account or create a new one.
Selecting an existing account
SnapLogic organizes and displays all accounts to which you have access, sorting them by account type and location. To select an existing account:
In the Account tab, click the icon to view the accounts to which you have access, and select the account that you want to use.
Click <Save_icon>.
Creating an account
In the Account tab, click Add Account below the Account Reference field.
Select the Location in which you want to create the account, select the Account Type, and click Continue. The Add Account dialog window associated with the account type is displayed.
Enter the required account details. For detailed guidance on how to provide information required for each account type, see the following articles:
Click Validate to verify the account, if the account type supports validation.
Click Apply to complete configuring the <Snap Pack Name> account.
Configuring Marketo Accounts Using SnapLogic Manager
You can use Manager to create accounts without associating them immediately with Pipelines.
In the left pane, browse to the project in which you want to create the account and click > Account > <Snap Pack Name>, followed by the appropriate account type. The Create Account dialog associated with the selected account type is displayed.
Repeat the steps numbered 3 through 5 in the Creating an account section.
In Manager, you can navigate to the required folder and create an account in it (see Accounts). To create an account for Marketo :
Marketo Account:
Click Create, then select Marketo
Provide an account label.
Provide Client Id, Client Secret
Supply OAuth2 Token Endpoint.
Provide OAuth2 Token Endpoint
Click Apply.
Note: This account is used by all the snaps from this custom snap pack for getting access token information.
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