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Comment: Updated DLP Jar version.

In this article


titleELT Database Account Settings

Click the = (Expression) button in the Account's configuration, if available, to define the corresponding field value using expression language and Pipeline parameters.

Fields marked with an asterisk ( * )  in the table below are mandatory. 

ParameterField Dependency



Required. Unique user-provided label for the account.

Default Value: N/A

Example: ELT Account

Account Properties*

Use this field set to configure the information required to establish a JDBC connection with the account.

This field set consists of the following fields:

  • Database Type
  • Download JDBC Driver Automatically
  • JDBC Driver Class
  • Username
  • Password
  • Warehouse
  • Default Database Name
Database Type*None.

Required. Select the target data warehouse into which the queries must be loaded. 

Available options are:

  • Snowflake. Activates the Warehouse and Source Location fields.
  • Redshift. Activates the Source Location field.
  • Azure Synapse. Activates the following fields:
    • External Location
    • External Storage Endpoint
    • Storage Account
    • Azure Container
    • Azure Folder
    • Azure Auth Type
    • Azure Identity
    • Azure Secret
  • Databricks Lakehouse Platform. See Spark settings required for supporting ELT on DLP. Activates the following fields:
    • Use Token Based Authentication
    • Username
    • Password
    • Token
    • Default Database Name
    • DBFS Folder path (source for loading Databricks table)

Default Value: N/A

Example: Snowflake

Download JDBC Driver AutomaticallyCheckboxCheck box

Select this checkbox to allow the Snap account to download the certified JDBC Driver based on the Database Type you have selected. The following fields are disabled when this checkbox is selected.

  • JDBC JAR(s) and/or ZIP(s) : JDBC Driver
  • JDBC driver class

To use a JDBC Driver of your choice, clear this checkbox, upload (to SLDB), and choose the required JAR files in the JDBC JAR(s) and/or ZIP(s): JDBC Driver field. 

Use of Custom JDBC JAR version

You can use different JAR file versions than those listed here. We recommend that you use the listed JAR file versions. See the latest Release Notes for more details.

Default Value: Not Selected

Example: Selected

JDBC JAR(s) and/or ZIP(s): JDBC DriverRequired when the Download JDBC Driver Automatically checkbox  check box is not selected.

Upload the JDBC driver and other JAR files that you want to use into SLDB. Click  to add a new row. Add each JDBC JAR file in a separate row. See Downloading the JDBC Driver for more information about JDBC drivers and downloading the appropriate driver for your account.

Default Value: N/A

Example: snowflake-jdbc-3.9.1.jar

JDBC driver class*Required when the Download JDBC Driver Automatically checkbox  check box is not selected.

Specify the driver class to use for your application. 

We recommend that you use the following classes to suit your database type as other classes and methods may change due to future enhancements: 

  • Snowflake: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver
  • Redshift:
  • Azure Synapse:
  • Databricks Lakehouse Platform: com.simba.spark.jdbc.Driver

Default Value: N/A

Example: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver


Required. Enter the JDBC driver connection string that you want to use, based on the Database you are connecting to. Use the appropriate syntax provided below.

Alternatively, for Redshift, Azure Synapse, and Databricks Lakehouse Platform, you can make use of the UsernamePassword, and Database Name fields, along with the Advanced Properties > URL Properties field set to provide the parameters required for building your JDBC URL. See Passing your JDBC URL for more information.

titleAvoid passing Password inside the JDBC URL

If you specify the password inside the JDBC URL, it is saved as it is and is not encrypted. We recommend passing your password using the Password field provided, instead, to ensure that your password is encrypted.

Default Value: N/A

Example: jdbc:snowflake://

Use Token Based Authentication

Database Type is Databricks Lakehouse Platform

Select this checkbox to use token-based authentication for connecting to the target database (DLP) instance. Activates the Token field.

Default value: Selected

Example: Not selected

Username*When Use Token Based Authentication checkbox  check box is not selected.

Enter the username provided for your database account.


In case the Database Type is Databricks Lakehouse Platform and the Use Token Based Authentication checkbox  check box is not selected, you can enter the value token in this field and provide the token's value in the Password field.

Default value: N/A

Example: Bigdatasnaplogic

Password*When Use Token Based Authentication checkbox  check box is not selected.

Enter the password for the username specified above.


In case the Database Type is Databricks Lakehouse Platform and the Use Token Based Authentication


 check box is not selected, you can enter the value token in the Username field and provide the token's value in this field.

Default value: N/A

Example: <Encrypted>

Token*When Use Token Based Authentication checkbox  check box is selected.

Enter the token value for accessing the target database/folder path.

Default value: N/A

Example: <Encrypted>

Warehouse*Database Type is Snowflake

Enter the name of the Snowflake warehouse that you want to use.

Default value: N/A

Example: 12345abcdefghikj1km2345no

Default Database Name*String

Enter the name of the database to use by default. This database is used if you do not specify one in the ELT Select, ELT Insert-Select, or ELT Merge Into Snaps. 

Default value: N/A


DBFS Folder path (source for loading Databricks table)Database Type is Databricks Lakehouse Platform

Required for ELT Load Snap.

Specify the fully qualified path to a target folder in your DBFS instance. It should begin with / which denotes the DBFS Root folder.


If DBFS path has a mount point included (to a folder in S3 or Azure Blob Storage or ADLS Gen2 Storage), this field assumes that the specified external data folder is mounted on to DBFS path already. For example, if /mnt/mnt_point _to_s3/csv is the specified path to DBFS folder, this field assumes that you have already created mnt_point_to_s3 using DBFS mount command in Databricks Python Notebook.

Default value: N/A

Example: /my_DBFS/mounted0408_folder

Source Location*Database Type is Snowflake or Redshift

Select the source data warehouse from which to load data into the target database. You must configure this field if you want to use the ELT Load Snap. 

Available options are:

  • None
  • S3. Activates the AuthenticationS3 Bucket, and S3 Folder fields.
  • Azure. Activates the AuthenticationSAS TokenStorage AccountAzure Container, and Azure folder fields.

    • Azure is not applicable to the Redshift database.
    • The Source Location field is not applicable when you select Azure Synapse option in the Database Type field. In other words, configure the External Storage (source) details separately, as S3 is not applicable to Azure Synapse.
  • Google Cloud Storage. (GCS) Activates the AuthenticationGoogle Cloud Storage (GCS) Bucket, and Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Folder fields.

Default value: None

Example: S3, Azure, Google Cloud Storage

AuthenticationSource Location is S3, Azure, or Google Cloud Storage

Select the authentication method to use for the loaded data.

Available options are:

  • Source Location Credentials. Select this option when you do not have a storage integration setup in your S3 or Azure data storage. Activates the Access Key and Secret Key fields for S3 or the SAS Token field for Azure.
  • Source Location Session Credentials. Select this option if you have session credentials to access the source location. Activates the Session Access KeySession Secret Key, and Session Token fields for S3 or the SAS Token field for Azure.
  • Storage Integration. Select this option when you want to use the storage integration in your target database for the selected source location. Activates the Storage Integration field.

  • IAM Role. Select this option if you want to use the IAM Role authentication. Activates the IAM Role field. You must provide the IAM role associated with the target Redshift cluster in the IAM Role field. See Create an IAM Role for details on creating and associating IAM Role with your Redshift cluster.

  • Storage integration is not applicable to the Redshift database.
  • IAM role authentication is not applicable to the Snowflake database.
  • The Authentication field is not applicable when you select Azure Synapse option in the Database Type field.

Default value: Source Location Credentials

Example: Storage Integration

Storage IntegrationSource Location is S3, Azure, or Google Cloud Storage and 
Authentication is 
Storage Integration

Enter the name of the storage integration in your Snowflake database. Navigate to one of the following links for more information on setting up your Storage Integration in Snowflake.


Storage integration is not applicable to the Redshift and Azure Synapse databases.

Default value: N/A

Example: my_s3_integration, my_azure_integration, my_sf_gcs_integration

IAM RoleDatabase Type is RedshiftSource Location is S3, and
Authentication is 
IAM Role.

Enter the IAM role associated with the target Redshift cluster. See Create an IAM Role for details on creating and associating IAM Role with your Redshift cluster.

Default value: N/A

Example: myiamrole

Access KeySource Location is S3, and Authentication is
Source Location Credentials.

Enter the access key ID associated with your AWS S3 account.

Default value: N/A


Secret KeySource Location is S3, and Authentication is
Source Location Credentials.

Enter the client secret key associated with your AWS S3 account.

Default value: N/A


SAS TokenSource Location is Azure, and Authentication is
Source Location Credentials.

Enter the SAS token part of the SAS URI associated with your Azure storage account. See Getting Started with SAS for details.

Default value: N/A

Example: ?sv=2020-08-05&st=2020-08-29T22%3A18%3A26Z&se=2020-08-30T02%3A23%3A26Z&sr=b&sp=rw&sip=

Session Access KeySource Location is S3, Database Type is Snowflake, Redshift or Databricks Lakehouse Platformand Authentication is
Source Location Session Credentials.

Enter the access key ID associated with your AWS S3 account.

Default value: N/A


Session Secret KeySource Location is S3, Database Type is Snowflake, Redshift or Databricks Lakehouse Platformand Authentication is
Source Location Session Credentials.

Enter the client secret key associated with your AWS S3 account.

Default value: N/A


Session TokenSource Location is S3, Database Type is Snowflake, Redshift or Databricks Lakehouse Platformand Authentication is
Source Location Session Credentials.

Enter the session token value when the authorization to access the S3 folder is based on Security Token Service (STS) based temporary credentials.

Default value: N/A

Example: A%1DEFGH1Ijk2Lm3noI3OlWTjEg2tYkboXr1P9ZUXDtkk%3D

Storage AccountSource Location is S3.

Enter the name of your Azure storage account.


Storage Account is not applicable to the Redshift database.

Default value: N/A

Example: employeedata

S3 BucketSource Location is S3.

Enter the name of the bucket from which to load the data.

Default value: N/A

Example: employeedata

S3 Bucket RegionDatabase Type is Redshift and Source Location is S3.

Select the region of your Redshift cluster if it is different from the region of the S3 bucket. 

Available options are:

  • Default
  • us-east-1
  • us-east-2
  • us-west-1
  • us-west-2
  • af-south-1
  • ap-east-1
  • ap-south-1
  • ap-northeast-1
  • ap-northeast-2
  • ap-northeast-3
  • ap-southeast-1
  • ap-southeast-2
  • ca-central-1
  • cn-north-1
  • cn-northwest-1
  • eu-central-1
  • eu-west-1
  • eu-west-2
  • eu-west-3
  • eu-south-1
  • eu-north-1
  • me-south-1
  • sa-east-1

Default value: Default

Example: us-east-1, us-east-2

S3 FolderSource Location is S3.

Enter the name of the folder in the S3 bucket specified above where the source files are located.

Default value: N/A

Example: hrdepartment

External Location
(For Azure Synapse only)
Database Type is Azure Synapse.

Select the source data location from which to load data into the target database. You must configure this field if you want to use the ELT Load Snap. 

Available options are:

  • Blob Storage
  • Azure Data Lake Gen2

Default value: Blob Storage

Example: Azure Data Lake Gen2

External Storage Endpoint
(For Azure Synapse only)
Database Type is Azure Synapse.

Enter the end point path for the selected external location. You must configure this field if you want to use the ELT Load Snap.

Default value: N/A

Example: (for Blob Storage), (for ADLS Gen2)

Storage Account
(For Azure Synapse only)
Database Type is Azure Synapse.

Enter your Account name to access the selected Azure external storage location. You must configure this field if you want to use the ELT Load Snap.

Default value: N/A

Example: adlsgen2v02

Azure ContainerSource Location is Azure.

Enter the name of the container in the Azure storage account.


Azure Container is not applicable to the Redshift database.

Default value: N/A

Example: hrdepartment

Azure FolderSource Location is Azure.

Enter the relative path for the folder within the container specified above. Leave this field blank to use all the folders in the specified container. 


Azure Folder is not applicable to the Redshift database.

Default value: N/A

Example: salaries

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) BucketSource Location is Google Cloud Storage and Authentication is 
Storage Integration.

Enter the name of the GCS bucket from which to load the data to your Snowflake database.

Default value: N/A

Example: elt_gcs_bucket_1

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) FolderSource Location is Google Cloud Storage and Authentication is 
Storage Integration.

Enter the name of the folder in the GCS bucket where the source files are located.

Default value: N/A

Example: elt_gcs_bucket_1_CSV_Files

Azure Auth Type
(For Azure Synapse only)
Database Type is Azure Synapse.

Select the authentication type to use for accessing the selected Azure external storage location. Then, provide the values for Azure IdentityAzure Secret, Storage Key fields for the selected authentication type. See COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) in Microsoft Docs for more information on these authentication types.

Available options are:

  • Storage Account Key
  • Shared Access Signature
  • Managed Identity
  • <application_ID>@<OAuth_2.0_Token_EndPoint> (Service Principals)
  • AAD User (Azure Active Directory User)

Default value: Storage Account Key

Example: AAD User

Azure Identity
(For Azure Synapse only)
Azure Auth Type is AAD User.

Enter the Azure Identity (the constant value) corresponding to the selected authentication type. See COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) in Microsoft Docs for more information on the suggested values for this field.

Default value: N/A

Example: Storage Account Key

Azure Secret
(For Azure Synapse only)
Azure Auth Type is Storage Account Key, Shared Access Signature, or Service Principals.

Enter the Azure Secret corresponding to the selected authentication type. See COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) in Microsoft Docs for more information on the expected values for this field.

Default value: N/A

Example: UvhVF65Bukk9hVF65BuUvhVF

Storage Key
(For Azure Synapse only)

Azure Auth Type is Shared Access Signature, Managed Identity, or Service Principals.

Enter the storage access key value corresponding to the Azure account mentioned in Storage Account field. See COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) in Microsoft Docs for more information on the expected values for this field.


This field is needed only when you want to define the File Name Pattern in the ELT Load Snap to locate and read the file/s from the Azure Folder path. Else, leave it blank.

Default value: N/A

Example: ufv!befDIuf#fnb$KH&_hweuf

Client IDAzure Auth Type is AAD User.

Enter the Client ID of the application created in the Azure Active Directory portal -


This field is needed only when you want to define the File Name Pattern in the ELT Load Snap to locate and read the file/s from the Azure Folder path. Else, leave it blank.

Default value: N/A

Example: hewr42ap-32jd-pd95-ms38-b342bnasdh80

Client SecretAzure Auth Type is AAD User.

Enter the Client ID of the application created in the Azure Active Directory portal -


This field is needed only when you want to define the File Name Pattern in the ELT Load Snap to locate and read the file/s from the Azure Folder path. Else, leave it blank.

Default value: N/A

Example: jhweufv!befDIufwb*dsfwujfnb$KH&_

Tenant IDAzure Auth Type is AAD User.

Enter the Tenant ID of the application created in the Azure Active Directory portal -


This field is needed only when you want to define the File Name Pattern in the ELT Load Snap to locate and read the file/s from the Azure Folder path. Else, leave it blank.

Default value: N/A

Example: b342bnas-he38-apms-dhjd-pd95wr423280

Advanced Properties

Other parameters that you want to specify as URL properties. See the following resources for a list of parameters that can be specified in this field set.

In case of Snowflake, DO NOT configure parameters that are already present in the Account Properties field set. For example:

  • db=<name>
  • warehouse=<name>

This field set consists of the following fields:

  • URL Properties
    • URL Property Name
    • URL Property Value
URL PropertiesString/Integer

The account parameter's name and its corresponding value. Click + to add more rows. Add each URL property-value pair in a separate row. Specify the name of the parameter in the URL Property Name field and its value in the URL Property Value field.


Click Validate after entering the required details to ensure that all fields have been filled accurately. Click Apply to save the settings.

titleAccount Validation when using Pipeline parameters

If you have used Pipeline parameters or expressions to define values for the account fields above, the account validation (done by clicking the Validate button) is not supported. However, the Snaps that use this account may connect to the endpoint successfully depending on the accuracy and validity of the expressions and parameters used.


Supported CDWCertified JDBC JAR File
Azure Synapsemssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar
Databricks Lakehouse Platform (DLP)SimbaSparkJDBC42-2.6.1721.1021.jar
