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In this article

Table of Contents


You can use this account type to connect MySQL Snaps with data sources that use MySQL Database accounts.


use MySQL Database accounts.



The account must have the JDBC JAR file. The default JAR file does not support connectivity to MYSQL8. To connect to MYSQL8, you must upload JAR mysql-connector-java (v8). Learn more about version compatibility in the MySQL article.

To ensure compatibility, we recommend that you use


the same versions of MySQL driver and MySQL server


for configuring your MySQL account. For example, when using server version


8.0.22, ensure that the driver version is also 8.0.22.


 If you do not add any JDBC JARs, a default JDBC JAR file is loaded.




Behavior Change

Insert excerptGeneric Database AccountGeneric Database AccountnameChange In Behavior

Account Settings

Image RemovedImage Added

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 
LabelStringRequired. The user-provided name for the account. Preferably, update the account name if your project includes more than one account of the same type.N/AMySQL_DatabaseAccount
JDBC Driver ClassStringThe class name of the JBDC driver. N/Acom.mysql.jdbc.Driver

List of JDBC JAR files to be loaded. Click Image Modified on the right of the field to add a row.


If you do not add any JDBC JARs, a default JDBC JAR file is loaded. The default JAR file does not support connectivity to MYSQL8. To connect to MYSQL8, you must upload JAR mysql-connector-java (v5.1.47 or v8).

JDBC Driver




Upload the JDBC driver and other JAR files that you want to use into SLDB. Click  to add a new row. Add each JDBC JAR file in a separate row.  For more information about JDBC drivers and downloading the appropriate driver for your account, see Downloading the JDBC Driver.



When you use the relative path for the JDBC JAR file in accounts across different projects, the pipelines fail with the JAR FILE NOT FOUND error. Therefore, you must use the absolute path for the JDBC JAR file to run your pipelines successfully.


Project Spaces/my_diagnostic_space/my_diagnostic /sqljdbc4-2.0.jar

Account properties*Use this field set to specify the account properties required to connect to the database.

Hostname*StringSpecify the server address to which the application must connect.N/
Port Number*IntegerSpecify the database server's port number to which the application must connect.33063306
Database name*StringSpecify the name of the database to which the application must connect.N/Ainformation_schema
UsernameStringSpecify the user name that is allowed to connect to the database. It is used as the default user name when retrieving connections. The user name must be valid in order to set up the data source.N/AEricJones
PasswordStringSpecify the password used to connect to the data source. It is used as the default password when retrieving connections. The password must be valid in order to set up the data source.N/AN/A
Configure SSH TunnelString

Select this checkbox if the Snap must create an SSH tunnel dynamically for connecting the JCC node to the MySQL server. Once the operation is completed, the tunnel is closed.

If selected, the configuration details of the SSH Tunnel must be provided.

Not selectedN/A
SSH Auth ModeString

Select the mode for authenticating the user on the SSH tunnel. The associated properties are displayed. 

The valid options are:

  • Password: If selected, the SSH Hostname, SSH Username, and the SSH Password properties must be configured.
  • KeyFile: If selected, the SSH Hostname, SSH Username, KeyStore, KeyStore Password, Key alias, and Private Key Passphrase properties must be configured. 

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

SSH Hostname


Specify the IP address or the domain name of the SSH server to which you want to connect.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

         SSH Username


Specify the SSH username for connecting to the tunnel. 

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

         SSH Password


Specify the password associated with the SSH username. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is Password.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.



Specify the location of the keystore file. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile.

The file can be in SLDB, on the host machine that is hosting the JCC, or at any other remote location. For a local file, click Image Modified to select the appropriate file using the file browser. You can also upload the file using any protocol such as https, ftp, sldb, and sftp.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

KeyStore Password


Specify the password to access the keystore file. This field is required if the SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

Key alias


Specify the identifier or label of the private key to be used from the keystore. This field is required if SSH Auth Mode is KeyFile.

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

Private Key PassphraseString 

Specify the password associated with the private key. If no value is provided, the keystore password is used. 

This value is considered only if the Configure SSH Tunnel check box is selected.

Advanced properties
Use this field set to set advanced properties required for connecting to the database.

Auto commitN/ASelect this checkbox to auto-commit batches immediately after it is executed. If the Snap fails, only the batch being executed at that moment is rolled back.

Deselect this checkbox to commit only after all the batches are executed.


If the Snap fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, unless the Snap finds invalid input data before it sends the insert request to the server, and routes the error documents to the Error view.

Batch size*Integer
Specify the batch size to indicate the number of SQL statements to execute in a single batch. For example, when inserting 100 records with batch size as 40, there will be 100 insert statements, and they are executed in 3 batches, the first and second batches contain 40 insert statements each and the third batch contains 20.
  • If the Batch Size is one, the query is executed as-is, that is the Snap skips the batch (non-batch execution).

  • If the Batch Size is greater than one, the Snap performs the regular batch execution.

  • Select queries are not batched.
  • It is part of the JDBC standard, there is no maximum limit on the batch size. However, the JDBC drivers do not necessarily follow the standard and could throw exceptions if the batch size is too large for a specific driver. Reduce the batch size if you see an exception saying that the batch size is too large.


Using a large batch size could use up the JDBC placeholder limit of 2100. If the batch size is too large, sending a single batch request to the database server can take too long and it would time out. You should test and monitor the performance with different batch sizes and decide the best batch size.

Fetch size*Integer

Specify the number of rows to fetch at a time when executing a query.


Large values could cause the server to run out of memory.

Max pool size*IntegerSpecify the maximum number of concurrent connections a pool maintains at a time. The number of max pool size depends on the number of concurrent connections you need. Each MySQL Snap holds a separate connection when running. For a pipeline that has 4 MySQL Insert, 2 MySQL Execute, and 1 MySQL Update Snaps, the max pool size should be no less than 7 to make sure that the pipeline is executed successfully.5050
Max life time*IntegerSpecify the maximum time (in minutes) of a connection in the pool. Ensure that the value you enter is a few seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure-imposed connection time limit. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime, subject to the Idle Timeout value. An in-use connection is never retired. Connections are removed only after they are closed.3030
Idle Timeout*IntegerSpecify the maximum time (in seconds) a connection is allowed to remain idle in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that idle connections are never removed from the pool.55
Checkout timeout*Integer

Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available when the pool is exhausted. 

A value of 0 waits forever. An exception will be thrown after the wait time has expired

Multiexcerpt macro

If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout.

URL propertiesN/A

Use this field set to define the URL properties.


You can define the time zone values in this field set. The server time zone is important to convert date and time values stored in the database to the time zone set in the application server. You must configure either the database server or JDBC driver (by passing the serverTimeZone in the Url property name field) to use a specific time zone value for time zone support.

  • The Connector/J8.0 performs time offset adjustments on date-time values; however, the adjustments require either of the following conditions to be true:

    • MySQL server must be configured with a canonical time zone that is recognizable by Java (for example, Europe/Paris and UTC.)

    • Connector/J connection property serverTimezone must be set (for example, serverTimezone=America/New York) to override the server's time zone.


URL property name


Specify the name of the URL property name.N/AzeroDateTimeBehavior

URL property value


Specify the value for the URL property defined above.N/AconvertToNull

