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Groundplex Type

Role attached to EC2 instance

Authentication Type and other details

When the Groundplex type is AWS EC2 and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB access role.

AWS EC2-type

DynamoDB access role.

Select Authentication Type as the IAM Role.

When the Groundplex type is AWS EC2 and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

AWS EC2-type

DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

Select Authentication Type as IAM the Role and provide details for the Cross-account IAM Role.

When you do not have AWS-EC2 Groundplex and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB access role.

User does not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex. Value is from local machine.

DynamoDB access role

Select the Authentication Type as User Credentials and provide details for the following fields:

  • AWS Access Key ID

  • AWS Secret Key

  • AWS Security Token (optional)

When you do not have an AWS-EC2 Groundplex and the role attached to the EC2 instance is the DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

User does not have an AWS-EC2 groundplexGroundplex. Value is from local machine.

DynamoDB Cross-account access role.

Select Authentication Type as User Credentials and provide details for the following fields:

  • AWS Access Key ID

  • AWS Secret Key

  • AWS Security Token (optional)

  • Cross-account IAM Role





Failed to validate account: Failed to connect to service endpoint.

The connection to the host failed.

Verify that the Cross-account IAM role is not attached to the EC2 instance. Refer to for additional information.


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DynamoDB Snap Pack
DynamoDB Snap Pack
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