In this article
Use SnapLogic Manager to add or remove users within groups. You can use this procedure to make an existing basic user an admin of the Org. All Orgs are provisioned with an admins group.
You can add only one user at a time. To add and delete users from groups programmatically, see User and Group APIs.
Adding Users to Groups
You must have Org admin access.
- In the Manager > Groups, click on the group to which you want to add users.
- Click + to display a drop-down field. If you already have users in the group, you may need to scroll down to see the latest drop-down field that is added.
- Click the drop-down icon to browse the list of users.
Select the user you want to add and click Update.
Removing a User from a Group
You must have Org admin access.
In the Manager > Groups, click on the group from which you want to remove the user.
Removing users from groups does not remove them from the Org.
In the list of users, click the X icon next to the user to delete.
- Click Update to confirm the removal of that user.