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The Activity Log enables Org admins to track changes to user accounts and assets within their organization. 

You can sort by the following categories:

View the Activity Log

To access the Activity Log for your Org from Manager:

By default, the Activity Log shows a log of all the latest tasks executed within the Org. However, the page also enables Org admins to query the log for data gathered over a specific time range. You can filter the log to display changes in ACLs (Access Control Lists), Assets (such as Pipelines, Accounts, and Tasks), Users, API Policies, Snap Pack Distributions, Snaplexes, Sessions, and Groups) by clicking on the tab for that asset. You can also save a log by clicking the Download button on the top right.

The lower section of the Activity Log report displays the total number of log entries retrieved and the number of entries being displayed (for example, 1 to 100 of 3407 entries). Use the First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons—or the numbered links—to access entries, with each page displaying 100 entries.

Audit Information

  • Audit information is retained for 90 days before it is deleted. When a Project is deleted, users lose visibility to all events for that project in their Activity Logs, whereas Org admins continue to see that information.

  • All event times are indicated with the day, date, and time.

Activity Logs for Projects and Tasks

As a user, you can view the Activity Log for the Projects and Tasks to which you have access.

Audit Org Admin Activities

You can audit the actions of Org admins in the Manager > Settings page. Because your Org can have an unlimited number of Org admins, this auditing feature is helpful in tracking activity. Most controls of Org-level activity are on the Manager > Settings page. The Org settings update events are included in the Org category in the Activity Log. For all Org Settings, the changes to Org Settings in Manager are tracked. 

The following image provides an example of how changes to Settings are tracked:

Additional Snaplex Event Reporting

The Activity Log now tracks node crash events. When you scan the contents of the Activity Log, you can view the event information for this event:

The inclusion of the node crash event enhances the reporting capabilities of the Activity Log. When you notice a node crash event, you can work with Support to obtain the Snaplex JCC logs for details about which Pipelines were running during the event. Because the Snaplex logs roll over fairly often to reduce resource constraints on your infrastructure, node crashes often went unnoticed previously.

To ease the tracking of Snaplex node events, when you click on the Snaplex tab, the following events are included:

The following image shows events for nodes entering maintenance mode:

Because a Snaplex node entering maintenance mode could indicate an issue with pipeline executions on that node, this information helps with node crash investigation. For example, a pattern of a node entering maintenance mode in line with crash events could signal a configuration problem. Before the December 2023 release, these events fell under the All tab.

Additional Org Setting Update Events

IP, CORS, and Groundplex Allowlists for Org Events

The events are visible in the Activity Log when you add or remove the IP address, CORS, and Groundplex allowlists from the Manager settings. The Org admin can monitor, track, and audit through these logged events:

API Daily Limit and Concurrent API Limit Events

Reference for Events Logged

The following lists show the events tracked in the Activity Log.


For user and group access control lists (ACLs), the following events are tracked:


For changes to APIs published to the Org Developer Portal and subscription status, the following events are tracked:


The assets tracked are groups, projects, Pipelines, files, tasks, accounts, Snaplexes, and Snap Packs. The events tracked are:


For users, the following events are tracked:


For policies applies at any level in the Org, including projects and shared folders in Manager, and at the API and version level in APIM, the following events are tracked:


For Snap Pack distribution, the following events are tracked:


Org settings update

For changes in the Manager > Settings page by Org admins, the following events are tracked:

Detailed updates

Some events provide details about the update to a particular Org Setting, while others just indicate whether the Org Setting was enabled or disabled.

Only one event record exists per Snaplex.


For Snaplexes, the following events are tracked:


For sessions, the following events are tracked:


For groups, the following events are tracked:


For API policies, the following events are tracked:

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