Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In this article

Table of Contents


Use this Snap to upload and share one or more files with a user/group/channel either directly or as a reply to a thread.


  • A valid and active account in the Slack Workspace.


Add valid Slack Scopes based on the intended operation. See Required Slack Scopes below for details.

Required Slack Scopes

Any action you want to perform within a Slack Workspace, additionally needs appropriate Scopes assigned to your app. See Scopes for more information See the Scope and Permissions article in Slack API documentation for the complete list and each Account page under Configuring Slack Accounts for information on defining Scopes for your app.


Bot Token Accounts

User Token Accounts
To upload, edit, and delete filesfiles:write


View lists of channels and users to select fromusers:readusers:read

Support for Ultra Pipelines


Works in Ultra Pipelines.


Snaps in this Snap Pack use conditional display/hiding of fields. So, ensure that you always use the New Form UI (and not the classic UI) for the Snaps to function as designed/expected.

Known Issues


Snap Input and Output

Input/OutputType of ViewNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription


  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Mapper
  • Copy
  • JSON Generator
  • Sort
A document containing information and paths of one or more files to upload to Slack and the recipient user/channel details.


  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Mapper
  • JSON Formatter

A document containing the success / failure status of each file uploaded.

Snap Settings

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample 

Insert excerpt
File Writer
File Writer

Upload FileUpload File

Required. Enter the file name or its path in SLDB or Snaplex including the file name to upload the file

. The path can use either file protocol or sldb protocol. Alternatively, you can

  • Upload files from your local system. Upload the files, preferably, to your project folder (SLDB) and then, click the Image Added icon at the far right end of this field to browse, filter and select files to upload.
  • Locate and upload files from your Snaplex using the file protocol, depending on your Snaplex folder permissions.

See File Types article in Slack API documentation for a generic list of file extensions that the upload operation supports.

Use the preview icon - Image Added to preview the file, when this field contains only one file path.




(SLDB project folder)

/Pipelines/My_Pipeline.slp (SLDB other folder)

sldb:///myfolder/filename.png (SLDB full folder path)

file:///snaplogic/files/name.pdf (Snaplex)

../../shared/1234.pdf (SLDB)


Select a Click the Image Added icon and select a channel from the suggested values. To add more channels, enter comma-separated values manually in one of the following formats: 

  • Channel:
    •<11-character alphanumeric channel ID> OR
    • OR
    • <11-character alphanumeric channel ID>

Select a Click the Image Added icon and select a recipient from the suggested values. To add more recipients, enter comma-separated values manually in the format:<11-character alphanumeric user ID>


It is important to follow this format for adding valid users as Slack creates an interim channel with the list of users provided in this field and sends the intimation to the users through this interim channel, once the file is uploaded. The Snap is most likely to return an error if even one of the recipients is not found in the Workspace.

File TypeString/ExpressionProvide a brief description of the file and its format (extension). N/Ajpeg
Initial CommentString/ExpressionAdd any comments related to the file to be uploaded.N/AHere is the doc I was talking about.
Timestamp (if thread reply)String/ExpressionTo upload the file in reply to a message or a message in a thread, provide the timestamp of the corresponding message. This timestamp must correspond to a message in the channel or the direct conversations with the users, as specified above.N/A1601469028.000100

Enter the file name with extension in this field. It is displayed along with the uploaded file, in the Slack message.

If no value is provided in this field, Slack defaults the value to the file name excluding its file extension.

Snap ExecutionDrop-down list

Select one of the three following modes in which the Snap executes:

  • Validate & Execute. Performs limited execution of the Snap and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation, then performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only. Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled. Disables the Snap and all Snaps downstream from it.

Execute onlyValidate & Execute



IO error while performing the operation

File not found on at /api/1/rest/.../Slack_SnapPack/filename.extn

Ensure the token and the inputs are valid, and try again; contact support team if the problem persists.

that the file you want to upload is available in your project folder and try uploading the file again.

Unable to create an interim channel for the given list of users.user, Reason: user_not_foundEnsure the token and the inputs are valid, and try again; contact support team if the problem persists.
Failure: Error uploading filemissing_scopeEnsure the token and the inputs are valid, and try again; contact support team if the problem persists.
Failure: Auth error No The Snap could not find one or more recipients in the current workspace and hence could not create an interim channel for sending the file. Ensure that all of the recipient users are mentioned in a valid format and retry uploading the file.
Error uploading file Reason: missing_scopeThe Snap account does not have the required Scopes to upload file into the workspace.Ensure that the Snap account is configured to have the required Scopes and Permissions provided in Prerequisites section of this document.
Auth error, Reason: No user token present in the OAuth2 responseA valid token is not available for the account to make a successful OAuth2 connection with your Slack app.Ensure your OAuth2 app is configured correctly, and try authorizing account again.
Failure: Error uploading file, Reason: invalid_channelThere exists no channel with one of the names/IDs you have specified in the Channels field. Ensure the token and the inputs that all the channels you mentioned in the Channels field are valid , and try again; contact support team if the problem persistsuploading the file again.


Uploading and Deleting Files


This example demonstrates how we can use the Upload File Snap to share files with one or more recipients. To delete a file that you have sent to another Slack user/Channel/private group, you need to use the Delete File Snap to pass the id of the file to be deleted. The same can be done for multiple files, at once.

In this example, we use the Upload File Snap to upload and share a file with members of a Channel. 

Upload File SnapOutput
Image Modified
Image Modified

Now, we connect a Search Snap to locate an uploaded file and collect the file details using a Mapper Snap.

Search SnapOutput
Image Modified
Image Modified
Mapper SnapOutput
Image Modified
Image Modified

Using the id parameter captured through the Mapper Snap, we can delete the file from the Slack Channel, Private Group, or Direct Message where it has been shared.

Delete File SnapOutput
Image Modified
Image Modified

The file is deleted and the result of this operation is displayed in the Snap output.

Download this Pipeline


titleImportant Steps to Successfully Reuse Pipelines
  1. Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.
  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
  3. Provide Pipeline parameters as applicable.


Insert excerpt
Slack Snap Pack (Beta)
Slack Snap Pack (Beta)


See Also