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Only Org administrators can manage users.

The User screen enables you to manage users and their roles. To access the Users page, click Users in the SnapLogic Manager main menu:


SnapLogic provides these user roles:

  • Org admins. Users in a specific Org who manage that Org. Within the APIM Developer Portal, an Org admin can configure the portal, publish or deprecate APIs, and approve subscriptions and accounts. To designate a new user as an Org admin, add them to the admins group.
  • Basic user. All non-admin users. Within an Org, basic users can create projects and work with assets in the Project spaces to which they have been granted permission. AutoSync users have a user space for the data pipelines and credentials they create. Refer to the AutoSync documentation for more information about user spaces.

Only Org admins can manage users.

Org admins can manage users from the IIP or the new Admin Manager. The Users page in Manager also provides controls to add and delete users, and to modify their application access. 

Image Added

The table displays a list of all the users in your Org


and allows you to manage access to SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP), AutoSync, and Flows.

Use the Classic Manager Users screen to perform the following tasks:

Child pages (Children Display)



De-provisioned Users and Orphan Service Accounts

As part of the SnapLogic off-boarding process, we remove the


user's account from


your Org and


de-provision the associated assets across


your Orgs, resulting in the following



  • For each Org of which the


  • de-provisioned user was a member, an orphan service account is created, and the user's assets are transferred to this account. The new Org admin inherits the assets in the orphan service account.
  • Deleting the orphan service account transfers all of the assets associated with the orphan accounts to the respective new Org admin. 
  • If the orphan account is not removed from the Org, any other


  • de-provisioned user's assets from this Org become associated with the same orphan service account.


  • When multiple users are


  • de-provisioned in the same Org, their assets are transferred to the same orphan service account. One orphan service account is created for each affected Org.


See Also

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cqllabel = "user" and space = "SD"



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