DynamoDB Snap Pack

DynamoDB Snap Pack


Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service offered by Amazon.com

Use Snaps in this Snap Pack to:

  • Read data from a DynamoDB table.
  • Write data into DynamoDB.
  • Update data in a DynamoDB table.



Supported Versions

This Snap Pack is tested against:

  • DynamoDB AWS region: us-west-1(N.California)
  • API version 2012-08-10.

Snap Pack History

 Click to view/expand
Release Snap Pack VersionDateType  Updates
February 2025main29887 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2024main29029 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2024main27765 StableUpdated and certified against the current Snaplogic Platform release.
May 2024main26341 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023main23721 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2023




Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

May 2023main21015 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023

main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
January 2023431patches19383 Latest

The DynamoDB Snap Pack supports the IAM role in the DynamoDB account.

November 2022main18944 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
430 Patch430patches18355 LatestThe lineage for Ultra Pipelines containing the DynamoDB Bulk Get and DynamoDB Bulk Write Snaps is now preserved only when the Batch Size is 1.
430 Patch430patches18211 Latest

The DynamoDB Bulk Write Snap now does not fail with the Duplicate keys <table-name> are provided error when the Batch size or the Thread count is high.

August 2022main17386 StableThe DynamoDB Account includes AWS Security Token field to pass the security token when making calls using temporary credentials.
4.29 Patch429patches16169