Snaplex Properties
In this Article
You can configure properties for individual nodes in the Snaplex Properties tab. The first set of properties (Max slots, Reserved slots, and Max memory) affect how Pipeline executions are assigned to nodes in the Snaplex by the control plane. For example, if all of the slots on a node have been used for executing other Pipelines, any new executions are sent to other nodes in the Snaplex or the Control Plane keeps the Pipeline execution in a Queued state until resources become available.
Maximum Slots
Each Snap in a Pipeline consumes a slot, so Pipelines are only executed on nodes where the number of slots currently in use is below this threshold. Otherwise, the Pipelines fail or are placed in the Queued state, depending on how they are executed. The number of slots-in-use corresponds to the number of active threads on a node, which can be viewed on the Health tab on the SnapLogic Dashboard.
A heuristic to use is that 2000 slots can be allocated per 8GB of RAM available on each Snaplex node. So for nodes with 16GB of RAM, use 4000 (the default setting) as the slot count. A restart is not required with a change to this setting.
Reserved Slot Percentage
Reserved slots are used when a Pipeline or validation is executed manually from SnapLogic Designer. If no slots are reserved, then these interactive Pipeline executions—Pipeline executions that run from the Designer for testing or validation purposes—can be blocked by long-running executions. Pipelines executed using Tasks or Pipeline Execute Snaps will not have access to these slots. You can adjust this setting based on your experience if the default value is not optimal. To reserve more slots for interactive sessions, set your value lower. If the Snaplex is not being used for interactive Pipeline building, set this value higher.
Maximum memory percentage
You can also set the memory threshold at–and above–which no more Pipelines can be assigned to a node.
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