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Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version




Enhanced the performance of the Databricks - Insert Snap to improve the amount of time it takes for validation.

ML Core/wiki/spaces/AP/pages/615317532


Improved an error message in the Remote Python Script /wiki/spaces/AP/pages/615383126 Snap to explain the reason and resolution when a Python script has errors.



Fixed an issue with the Pipeline Execute Snap where a missing label produced a null pointer exception.



Enhanced the LDAP Search and LDAP Lookup Snaps with a new Include string representation for binary attributes checkbox to add a string representation for binary attributes.



With the 4.33 GA release, we no longer support some algorithms for SFTP connection negotiation because we’ve updated the library used to connect to SFTP sources and to improve security. With Snap Pack version 433patches21645, you can modify the global properties. Refer to the Configuration Settings for Snaps documentation for details about how to revert to the previous settings.

ML Data Preparation/wiki/spaces/AP/pages/615383041


The Deduplicate Snap /wiki/spaces/AP/pages/854525039 now manages memory efficiently and eliminates out-of-memory crashes using the following fields:

  • Minimum memory (MB)

  • Minimum free disk space (MB)



The Decrypt Field Snap now supports the decryption of various encrypted fields on providing a valid decryption key.



Fixed the issues with the AES Encrypt and AES Decrypt Snaps, where the Snaps previously did not include the error stack trace in the error view. The Snaps now provide detailed information in case of any issues or errors.

Active Directory


Fixed the following issues with the Active Directory Update Entry Snap where the Snap produced incorrect results with the version main21015:

  • When set to null, all the string attributes were updated with the literal "null" string instead of an empty string.

  • The Snap failed with error when all the number-type attributes were set to null.



Fixed an issue with the Bulk Extract and Bulk Import Snaps where the API name was inaccessible when expressions were enabled for the Marketo Entity field and Custom Objects were selected.

Azure Active Directory


The Azure Active Directory Snap Pack now incorporates an identifying header allowing the Azure portal to identify the source of API requests for auditing purposes.



  • Fixed an issue that caused a String index out of range error with the SFTP protocol in the File Writer Snap when it attempted to create a top-level directory.

  • Enhanced the PGP Encrypt Snap with the Encryption key ID field, which allows you to specify the key ID for encrypting the data. If you do not specify an encryption key ID, the Snap uses the primary key in the public key (master key).

SQL Server


The SQL Server Snap Pack is upgraded to the latest version of the Microsoft JDBC Driver 12.2.0.jre11 for SQL Server:

  • Pipelines using the default JAR in the SQL server accounts might fail after the driver upgrade because the latest driver is backward-incompatible. To prevent your accounts from failing, reconfigure the URL properties field in account settings as follows:

    trustServerCertificate = true

  • Pipelines NOT using the default driver (bundled with the SQL Server Snap Pack) will not fail.

The Microsoft JDBC Driver 12.2.0.jre11 for SQL Server included in the SQL Server Snap Pack is currently not available with the latest distribution. However, you can still consume this patch through 433patches21386. This update is scheduled to be included in the upcoming distribution release on July 12, 2023, and will be a part of the stable distribution with the GA release on August 9, 2023.



Enhanced the COBOL Copybook Parser Snap to improve performance, data validation, and error handling.



Fixed an issue with the PostgreSQL Insert Snap that inconsistently inserted some columns and missed the remaining columns(especially the Time fields), when the data was passed in the JSON format from an upstream Snap.



Fixed an issue with the Marketo Bulk Extract Snap where the Snap failed to extract data from the CSV file when the data consisted of the backslash (\) character.

API Suite


Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap where the validation of the SSL Account for a specified Keystore or Truststore value failed despite providing the correct password.



  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Bulk Upsert Snap where the output document was missing information about the error records count and the reason for the error.

  • Fixed an issue that caused stored procedure executions to fail in the Snowflake - Multi Execute Snap.



Fixed an issue with the AutoPrep Snap where dates could potentially be rendered in a currency format because currency format options were displayed for the DOB column.



  • The Salesforce SOQL Snap now honors the selection of the Match Data Type checkbox when the value entered for Batch Size is greater than 50,000.

  • The Salesforce Read Snap now honors the selection of the Match Data Type checkbox if the Use PK chunking if supported checkbox is also selected.

ML Data Preparation/wiki/spaces/AP/pages/615383041


Fixed an issue with the Match Snap where a null pointer exception was thrown when the second input view had fewer records than the first.



Fixed an issue with the Multi File Reader Snap where it failed with the error S3 object not found when the Snap found no matching file to read and the Folder/File property value did not end with a forward slash (/).

API Suite


Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused pagination to fail when the next Snap in the pipeline could modify the input document (for example, the Mapper Snap).



Enhanced the In-Memory Lookup Snap with the following new fields to improve memory management and help reduce the possibility of out-of-memory failures:

  • Minimum memory (MB)

  • Out-of-memory timeout (minutes)

These new fields replace the Maximum memory % field.



Fixed an issue with the Pipeline Execute Snap where no input view produced a null pointer exception.



  • Fixed an issue with the File Delete Snap where the Snap failed with a 404 Not Found error when trying to delete files from an Amazon S3 bucket. This issue occurred only with the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in an Amazon AWS S3 Account.

  • Fixed an issue where Binary Snaps could not handle region information for the Amazon S3 file protocol, which resulted in an error.



Addressed a bug in the compatibility mode of the COBOL Copybook Parser Snap that caused a working pipeline to fail.

API Suite


  • Fixed an issue affecting the HTTP Client Snap, which caused it to hang for an extended period when the user-agent contained the term java.

  • The HTTP Client Snap is enhanced with the Prevent URL encoding checkbox. This checkbox enables you to control whether the Snap should automatically encode the URL or prevent the URL encoding based on your preference.

SQL Server


Updated the SQL Server - Bulk Load Snap to preserve empty strings as empty strings and null as nulls.



Provided a fix to ensure that the Data Validator Snap works with "unknown" data types.



Fixed an issue with the Kafka Consumer Snap that caused it to skip records in a partition when a pipeline failed without successfully processing any records from that partition. This was an edge case that was only possible with a specific configuration of the Snap and a specific ordering of events during termination of the pipeline.

