Snowflake Azure OAuth2 Account
In this article
You can use this account type to connect Snowflake Snaps with data sources that use Snowflake Azure OAuth2 Account.
Create a Security Integration in Snowflake to generate a client ID and a client secret. Learn more about generating a Client ID and a Client Secret in Snowflake.
Limitations and Known Issues
When refreshing the access token, the Snowflake API prevents you from getting a new refresh token as the refresh tokens are short lived with a validity of 90 days (7776000 seconds).
Solution: To get a new token after every 90 days you must reauthorize your Snowflake account for the token to be valid for the next 90 days. We recommend you to set the oauth_refresh_token_validity
to 7776000 seconds as shown below when creating the Security Integration in Snowflake.
alter integration <integration name>
set oauth_refresh_token_validity = 7776000;
Account Settings
Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.
Suggestion icon ( ): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.
Expression icon ( ): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.
Add icon ( ): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.
Remove icon ( ): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.
Field Name | Field Type | Description | |
Default Value: [None] | String | Specify a unique name for your account instance.
| |
Client ID*
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the OAuth Client ID (to be used for token request) that you obtain from the Snowflake Console. Learn more about How to generate OAuth Client ID and Client secret.
| |
Client secret
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the OAuth Client secret that you obtain from the Snowflake Console.
| |
Access token*
Default Value: N/A | String | Auto-generated upon account authorization. The access token is used to make API requests on behalf of the user associated with the client ID. | |
Refresh token
Default Value: N/A | String | Auto-generated upon account authorization. The token used to refresh the access token. To access the API beyond the lifetime of a single access token, your application can obtain a refresh token. The application stores the refresh token for future use and automatically refreshes the access token before it expires. | |
Access token expiration Default Value: N/A | Integer | Auto-generated upon account authorization. The number of seconds after which the access token expires. We recommend you to set the | |
Header authenticated
Default Value: Deselected | Checkbox | Select this checkbox if the endpoint uses bearer header authentication.
| |
OAuth2 authorization endpoint*
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the endpoint in this format
| |
OAuth2 token endpoint*
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the OAuth2 token in this format
| |
Grant type
Default Value: authorization_code | Dropdown list | Select one of the following Grant types for authorization:
| |
Username | String | Specify the username to connect to the Snowflake database server. Appears when you select Password for Authentication Type. | |
Password | String | Specify the password associated with the username specified above. This will be used as the default password while retrieving connections. Appears when you select Password for Authentication Type. | |
Token endpoint config | Use this field to define custom properties for the OAuth2 token endpoint. Depending on the request parameters, this endpoint returns access tokens or refresh tokens. | ||
Token endpoint parameter
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the parameter for the token endpoint.
| |
Token endpoint parameter value
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the value for the token endpoint parameter.
| |
Authorization endpoint config | Use this fieldset to define custom properties for the OAuth2 authentication endpoint. You can define scopes in this field set and limit the authorization to a custom role. For example, scope=session:role:R1. Learn more. | ||
Authentication parameter Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the parameter for OAuth2 authentication.
| |
Authentication parameter value Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the value for the OAuth2 authentication parameter.
| |
Auto-refresh token
Default Value: Deselected | Checkbox | Select this checkbox to enable auto-refresh of the access token before it expires.
| |
Account properties* | |||
| JDBC JARs | Use this field set to add a list of JDBC JAR files to be loaded. By default, the Snowflake account is bundled with the JDBC driver version 3.16.0. However, you can add a custom JAR file. Click + to add a new row for each JDBC JAR file. Add each JAR file in a separate row. See Downloading the JDBC Driver for more information about JDBC drivers and downloading the appropriate driver for your account. | |
JDBC driver
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the fully-qualified name of the JDBC driver to be used for connecting to the server. The Snowflake Snap Pack is bundled with the default Snowflake JDBC driver v3.16.0. Therefore, even if you do not provide a JDBC Driver, the account does not fail. | |
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the hostname of the Snowflake server to which you want to connect the new account.
| |
Port number*
Default Value: 443 | Integer/Expression | Specify the port number associated with the Snowflake database server that you want to use for the account. | |
Database name*
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the name of the Snowflake database to which you want to connect.
| |
Warehouse name*
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the name of the warehouse to use for performing the required actions.
| |
JDBC driver class
Default Value: N/A | String | Specify the JDBC driver class to use.
| |
Azure storage account name
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the name of the instance of the Azure storage account. | |
Azure storage account key
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the key to connect to the instance of the Azure storage account listed above. You can use either of the two keys available in the Access Key tab of the dashboard in the Azure portal to populate this value.
| |
Default value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the name of the Azure storage blob container that you want to use for hosting files.
| |
Default value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the location of the folder in the container listed above where you want to host files.
| |
Shared Access Signature (SAS) token method
Default value: User Supplied | Dropdown list | The method of supplying the SAS token for the Snaps. You can choose one the following two options:
| |
User token
Default Value: N/A | String/Expression | Specify the shared access token that you want to use to access the Azure storage blob folder specified in the path above. You can get a valid SAS token from the Azure portal. This property is applicable only when you choose User Supplied in the Shared Access Token Signature Method field above. | |
Client side encryption
Default Value: N/A | Dropdown list | Select one of the following options to encrypt the blob before uploading to Microsoft Azure. You can choose one of the following two options:
| |
Custom key | String/Expression | Specify the custom key that you want to use to access the Azure storage blob. This property is applicable only when you select Custom_Key in the Client side encryption field above. The key should be a 128- or 256-bit Base64-encoded key. | |
Advanced properties | |||
URL Properties | Use this field set to configure the URLs associated with this account. Granting Roles You can grant roles to the SnapLogic Snowflake account by using the role parameter in the URL Properties field set. Ensure that the roles are predefined in your Snowflake account before configuring the SnapLogic Snowflake account. URL Property Name: role URL Property Value: SYSADMIN Learn more about Roles and Grant Roles. | ||
URL property name
Default Value: [None] | String | Specify the name of the URL property.
| |
URL property value
Default Value: [None] | String | Specify the URL property value associated with the URL property name.
| |
Batch size*
Default Value: 50 | Integer/Expression | Specify the number of statements that you want to execute at a time. Select queries are not batched. | |
Fetch size*
Default Value: 100 | Integer/Expression | Specify the number of rows you want a query to fetch during each execution. Large values could cause the server to run out of memory. | |
Min pool size* Default Value: 3 | Integer/Expression | Specify the minimum number of idle connections that you want the pool to maintain at a time. Minimum value: 0 | |
Max pool size*
| Integer/Expression | Specify the maximum number of connections that you want the pool to maintain at a time. Snowflake Bulk Load/Bulk Upsert/S3 Upsert Snap requires a minimum of 2 connections per Snap in a Pipeline. For example, if a Pipeline has a Snowflake Bulk Load Snap and an S3 Upsert Snap, then the pool size must be greater than or equal to 4 for successful execution. Minimum Value: 0 | |
Max lifetime (minutes)*
| Integer/Expression | Specify the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool. Ensure that the value you enter is a few seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure-imposed connection time limit. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime, subject to the Idle Timeout value. An in-use connection is never retired. Connections are removed only after they are closed. | |
Idle timeout (minutes)*
| Integer/Expression | Specify the maximum amount of time a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that idle connections are never removed from the pool.
| |
Checkout timeout (milliseconds)*
| Integer/Expression | Specify the number of milliseconds you want the system to wait for a connection to become available when the pool is exhausted. If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout. For any other value other than 0, the Snap displays an exception after the wait time has expired. |
Failed to execute query because of SQL compilation error.
| If database usage is not granted for the role, the account validation fails. | Run the following command in Snowflake worksheet:
If schema or table usage is not granted for the role, the account validation fails. | Run the following command in Snowflake worksheet based on requirements: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA SNAPDEV.CUSTOMER TO ROLE public
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