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Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version


SQL Server


Fixed an issue with the SQL Server - Select Snap configured with an Ultra task to handle temporary database unavailability. The Snap now validates the database connection to ensure that it is reestablished after temporary database outages.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales


Fixed an issue with the Dynamics 365 for Sales Execute Snap that encountered a NullPointerException error for a 204 No Content return status. Now a custom output document is successfully returned for a 204 No Content status.

Confluent Kafka


Fixed an issue with the Kafka Consumer Snap that continued consuming existing messages instead of only new ones. where the Seek Type of Beginning or End (skip all existing messages) may not work correctly after a rebalance. 

API Suite


Updated the API Suite Snaps to process authentication information from incoming documents to support features such as Secrets manager-based credentials.



Added the following Snap to the Databricks Snap Pack:

  • Databricks - Run Job: Executes a job, checks its status in Databricks, and, based on the job's status, completes or fails the pipeline.



Enhanced the Snowflake - Select Snap with Time Travel query support that enables you to access historical data at any point within a defined period. This includes restoring data-related objects, duplicating and backing up data, and analyzing data usage.



Enhanced the Postgres and Postgres Dynamic Accounts with support for IAM and Cross-account IAM role authentication.

API Suite


Fixed an issue with the HTTP Client Snap that caused NullPointerException when the Retry-After header contained a decimal value in the 429 (Too Many Requests) response.



Fixed the following issues with the RabbitMQ Producer Snap:

  • With no access to the virtual hosts, the Snap displayed a null pointer exception.

  • The Snap did not display the original payload when the error view was enabled.

Azure OpenAI LLM


Added the following accounts to the Azure OpenAI LLM Snap Pack:



Added the Amazon OpenSearch Account to the OpenSearch Snap Pack to authenticate with OpenSearch services using the specified Access key ID and Secret access key. This account also provides Cross-account IAM role support.



Fixed an issue with the PDF Parser Snap that could not parse multiple incoming PDF documents and processed only the first document (without errors).



The upgrade of the Azure Storage library from v3.0.0 to v8.3.0 has impacted the Hadoop Snap Pack causing the following issue when using the WASB protocol.


Known Issue

When you use invalid credentials for the WASB protocol in Hadoop Snaps (HDFS Reader, HDFS Writer, ORC Reader, Parquet Reader, Parquet Writer), the pipeline does not fail immediately, instead it takes 13-14 minutes to display the following error:

reason=The request failed with error code null and HTTP code 0. , status_code=error

SnapLogic® is actively working with Microsoft®Support to resolve the issue.

Learn more about the Azure Storage Library Upgrade.

SQL Server


Fixed an issue with the SQL Server Insert Snap that caused an error when inserting the infinity value into a decimal-type column.



The MongoDB - Atlas Vector Search Snap now supports the following:

  • Suggestions for the Search index field that enables the Snap to populate the associated indices in the list.

  • The input schema displays the mandatory vector field and optional filter suggestion(if theSearch index contains a filter type query) in alignment with the fields expected by the Snap.



Fixed a resource leak issue with the Shopify Snaps, which involved too many stale instances of ProxyConnectionManager and significantly impacted memory utilization.



Fixed a resource leak issue with the Facebook Snaps, which involved too many stale instances of ProxyConnectionManager and significantly impacted memory utilization.



Fixed a resource leak issue with the following Hadoop Snaps, which involved too many stale instances of ProxyConnectionManager and significantly impacted memory utilization:




Fixed an issue with the Generic JDBC - Insert and PostgreSQL - Insert Snaps that exposed sensitive information in the error message when the batch operation was not successful.


Google AlloyDB


Fixed an issue with the PostgreSQL - Bulk Load and AlloyDB Bulk Load Snaps that caused incorrect or invalid binary data to be inserted when the column was of Binary type.



Fixed an issue with the Kafka SSL Account that displayed an error when the Kafka Consumer Snap could not commit offsets during the rebalancing process. This behavior avoids unstable partition allocation. Now, the Snap logs a warning, allowing the Kafka Consumer to continue processing instead of displaying an exception.

Azure SQL


Fixed the following issues with the Azure SQL - Bulk Load Snap:

  • The Snap displayed an error when the DateTime was of the LocalDateTime type.

  • The Snap lost milliseconds when the DateTime was in the String data type because we were parsing the given DateTime format into a Date object and creating the timestamp object from that date.



  • Enhanced the pipeline execution statistics of the ELT Insert-Select Snap to be displayed in its output view and to allow downloading detailed stats as a JSON file that includes additional statistics (extraStats) on DML statement executions on target Databricks Lakehouse Platform (DLP) tables.



  • Enhanced the OpenAI Prompt Generator Snap to output the entire prompt message array and user role selection for the prompt.

  • Enhanced the OpenAI Chat Completions Snap with message payload to generate responses based on a specified list of messages.

Azure OpenAI LLM


Amazon Bedrock LLM




Fixed authentication issues with the Salesforce Subscriber Snap in the Ultra Pipeline to ensure the Snap reauthenticates and reconnects as expected.



Fixed an intermittent connection reset issue with the Anaplan Snaps caused by the absence of the keep-alive header in the server response.



Enhanced the ELT Execute Snap to display statistics for all SQL statements executed. The statistics are shown in both the pipeline execution statistics and the output view of the Snap. The Snap also allows you to download detailed stats as a JSON file that includes additional statistics (extraStats) on DML statement executions on target Databricks Lakehouse Platform (DLP) tables.



Enhanced the Azure Storage Account with Managed Identity, which provides applications with an automatically managed identity for connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra ID authentication.

Google Sheets


Fixed an issue with the Google Sheets Writer Snap where using cell names as worksheet names caused incorrect data writing behavior.


  • Project-level pipeline execution: Before this release, tasks stored in a Project Space could execute pipelines in a different Project Space or by requests from a different Org. With the current release, tasks must belong to the same Project Space as the pipeline to execute successfully. Learn more.

  • The Snaplex configuration file (.slpropz) is no longer available as a URL in the user interface to enhance security. Instead, you can download it from the Snaplex > Downloads tab by clicking (blue star) or with the API GET /api/1/rest/plex/config/<path_to_groundplex>. Learn more.


Known Issues

  • When you call a Triggered Task on a Groundplex using the Cloud URL with a payload of 26 MB or larger, the pipeline processing can exceed the WebSocket connection timeout.
    While the pipeline succeeds in delivering the payload, the bytes after the 26MB limit might be lost on the response side.
    If the payload is on the request side, then only the first 26 MB of bytes are sent to the pipeline, causing the possibility of pipeline failure.


The Snaps mentioned in this section are deployed on the Latest distribution type. To access the updated Snap Packs, an Org admin must select the Snap Pack version in Manager > Snap Packs.



Your existing PostgreSQL pipelines that use the default driver (bundled with the PostgreSQL Snap Pack) might break because this upgrade is not fully backward-compatible.


  • Some error messages will now include the data type, for example:

    • Old: "...where (badId = 1) was aborted:..."

    • New: "...where (badId = ('1'::numeric)) was aborted:..."

  • There are some minor text changes to a few of the error messages, for example:

    • Old"Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types."

    • New"Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s)."
