Teams - Team Operations

Teams - Team Operations

In this article


You can use this Snap to perform the following team operations:

  • Add Members: Add members and team owners for a team.

  • Remove Members: Remove one or more members from a team.

  • List Members: Retrieve the list of members in a team 

  • List Teams: Retrieve the list of all teams within the organization.

  • List Channels: Retrieve the list of channels within a team.

  • Rename Team: Change the name of a team.

  • Delete Team: Remove a team from the organization.

  • Archive Team: Archive a team.

  • Unarchive Team: Reactivate an archived team.

Snap Type

Teams - Team Operations Snap is a Write-type Snap that performs Team Operations like add/remove/list members, rename/delete teams, list channels, and archive/unarchive teams.



Support for Ultra Pipelines

Works in Ultra Pipelines

Limitations & Known Issues


Snap Views



Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps




Number of Views

Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps




  • Min: 0

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper Snap

  • Copy Snap

A document containing details based on the operation to perform such as members' list for adding/removing members.



  • Min: 1

  • Max: 1

  • Mapper Snap

  • Copy Snap

  • JSON Formatter + File Writer

A document containing details of the selected operation's execution. 


Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter while running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution: Stops the current pipeline execution if the Snap encounters an error.

  • Discard Error Data and Continue: Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.

  • Route Error Data to Error View: Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap Settings

  • Asterisk (*): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon (): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon (): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.

  • Remove icon (): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency


Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency




Default ValueChannel Operations
Example: Channel Operations



Specify a unique name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.



Default ValueAdd Members
Example: Rename Channel



Select the channel operation to perform.  Available options include:

  • Add Members: Activates the Team ID field, and Add Team Owners and Add Members field sets. 

  • Remove Members: Activates the Team ID field and Remove Members field sets.

  • List Members: Activates the Team ID field.

  • List Teams: Deactivates all fields except for the Snap Execution field. 

  • List Channels: Activates the Team ID field. Deactivates the remaining fields except for the Snap Execution field. 

  • Rename Team: Activates the Team ID and New Team Name fields.

  • Delete Team: Activates the Team ID field. 

  • Archive Team: Activates the Team ID field.

  • Unarchive Team: Activates the Team ID field.

Team ID*


Default Value: N/A
Example: b22e8da4-17c1-45c0-baa9-47aed7344e92


Activates when you select the Add Members, Remove Members, List Members, List Channels, Rename Team, Delete Team, Archive Team, and Unarchive Team options in the Operation field.

Specify the ID of the team. Alternatively, click the  icon to fetch a list of team IDs associated with the account. 

Add Members

Use this fieldset to add members to the channel.

Member ID


Default Value: N/A
Example: e12b3456-7c89-012b-345f-67c89dca0bcd


Activates when you select the Add Members option in the Operation field.

Specify the ID of the member to add. Alternatively, click the  icon to fetch a list of member IDs in the organization. You can use each row to specify a member or include multiple members separated by commas, in the same row.

Add Team Owners

Use this fieldset to add owners for the team. 

Owner ID


Default Value: N/A
Example: e12b3456-7c89-012b-345f-67c89dca0bcd


Activates when you select the Add Members option in the Operation field.


Specify the ID of the member. Alternatively, click the  icon to fetch a list of member IDs associated with the team. You can use each row to specify an owner or include multiple owners separated by commas, in the same row.

Remove Members

Use this fieldset to remove members from the channel. The Snap shows an error message if the member does not exist in the team.

Member ID


Default Value: N/A
Example: e12b3456-7c89-012b-345f-67c89dca0bcd


Activates when you select the Remove Members option in the Operation field.


Specify the ID of the team member to remove. Alternatively, click the  icon to fetch a list of member IDs associated with the team. You can use each row to specify a member or include all the members in the same row separated by a comma.

New Team Name


Default Value: N/A
Example: New_Contractors


Activates when you select the Rename Team option in the Operation field.

Specify a new name for the selected team.

Number of Retries


Default Value0


Activates when you select the Add Members, Remove Members, Rename Team, Delete Team, Archive Team, or Unarchive Team option in the Operation field.

Specify the number of attempts the Snap makes to perform the selected operation in case of connection failure/unsuccessful attempts. 

To avoid 502 Bad Gateway error

Use a higher value (such as 3, 4, or more) in this field to ensure the Snap/Pipeline runs successfully. 

Retry Interval (seconds)


Default Value1


Activates when you select the Add Members, Remove Members, Rename Team, Delete Team, Archive Team, or Unarchive Team option in the Operation field (Retries are NOT available for listing operations - List Members, List Teams, and List Channels).

Specify the time interval in seconds between retry attempts.

To avoid 502 Bad Gateway error

Use a higher value (such as 3, 4, or more) in this field to ensure the Snap/Pipeline runs successfully. 

Snap Execution


Default ValueExecute only
ExampleValidate & Execute

Dropdown list


Select one of the three following modes in which the Snap executes:

  • Validate & Execute. Performs limited execution of the Snap and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation, then performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only. Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled. Disables the Snap and all Snaps downstream from it.








API returned error in Archive Team operation

The Snap request failed with 500. This typically indicates a server-side issue or an unexpected problem with the service.

Make sure the Snap settings are configured properly or reauthorize the account with valid values.

400 - Bad Request. Error in creating a channel.

The request to create the channel was invalid. 

Team ID needs to be a valid GUID

401 - Invalid Authentication Token

The provided authentication token is either expired, invalid, or does not have the necessary permissions to access this resource.

Ensure that you provide valid access token.


Performing Team Operations

The following example Pipeline demonstrates how you can use the Team Operations Snap in the Teams Snap Pack to to manage teams within your Microsoft Teams instance. This example assumes that you have:

This Pipeline uses the OAuth2 user account (authorization code grant type) to perform the following activities on behalf of a signed-in user.

  • Retrieving the list of teams

  • Retrieving the list of channels within a team

  • Renaming a team

To begin with, we use the Team Operations Snap with the Operation selected as List Teams. When run, this Snap retrieves the list of all teams available in your Microsoft Teams instance including the details of each team.

Team Operations Snap for listing Teams


Team Operations Snap for listing Teams



Next, we add another Team Operations Snap and select the Operation as List Channels and a Team ID to retrieve the list of channels available in a team. 

Team Operations Snap to list all channels in a Team


Team Operations Snap to list all channels in a Team



Now, we use another Team Operations Snap to rename a team. Here, we select the Rename Team option in the Operation field. Notice that the Snap supports a variety of special characters for the team name. The output of this Snap contains a confirmation message that the selected team operation is completed successfully, on the teams listed in the Snap's input. It also includes the details of the each team passed in the input document to the Snap.

Team Operations Snap to rename a team


Team Operations Snap to rename a team



You can use the other options that this Snap offers, in a similar manner.


Important steps to successfully reuse Pipelines

  1. Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.

  2. Configure Snap accounts as applicable.

  3. Provide Pipeline parameters as applicable.

Snap Pack History

See Also