S3 Copy
In this article
You can use this Snap to send a copy request to the AWS S3 service to copy an S3 object from a source bucket to a target bucket.
The copy operation is performed in the AWS S3 service. The content of the S3 object does not flow through the Snap. If you must copy multiple S3 objects, use S3 Browser Snap upstream with Source Bucket, Source Key, Target Bucket, and Target Key fields expression enabled.
Snap Type
S3 Copy Snap is a Write-type Snap.
Support for Ultra Pipelines
Works in Ultra Pipelines.
Limitations and Known Issues
Snap Views
Type | Format | Number of Views | Examples of Upstream and Downstream Snaps |
Input | Document
Output | Document
Error | Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter when running the Pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab:
Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines. |
Snap Settings
Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.
Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.
Expression icon ( ): Indicates the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.
Add icon (): Indicates that you can add fields in the fieldset.
Remove icon (): Indicates that you can remove fields from the fieldset.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Dependency | Description |
Default Value: S3 Copy | String | N/A | Specify a unique name for the Snap.
Source Bucket*
Default Value: None
| String/Expression | N/A | Specify or select the S3 bucket name, from where the S3 objects are to be copied. Do not add S3:/// before bucket name, because the Snap can fail. Bucket names are unique globally and can be accessed without the region name in most cases. If you cannot access a bucket name without its region name, you can specify the region information with the following syntax:
Note: If you enter an incorrect region name, but the bucket name is valid, the AWS S3 service might successfully access the bucket without errors.
Source Object Key* Default Value: None
| String/Expression | N/A | Specify the source object key to copy from, which may include one or more forward-slash '/' characters. If an S3 object was created with its name starting with ‘/', you must use '/’ to copy it. The (/) forward-slash character is part of the S3 object key name; there is no folder object defined in AWS S3. You can select the object key from the suggested list. The Snap uses the existing value of Object Key as a prefix to produce the suggested list. The maximum length of the suggested list is 1,000. |
Target Bucket*
Default Value: N/A
| String/Expression | N/A | Specify the target bucket name to copy to.
If both Source Bucket and Target Bucket have region information which are different, the Snap displays an error because it cannot perform the copy operation in two different regions unless they are “default” regions. Buckets are accessed without region names. |
Target Object Key*
Default Value: N/A
| String/Expression | N/A | Specify the target object key to copy. The (/) forward-slash character is part of the S3 object key name; there is no folder object defined in AWS S3. You can select the object key from the suggested list. The Snap uses the existing value of Object Key as a prefix to produce the suggested list. The maximum length of the suggested list is 1,000. |
Show Advanced Properties Default Value: Deselected | Checkbox | Displays Advanced Properties when you select this checkbox. | Select this checkbox to display the advanced properties. |
Thread Pool Size
Default Value: 10 | Integer/Expression | Appears on selecting Show Advanced Properties checkbox. | Maximum number of threads to be used to copy multiple S3 objects in parallel with Bucket and Object Key properties expression-enabled. If Thread Pool Size property is expression-enabled, it can be evaluated with a pipeline parameter, not with an input document. Therefore, the value of this property remains constant throughout a pipeline execution.
Multipart Size (MB)
Default Value: 100MB | Integer/Expression | Appears on selecting Show Advanced Properties checkbox. | Specify the multipart size in MB:
Maximum Retries
Default Value: 3 | Integer/Expression | Appears on selecting Show Advanced Properties checkbox. | Specify the maximum number of retry attempts to perform in case of a temporary network loss.
Pass Through
Default Value: Deselected | Checkbox | Appears on selecting Show Advanced Properties checkbox. | Select this checkbox to pass the input document to the output view as a value to the '
Snap Execution Default Value: | Dropdown list | N/A | Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:
Refer Managing-Data-in-S3.
Download and import the Pipeline into SnapLogic.
Configure Snap accounts as applicable.
Provide Pipeline parameters as applicable.
Snap Pack History
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