Amazon S3 Snap Pack


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Amazon S3 is a service offered by Amazon Web Services that provides object storage so you can retrieve data from anywhere. You can use Snaps in this Snap Pack to browse, copy, delete, download, or upload objects in S3.

This Snap Pack contains the following Snaps:

  • S3 Archive: Archives or changes the storage class of an S3 object.

  • S3 Browser: Lists the attributes of Amazon S3 objects in a specific bucket matching the prefix.

  • S3 Copy: Sends a copy request to the AWS S3 service to copy an Amazon S3 object from a source bucket to a target bucket.

  • S3 Delete: Removes an object from the specified bucket.

  • S3 Download: Downloads Amazon S3 objects from the S3 bucket.

  • S3 Presigned: Generates a presigned URL in the output document to access an Amazon S3 object.

  • S3 Restore: Restores an archived S3 object.

  • S3 Select: Retrieves a subset of data from an S3 object.

  • S3 Upload: Uploads binary data to Amazon S3 objects.

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Snap Pack History


Snap Pack Version




May 2024


Jun 12, 2024


Fixed an issue with the S3 Browser Snap that could not initialize the output document properly, causing an error in the downstream Snaps.

May 2024


May 8, 2024


Enhanced the S3 Select Snap to capture metadata and lineage information from the input document.

February 2024


Mar 7, 2024


Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 Snaps that displayed a null pointer exception when the Access Key ID or Secret Key field was empty while utilizing the S3 Express Bucket in the S3 Account. The Snaps now throw the configuration exception if either field is empty.

February 2024


Feb 14, 2024


Updated and certified against the current Snaplogic Platform release.

November 2023


Dec 21, 2023


Added support for Amazon S3 Express One Zone in the Amazon S3 Snap Pack.

November 2023


Nov 8, 2023


Updated and certified against the current Snaplogic Platform release.

August 2023


Aug 16, 2023


Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

May 2023


Jul 14, 2023


The Amazon S3 Snaps automatically detect the Maximum session duration value for the Cross-Account IAM role (1 through 12 hours). The Snaps round down the value to the nearest hour. So, if the Snap administrator sets the Maximum session duration at 3 hours and 45 minutes, the Snaps read it as 3 hours. The Snaps also refresh the session before it expires. However, the automatic session refresh does not support the case of very large file upload or download that takes longer than the maximum session duration.

May 2023


May 10, 2023


Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023


Apr 5, 2023


Added support for Ultra Task Pipelines.

February 2023


Feb 9, 2023


Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2022


Nov 10, 2022


  • The S3 Browser Snap output now includes the Storage Class field, which indicates the archived status of the S3 object.

  • The S3 Download Snap no longer fails even when the pipeline has multiple Snaps after 430patches18348.

October 2022


Oct 24, 2022


  • Introduced the following Snaps:

    • S3 Archive enables you to archive an S3 object and change its storage class.

    • S3 Restore enables you to restore an archived S3 object.

    • S3 Select enables you to retrieve a subset of data from an S3 object.

  • The S3 Download, S3 Archive, S3 Copy, S3 Delete, S3 Restore, and S3 Upload Snaps do not have the increased number of active threads accumulated, as they are now released immediately after the execution.

  • The S3 Download Snap now does not fail even when the pipeline has multiple Snaps after 430patches18348.

  • The S3 Browser Snap output now includes the Storage Class field, which indicates the archived status of the S3 object.

August 2022


Aug 25, 2022


The KMS Region field in the S3 Account now suggests the regions when you click the suggestion icon.

August 2022


Aug 11, 2022


Introduced the Amazon S3 Snap Pack, which enables you to browse, copy, delete, download, or upload objects in S3. This Snap Pack contains the following Snaps:

  • S3 Browser: Lists the attributes of Amazon S3 objects in a specific bucket matching the prefix.

  • S3 Copy: Sends a copy request to the AWS S3 service to copy an Amazon S3 object from a source bucket to a target bucket.

  • S3 Delete: Removes an object from the specified bucket.

  • S3 Download: Downloads Amazon S3 objects from the S3 bucket.

  • S3 Upload: Uploads binary data to Amazon S3 objects.

  • S3 Presigned: Generates a presigned URL in the output document to access an Amazon S3 object.