SAP JCo Account

SAP JCo Account

In this article


You can use this account type to connect SAP Snaps with data sources that use SAP JCo account. The SAP JCo Account connects to an application server (ASHOST - Application Server Host). Learn more.

Ensure that your SAP instance is configured to work with the Snap Pack.



Known Issues

Behavior change

The 4.38 GA main27765 Snap Pack version that included the SAP library upgrade introduced the following behavior change:
In JCo 3.1.4, if a decimal number couldn't be stored in a BCD field, it was rounded, resulting in a loss of precision. This behavior was removed in JCo 3.1.9, and instead, a conversion error is raised when this condition is detected.

Here's an example of a conversion error:

Cannot convert value '1035.1532177250149' from type java.math.BigDecimal to type BCD field ZINV_AMT in record ZINVENTORY

Note from SAP documentation mentioned in SAP Note 3446411 (Version: 4, Released On: 04.04.2024):

This happened at calling API method JCoRecord.setValue([name|index], BigDecimal) for a type BCD field or parameter, if the fraction part of the provided java.math.BigDecimal value had too many digits to fully fit into the BCD field. In this case, the provided BigDecimal value was unintentionally rounded instead of throwing an appropriate ConversionException for notifying the caller about the value not fitting into the BCD field. Hence, there might have been an unnoticed loss of precision.


Before passing the parameter value to SAP, modify the value by rounding or truncating to ensure it fits into the target BCD field.

Account Settings



  • Asterisk (*): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ( ): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( ): Indicates that you can add fields in the fieldset.

  • Remove icon ( ): Indicates that you can remove fields from the fieldset.

Field Name

Field Type


Field Name

Field Type




Default Value: None
ExampleSAP JCo Account


Specify a unique name for the account instance.




Default Value: N/A
Example: SAP User


Specify the SAP username.

For SAP SNC authentication, Username is not required for authentication through SAP SNC. If you define values in the Advanced JCo properties, leave the Username field blank.



Default Value: N/A
Example: lkj(83@%_sd


Specify a password for the username.

For SAP SNC authentication, Password is not required for authentication through SAP SNC. If you define values in the Advanced JCo properties, leave the Password field blank.



Default Value: N/A
Example: EN


Specify the SAP language code corresponding to the jco.client.lang.



Default Value: N/A
Example: 800


Specify the SAP client to use corresponding to the jco.client.client.

Application server*


Default Value: N/A
Example: ec2-21-121-199-12.test.amazonaws.com


Specify the SAP ABAP application server address corresponding to the jco.client.host.

System number*


Default Value: N/A
Example: 01


Specify the system instance number of the SAP ABAP application server corresponding to jco.client.sysnr.

Peak limit*


Default Value5
Example: 5


Specify the maximum number of active connections that can be created simultaneously for a destination.

We recommend that you use a value less than 100 as too many connections may impact JCC performance.

Connection pool capacity*


Default Value: N/A
Example: 20


Specify the maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. No connection pooling takes place when the value is 0.

Router String


Default Value: N/A


Specify the SAP Router string required for making connections to systems that are behind the SAP Router. An SAP router string contains a chain of SAP routers with their port numbers and has the form (/H/<host>[/S/<port>][/W/<password, if provided>])+. Learn more: Router Strings in SAP Help.

Enable trace


Default ValueDeselected


Activates the JCo traces to get more information that can help analyze the connection-related errors.

Reload Metadata on Validate


Default ValueDeselected


Select this checkbox to clear the JCo Metadata cache on the plex node before validating the account.


Advanced JCo Client Properties

Use this field set to define JCo parameters and respective values for SAP Secure Network Communications (SNC) authentication.

  • The properties that you specify here overrides the settings configured above if they are duplicate.

  • For SAP SNC authentication:

    • Enable SNC mode by setting jco.client.snc_mode = 1 in Property Name and Value fields.

    • If you define values in the form of JCo properties, leave the Username and Password fields blank.

Property Name


Default Value: N/A

  • jco.client.user,

  • jco.client.passwd,

  • jco.client.cert1


Specify the name of the JCo parameter to be passed for SAP SNC authentication. Alternatively, select the parameter from the Suggestions dropdown list list.


Property Value


Default Value: N/A

  • johndoe

  • pass*w0rd#4


Specify the value for the JCo parameter for SAP SNC authentication. If you define the JCo parameters at a Pipeline-level, pass the pipeline parameter names as expressions.



Snap Pack History

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