API Management Best Practices

API Management Best Practices

In this Article


This article describes various sets of best practices for using SnapLogic API Manager.

Connectivity to the Snaplogic Control Plane

Your Snaplex makes outbound HTTPS requests to the SnapLogic Control Plane. A Self-managed Snaplex must be configured to communicate with the Control Plane over the HTTPS port 443. You also need to add SnapLogic component IP addresses to your network outbound allow list. Learn more about https://docs-snaplogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SD/pages/2685698099/Groundplex+Network+Setup?src=search.

Triggered Tasks have the option of calling an API with the Cloud URL on the Task Details page. This means the request is sent to the Control Plane before it is executed in the Data Plane. APIM does not support using this method to execute APIs. The request must by made with the Snaplex or Alternative URLs.

Network Setup around your self-managed Snaplexes

We recommend using a load balancer in front of your self-managed Snaplexes. Learn more about load balancer requirements for running Triggered and Ultra Tasks on self-managed Snaplexes.

For greater control over outbound communication with the SnapLogic Control Plane, you can also deploy Groundplex Access Control.

FeedMaster Node Configuration

If you plan to include Ultra Tasks in your APIs, you must have a FeedMaster node in that Snaplex. The SnapLogic-managed Snaplex includes FeedMaster nodes, but you have to configure the FeedMaster node for a Self-managed Snaplex. Learn more about deploying FeedMaster nodes and deployment architecture for Ultra Tasks.

Triggered and Ultra Tasks

Calling Triggered and Ultra Task URLs from outside the SnapLogic domain requires https://docs-snaplogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SD/pages/1438214.

Best Practices for Migrating API Assets between Orgs/Environments

A common scenario for customer organizations is to have a development for creating and testing APIs and a separate production Org/Environment. This setup requires the migration of assets when your APIs are ready to be shared with your audiences for consumption.

We recommend that you API Management public APIs to automate these types of API migrations. You have the following options to do this:

  • Use the Migrate an API Version Public API to migrate all your APIM assets in a version, including the policies from the source Org/Environment to the destination Org/Environment.

  • As an alternative, you can move the APIs to the destination Org/Environment with the Export and Import an API version Public APIs. This option will export the assets to a zip format you can download from the source Org/Environment to your local environment. You can then upload the API version and its assets as one zip file to the destination Org/Environment.

Naming Endpoints

  • Use nouns instead of verbs for URI endpoints.

  • Pluralize all resources.

  • Use a comma to punctuate lists.

  • Enable query parameters to sort or filter information.

  • No special characters

  • Use lowercase

  • No abridgments

  • Avoid jargon; use intuitive terms.

  • Do not add a trailing forward slash to your URI

  • Do not use file extensions