APIM Network Deployment Scenarios


API Manager supports multiple deployment architectures. This article summarizes some of the possible scenarios. This is not a comprehensive collection of all scenarios but rather a presentation of some possible deployment architectures.

For more information about the appropriate deployment architecture for your organization, consult your CSM.

In the SnapLogic platform:

  • Control Plane - Multi-tenant cloud services provided by SnapLogic for the purpose of transmitting metadata.

  • Data Plane - Either of the two types of Snaplexes:

    • Single tenant Cloudplex managed by SnapLogic

    • Groundplex managed in customer infrastructure

  • Load balancer - Deployed by either by customer (Groundplexes) or SnapLogic (Cloudplexes).

A SnapLogic-managed Snaplex with a load balancer and a Self-managed Snaplex with a load balancer

In this deployment, API Policies run on the SnapLogic-managed Snaplex (Cloudplex). The first load balancer routes the request from the client to the SnapLogic-managed Snaplex. After the policies accept the request, the second load balancer forwards the API to the Self-managed Snaplex(Grounplex), where the API is processed. This architecture offers the best combination of security and performance.

Self-managed Snaplexes behind a firewall

This deployment architecture is customer-defined and avoids the Control Plane when routing requests. Access to Self-managed Snaplex (Groundplex) nodes can be made as restrictive as needed.

Self-managed Snaplexes in the Cloud in front of and behind a firewall.

This deployment would offer the flexibility of using Cloud services for your Self-managed Snaplex nodes and some of the performance optimization of the second deployment architecture. Load balancers would route traffic to the Snaplex nodes in front of the firewall to run API policies. The Snaplex nodes behind the firewall would process the API requests.

Pipeline Execute on a SnapLogic-managed Snaplex triggers APIs on a self-managed Snaplex

A Pipeline Execute Task runs on a SnapLogic-managed Snaplex (Cloudplex) where API policies are run. The child pipelines run on a Self-managed Snaplex (Groundplex) that processes the API request. This deployment provides a similar layer of security as the second deployment architecture, but performance would be affected by the heavy latency caused by the routing of requests through the Control Plane.

One self-managed Snaplex with a load balancer

API Policies and APIs run on a Self-managed Snaplex (Groundplex). The load balancer manages requests to the Snaplex nodes. This deployment is the simplest but might be the most vulnerable to security threats.