Microsoft OneDrive Snap Pack
In this article
Microsoft OneDrive Snap Pack is developed to enable organizations to automate and efficiently manage their time-intensive workflows and data flows among Microsoft OneDrive users and administrators.
To use the Snaps in this Snap Pack, you must:
- Create an application in Azure Portal.
- Define Permissions and Scopes for the App.
- Gather basic information needed (Client ID and Client secret).
- Use the Tokens or the basic information to create accounts for the Snaps.
Articles in this section
Snaps in this Snap Pack
Check In File: This Snap provides the functionality to commit/save changes to a checked-out file and to open it for other collaborators to modify the file.
Check Out File: This Snap provides the functionality to lock a file on your name as you start editing the file. Other users cannot edit this file until you check-in the file back at its location or cancel the Check Out operation.
Copy Item: This Snap provides the functionality to make copies of the files and/or folders at a given location to another/a new location.
Create Folder: This Snap provides the functionality to create a new directory within your Drive location.
Delete Item: This Snap provides the functionality to delete a file/folder/Drive Item from its location within the scope of your Drive.
Delete Share Permissions: This Snap provides the functionality to remove/revoke any permissions assigned to one or more users on the various assets within a OneDrive location.
Download File: This Snap provides the functionality to save a local copy of the file existing in a OneDrive location.
Get Children: This Snap provides the functionality to get the directory structure of the contents inside a given Shared Library.
Get Drive: This Snap provides the functionality to retrieve the details of the Drive that you can access.
Get Drive Item: This Snap provides the functionality to retrieve the details of the Drive Item that you can access.
Get Share Permissions: This Snap provides the functionality to retrieve the existing set of permissions on a given Drive item (folder or file).
- Get Shared Items: This Snap provides the functionality to view the list of items shared until the current time or the list of items that were recently opened/worked on.
Move Item: This Snap provides the functionality to move Drive Items (files/folders) from a source location to another destination within the Drive.
Search: This Snap provides the functionality to easily locate the content/pages matching a search keywords, usernames and so on.
Share Item: This Snap provides the functionality to provide access/invite other users who do not have access to an item within the Drive.
Update Share Permissions: This Snap provides the functionality to modify the existing permissions for a Drive Item.
Upload File: This Snap provides the functionality to save a copy of an existing file to a location within your Drive.
Supported Version
This Snap Pack is tested against Microsoft OneDrive Version 21.129.
Snap Pack History
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