Installing a Snaplex on Linux

Installing a Snaplex on Linux

In this article

Install a Snaplex on Linux

This article describes the procedures for installing an on-premise Snaplex in a Linux environment. An on-premise Snaplex is also known as a Groundplex. This document uses the term Groundplex to distinguish this type of Snaplex (on-premise) from a Cloudplex, which SnapLogic manages. However, in command syntax and references to the UI, the generic term Snaplex is used.

Groundplex installation covers the following tasks:

  1. Setting up a Groundplex.

  2. Importing a certificate.

For prerequisites, see Groundplex Deployment Planning

Linux-based Groundplex Installation Tips

  • The Linux installer comes bundled with the JRE necessary for this Snaplex. We recommend you use the patch version of Java 11 that is bundled with the installer for your Linux environment. 

  • Before you begin, learn more about memory configuration for dynamic workloads here.

Setting up a Groundplex

  1. Log into SnapLogic Manager as an Org admin.

  2. Navigate to the project where you want to create your Groundplex, and perform one of the following steps:

    • Click the Snaplex tab, then click   to display the Snaplex dialog.

    • Click