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Snap type:



This Snap executes a PySpark script. It formats and executes a 'spark-submit' command in a command line interface, and then monitors the execution status. If the script executes successfully with an exit code 0, the Snap produces output documents with the status. If the script is coded to produce a standard output, it is also included in the output document. If the script fails (with an exit code other than 0), the Snap produces an error document in the error view. For more details on the 'spark-submit' command, refer to the Apache Spark document.

Input & Output

  • InputThis Snap can have an upstream Snap that can pass a document output view such as Mapper or JSON Generator. If the upstream Snap is connected, this Snap executes once per each input document and produces a document in the output view or an error document in the error view. Each input document is used to evaluate expression properties in the Snap.

  • Output: This Snap can have an downstream Snap that has a document input view such as Mapper or JSON Formatter.



The Snap must be executed in a Groundplex on a Spark cluster node or an edge node.

Limitations and Known Issues:

None at this time.


Account & Access

No account is required.


InputThis Snap has at most one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has at most one document output view and produces one output document for each execution of the PySpark script.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view. The error document contains fields for error, reason, resolution, stacktrace, and spark-submit commands. The reason field contains the exit code. The spark-submit command is formatted by the Snap based on the values of the Snap properties. The error document may also contain standard and error outputs if available.
Troubleshooting:The Snap produces an error document if a given PySpark script fails to execute. It may be helpful in troubleshooting to execute the script in a command line interface of a Goundplex where the Snap is executed.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snaps in your pipeline.

Spark home

The Spark home directory where spark-submit command is located under the bin/ subdirectory. If this property is empty, the Snap tries to find a value for "SPARK_HOME" or "CDH_SPARK_HOME" in the environment variables or system properties.

Example: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.8.4-1.cdh5.8.4.p0.5/lib/spark

Default value: [None]

Spark submit args

The arguments for the spark-submit command if any.

Example:   $sparkSubmitArgs


                   --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster (to submit the PySpark script to YARN)

                   --principal snaplogic/ --keytab / (to submit the PySpark script to Kerberos-enabled cluster)

Default value: [None]

Edit PySpark script

RequiredThis property enables you to edit a PySpark script. A 'word-count' sample script is included with the Snap. Click to open an editor and save. To try the sample script, enter a file path to an input text file in the Script args property. In the script editor, a script can be exported, imported, or a template can be generated as required.

Default value: 'wordcount' sample script

Script args

The arguments for the PySpark script.

Example: hdfs:///tmp/sample.txt  hdfs:///tmp/output.dir/ (input file and output directory for 'wordcount' sample script)

Default value: [None]

YARN RM (host:port)

The hostname and port number of the Yarn Resource Manager in the 'host:port' format. This property is needed to be able to stop a PySpark job in progress. 

Default value: [None]

If YARN is not used to submit PySpark script, stopping the Snap will not stop the job submitted to Spark.

Timeout (sec)

Timeout limit in seconds. If negative or empty, the Snap will not time out until spark-submit returns the result.

Example:   600 (10 minutes)

Default value: -1

Snap execution

Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:
  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.