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Table of Contents


Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version


Google Analytics 4


  • Fixed an issue with the Google Analytics 4 Create Report and Create Realtime Report Snaps where the Snaps were unable to provide suggestions for the Metrics and Dimensions fields. 

  • Fixed an issue where the Google Analytics 4 Get Metadata Snap could not display an Unable to get metadata error during validation and execution.



Fixed an issue in the SAP HANA Snap Pack where the downstream Snaps did not support the data type appropriately.




Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL - Execute and Redshift - Execute Snaps that produced logs causing node crashes.



The jOOQ library for Teradata Snap Pack is upgraded from v3.9.1 to v3.17.3. This upgrade will be part of the GA release on August 14, 2024 (Stable release). Pipelines using the Teradata Snaps are not impacted after the jOOQ upgrade.



Fixed an issue with the AS2 Sender Snap that appended ‘3D’ in the XML document.

Azure Synapse SQL


Fixed an issue with the Azure Synapse SQL Select Snap that displayed an error and did not retry the connection when the serverless SQL pool was warming up.

Azure Service Bus


Fixed an issue with the Azure Service Bus Account that exposed the secret key when an illegal connection string exception occurred because of an incorrect string format.


Google AlloyDB


  • Upgraded the PostgreSQL JDBC driver from v9.4.1207 to v42.7.2 (Java 8). This upgrade will be part of the GA release on August 14, 2024 (Stable release). As part of this upgrade, the 42.7.2 JDBC driver is bundled with the PostgreSQL Snap Pack as the default JDBC driver.

Breaking change:

Your existing PostgreSQL pipelines that use the default driver (bundled with the PostgreSQL Snap Pack) might break. This JDBC driver upgrade has resulted in specific behavior changes in errors, status codes, and success and failure messages. Learn more about the behavior changes to ensure your migration to the upgraded driver is seamless. 

  • The JDBC driver for the Google AlloyDB Snap Pack has been upgraded from v42.4.2 to v42.7.2 (Java 8). This upgrade will be part of the GA release on August 14, 2024 (Stable release). As part of this upgrade, the 42.7.2 JDBC driver is bundled with the AlloyDB Snap Pack as the default JDBC driver. Learn more about the behavior changes caused by the driver upgrade.



Introduced the OpenSearch Snap Pack, which contains the following Snaps and Account:

  • OpenSearch Query: Executes a query on the specified OpenSearch index.

  • OpenSearch Upsert: Performs an operation that updates existing records if they exist, or inserts new records if they don't.

  • OpenSearch Account: Authenticates with OpenSearch services using the specified AWS account credentials.



Fixed an issue with the COBOL Copybook Parser Snap that incorrectly parsed packed decimal numbers.





  • Added expression support to the Skip lines field in the CSV Parser Snap to enable passing pipeline parameters and upstream values. 

  • Fixed an issue with the XML Parser Snap that caused an error when using the Splitter option in the Snap settings. 

API Suite


Fixed an issue with the GraphQL Client Snap that displayed an error when passing the Float data type query variables to the endpoint.



Enhanced the HDFS Writer Snap with the Write empty file checkbox which enables you to write an empty or a 0-byte file to all the supported protocols that are recognized and compatible with the target system or destination.



Fixed an invalid session handle issue with the Databricks Snap Pack that intermittently triggered an error message when the Snaps failed to connect with Databricks to execute the SQL statement.



Fixed an issue with the Oracle - Execute Snap that displayed an error when handling OffsetDateTime type bindings.

HTML Utilities


Fixed an issue with the HTML Parser and HTML to Markdown Converter Snaps that caused the Snaplex to stall when processing tables.



Fixed an issue with the MySQL - Multi Execute Snap and the MySQL - Execute Snaps that displayed a null pointer exception when the Snap did not check  null table metadata.


  • To use the new SnapLogic features and Snaps in the current GA release, ensure that your Snaplex nodes are upgraded to the recommended version: main-24152 GA (Recommended).

  • This release includes stable versions of the monthly Snap patches deployed to the SnapLogic Platform after the February 2024 release, as listed in the Dot Releases section of the March and April Release Notes.

  • Per the SnapLogic Release calendar, all Snaplexes on older versions will be upgraded to the recommended version during the automatic upgrade, scheduled for 3 PM (Pacific Daylight Time) on Saturday, . Orgs that were migrated to the current GA release before the automatic upgrade are not impacted. For information on how to upgrade your Snaplex, refer to the SnapLogic Release Process.

Admin Manager

New Features



jOOQ Upgrade for the JDBC Snap Pack:

  • We plan to upgrade the jOOQ library of the JDBC Snap Pack from v3.9.1 to v3.17.x on June 12, 2024 (Latest release). This upgrade will be part of the GA release on August 14, 2024 (Stable release). Pipelines using the Generic - JDBC Snaps might be impacted after the jOOQ upgrade because the latest jOOQ version is not fully backward-compatible. We will provide more information about the potential impact on your pipelines in an upcoming release.

JDBC Driver Upgrade for the PostgreSQL Snap Pack:

  • We plan to upgrade the PostgreSQL JDBC driver from v9.4.1207 to v42.7.2 (Java 8) on Jul 10, 2024 (Latest release). This upgrade will be part of the GA release on Aug 14, 2024 (Stable release). Learn more about the behavior changes caused by the driver upgrade. 


Previous name

New name

Azure Active Directory Snap Pack

Microsoft Entra ID Snap Pack

Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Account

Microsoft Entra ID OAuth2 Account

Azure SQL Active Directory Account

Azure SQL Entra Account

Azure SQL Active Directory Dynamic Account

Azure SQL Entra Dynamic Account

Azure Synapse SQL Active Directory Account

Azure Synapse SQL Entra Account

  • Enhanced the Google Directory Read Snap with an On empty result dropdown list that enables you to select the Snap behavior when no matching filter value is found.

  • Enhanced the JSON Splitter Snap to capture metadata and lineage information from the input document.

  • Kafka Snap Pack: Enhanced the following fields to support expressions through pipeline parameters:

    • Truststore Password

    • Keystore File Password

    • SSL Key Password

    • SASL Password or Secret

    • Registry Password or Secret

  • Enhanced the MongoDB Update Snap with the Array Filters field, which enables you to use array filters in the update operation. Additionally, the Update Query field is now modified into a text box for visibility and usability of input queries.

  • Increased the default Read timeout value for NetSuite REST Snaps from 60 to 300 seconds. This update supports longer-running operations and prevents early disconnections for complex data processing tasks.

  • Updated the Delete Condition (Truncates a Table if empty) field in the following Database Delete Snaps to Delete condition (deletes all records from a table if left blank) to indicate that all entries will be deleted from the table when this field is blank, but no truncate operation is performed.

  • Enhanced the HubSpot Snaps with the Retry policy field to handle retries for connection and error responses.

  • Updated the following NetSuite SOAP Snap names for usability based on the functionality of the Snaps:


  • Enhanced the S3 Select Snap to capture metadata and lineage information from the input document.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Load and Snowflake Insert Snaps to support iceberg tables. Iceberg tables partition and organize data across multiple nodes to distribute the workload and speed up data processing.

  • Enhanced the SQL Server Snap Pack to support Geospatial data types (Geography and Geometry), which enables you to seamlessly insert, read, and select Geospatial data in the SQL Server environment.

  • Upgraded Apache CXF from version 3.4.2 to 3.6.3 to prevent vulnerability issues for the following Snap Packs:

  • Upgraded Spring dependencies to the latest supported Java 11 version for the MongoDB Snap Pack.

Behavior Change

MySQL - Insert Snap: With the 4.37 GA release, when you pass a Date/DateTime value for the Year data type column, the MySQL Insert Snap does not accept those values and fails with an error. This is the expected behavior of the Snap; we recommend you to pass only year values for the Year data type. Previously, when you passed a Date/DateTime value for the Year data type column, the Insert Snap inserted the value as a Year data type.


  • Fixed an SMB (server message block) connectivity issue in the Binary Snap Pack, where the incorrect name provided by the SMB client did not match the Windows cluster virtual name, affecting the SPN (service principal name) connection.

  • Fixed a performance issue in the Copy Item Snap, which previously resulted in a nameAlreadyExists error when the Snap retried because of a connection reset.

  • Fixed an issue with the OpenAPI Snap where the upstream Mapper Snap did not display the full schema objects in the Target Schema.

  • Fixed an issue with the Oracle - Bulk Load Snap that intermittently displayed a null pointer exception.

  • Fixed the following issues with the SQL Server Snap Pack:

    • Snaps displayed an error when numeric values with scale 0 were inserted into the database with DECIMAL or NUMERIC type columns instead of inserting the value with decimal digits truncated.

    • Snaps displayed an error when fractional numeric values (numbers with a decimal point) were inserted into the database with an INT type column, instead of inserting the values with decimal digits truncated.
