RC File Parser
On this Page
Snap type: | Parse | |||||||
Description: | This Snap parses RC file data and converts them into documents that can be processed by downstream Snaps.
| |||||||
Prerequisites: | [None] | |||||||
Support and limitations: | Works in Ultra Tasks. | |||||||
Account: | Accounts are not used with this Snap. | |||||||
Views: |
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Settings | ||||||||
Label | Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline. | |||||||
Hive Metastore URL | Hive Metastore URI, such as: thrift://localhost:9083 Example: thrift://hive.metastore.com:9083 u Default value: [None] | |||||||
Database | Database which holds the schema for the incoming RC File data. Example: hive_db Default value: [None] | |||||||
Table | Table whose schema should be used for parsing the incoming RC file data Example: hive_tbl Default value: [None] | |||||||
Column definition | Manually configure the column definition for the incoming RC File data. Example: Column Name: Fun column 1 Column Type: string Default value: [None] | |||||||
Snap Execution | Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:
Default Value: Execute only |
Writing to S3 files with HDFS version CDH 5.8 or later
When running HDFS version later than CDH 5.8, the Hadoop Snap Pack may fail to write to S3 files. To overcome this, make the following changes in the Cloudera manager:
- Go to HDFS configuration.
- In Cluster-wide Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml, add an entry with the following details:
- Name: fs.s3a.threads.max
- Value: 15
- Click Save.
- Restart all the nodes.
- Under Restart Stale Services, select Re-deploy client configuration.
- Click Restart Now.