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This Snap browses a given directory path in the Hadoop file system (using the HDFS protocol) and generates a list of all the files in the directory and subdirectories. Use this Snap to identify the contents of a directory before you run any command that uses this information.
Currently, the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap supports URIs using HDFS & ABFS (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 ) protocols.
For example, if you need to iteratively run a specific command on a list of files, this Snap can help you view the list of all available files.
Path(string): The path to the directory being browsed.
Type(string): The type of file.
Owner(string): The name of the owner of the file.
Creationdate (datetime): The date the file was created. In the Hadoop file system, this can often show up as 'null' due to limited API functionality.
Size (in bytes)(int): The size of the file.
Permissions(string): Read, Write, Execute.
Update date(datetime): Date of update.
Name (string): Name of the file.
Input and Output
Expected upstream Snaps: Any Snap that offers a directory URI. This can be even a CSV Generator with a collection of, say file names and their URIs.
Expected downstream Snaps: A document listing out attributes of the files contained in the directory specified.
Expected input: Directory Path to be browsed and the File Filter Pattern to be applied. For example: Directory Path: hdfs://<user>/<folder_details>; File Filter: *.conf
Expected output: The attributes of the files contained in the directory specified that matching the filter pattern.
The user executing the Snap must have at least Read permissions on the concerned directory.
This Snap has at most one optional document input view. It contains values for the directory path to be browsed and the glob filter to be applied to select the contents.
This Snap has exactly one output view that provides the various attributes (such as Name, Type, Size, Owner, Last Modification Time) of the contents of the given directory path. Only those contents are selected that match the given glob filter.
This Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.
Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.
The URL for the data source (directory). The Snap supports both HFDS and ABFS(S) protocols.
Syntax for a typical HDFS URL:
Syntax for a typical ABFS and an ABFSS URL:
When you use the ABFS protocol to connect to an endpoint, the account name and endpoint details provided in the URL override the corresponding values in the Account Settings fields.
Default value: [None]
File filter
Required. The GLOB pattern to be applied to select the contents (files/sub-folders) of the directory. You cannot recursively navigate the directory structures.
The File filter property can be a JavaScript expression, which will be evaluated with the values from the input view document.
*.[jJ][sS][oO][nN](as of the May 29th, 2015 release)
Default value: [None]
Glob Pattern Interpretation Rules
Use glob patterns in this filter to select one or more files in the directory. For example:
*.java Matches file names ending in .java.
*.* Matches file names containing a dot.
*.{java,class} Matches file names ending with .java or .class.
foo.? Matches file names starting with foo. and a single character extension.
The following rules are used to interpret glob patterns:
The * character matches zero or more characters of a name component without crossing directory boundaries.
The ? character matches exactly one character of a name component.
The backslash character (\) is used to escape characters that would otherwise be interpreted as special characters. For example, the expression \\ matches a single backslash, and "\{" matches a left brace.
The ! character is used to exclude matching files from the output.
The [ ] characters are a bracket expression that match a single character of a name component out of a set of characters. For example, [abc] matches 'a', 'b', or 'c'. The hyphen (-) may be used to specify a range; so, [a-z] specifies a range that matches from 'a' to 'z' (inclusive). These forms can be mixed; so, [abce-g] matches 'a'", 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f' or 'g'. If the character after the '[' is an '!', then it is used for negation; so, [!a-c] matches any character except 'a', 'b', or 'c'.
Within a bracket expression, the *, ?, and \ characters match themselves. The (-) character matches itself if it is the first character within the brackets, or the first character after the '!', if negating.
The { } characters are a group of subpatterns, where the group matches if any subpattern in the group matches. The ',' character is used to separate subpatterns. Groups cannot be nested.
Leading period / dot characters in file names are treated as regular characters in match operations. For example, the '*' glob pattern matches file name '.login'.
Some special characters are not supported. A partial list of unsupported special characters: #, ^, â, ê, î, ç, ¿, SPACE.
User Impersonation
Select this check box to enable user impersonation. For more information on working with user impersonation, click the link below.
Select this check box to enable user impersonation.
For encryption zones, use user impersonation.
Default value: Not selected
For more information on working with user impersonation, click the link below.
User Impersonation Details
Generic User Impersonation Behavior
When the User Impersonation check box is selected, and Kerberos is the account type, the Client Principal configured in the Kerberos account impersonates the pipeline user.
When the User Impersonation option is selected, and Kerberos is not the account type, the user executing the pipeline is impersonated to perform HDFS Operations. For example, if the user logged into the SnapLogic platform is, the user name "operator" is used to proxy the super user.
User impersonation behavior on pipelines running on Groundplex with a Kerberos account configured in the Snap
When the User Impersonation checkbox is selected in the Snap, it is the pipeline user who performs the file operation. For example, if the user logged into the SnapLogic platform is, the user name "operator" is used to proxy the super user.
When the User Impersonation checkbox is not selected in the Snap, the Client Principal configured in the Kerberos account performs the file operation.
For non-Kerberised clusters, you must activate Superuser access in the Configuration settings.
HDFS Snaps support the following accounts:
Azure storage account
Azure Data Lake account
Kerberos account
No account
When an account is configured with an HDFS Snap, user impersonation settings have no impact on all accounts, except the Kerberos account.
Ignore empty result
If selected, no document will be written to the output view when the result is empty. If this property is not selected and the Snap receives an input document, the input document is passed to the output view. If this property is not selected and there is no input document, an empty document is written to the output view.
Default value: Selected
Snap Execution
Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:
Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.
Default Value: Execute only Example: Validate & Execute
Writing to S3 files with HDFS version CDH 5.8 or later
When running HDFS version later than CDH 5.8, the Hadoop Snap Pack may fail to write to S3 files. To overcome this, make the following changes in the Cloudera manager:
Go to HDFS configuration.
In Cluster-wide Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml, add an entry with the following details:
Name: fs.s3a.threads.max
Value: 15
Click Save.
Restart all the nodes.
Under Restart Stale Services, select Re-deploy client configuration.
Click Restart Now.
Hadoop Directory Browser in Action
Hadoop Directory Browser in Action
The Hadoop Directory Browser Snap lists out the contents of a Hadoop file system directory. In this example, we shall:
Read the contents of a Hadoop file system directory using the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap.
Save the directory file list information as a file in the same directory.
Run the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap again to retrieve the updated list of files.
Compare and check whether the number of files in the directory has increased by 1 as expected.
If the pipeline executes successfully, the second execution of the Hadoop Directory Browser will list out one additional file: the one we created using the output of the first execution of the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap.
How This Works
The table below lists the tasks performed by each Snap and documents the configuration details required for each Snap.
Configuration Details
Hadoop Directory Browser Snap 1
Retrieves the list of files in the identified HDFS directory.
Directory: Enter here the address of the directory whose file-list you want to view.
Creates a copy of the output.
We will use this copy later when we compare this output with the final output created after the pipeline is executed.
Filters the file-list returned by the upstream Snap using specific filter criteria.
Filter expression: $Name == '<the file you want to use to create the new file>'
Example: 'test_file.csv'
This helps you select one file from the list of files returned by the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap.
Maps column headers in the retrieved file-list to those in the file selected using the Filter Snap.
This enables you to create the list of directories and file names that will populate the new fie you will create further downstream.
HDFS Reader
Reads mapped data from the Mapper Snap and makes it available to be written as a new file.
Directory: $Directory File: $Filename
HDFS Writer
Writes (Creates) a new file in the specified directory using the data made available upstream.
Directory: The address of the HDFS file system directory where you want to create the new file. For our example to work, this should be the same directory used in the first Snap.
File: The name of the new file. It's typically a good idea to include some kind of logic in the file name, so there's no need for manual intervention. We have gone for a randomizer.
Shortens the name of the new file, which could be very long, given that we have used a randomizer to generate a unique name for the file.
This reduces the length of the file name to 20 letters or less, starting from the 71st character from the left. This removes most of the common strings that form the path name and saves primarily that part of the path string that uniquely identifies each file.
Hadoop Directory Browser
Retrieves the list of files in the updated HDFS directory.
Directory: Enter here the address of the directory in which the new file was created. For our example to work, this should be the same directory used in the first Snap.
Compares the output of the two Hadoop Directory Browser Snaps. If there is one extra file in the final Hadoop Directory Browser Snap, the example works!
Drag and drop the connection point from the Copy version of the initial file list to the Original connection point associated with the Diff Snap.
Run the pipeline. Once execution is done, click the Check Pipeline Statistics button to check whether it has worked. You should find the following changes:
Original: N Files (Depending on the number of files available in the concerned HDFS directory)
New: N+1 (This is the new file created using the output from the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap.)
Modified: 0
Deletions: 0
Insertions: 1 (This is the new file created using the output from the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap.)
Unmodified: N (Depending on the number of files available in the concerned HDFS directory)
Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2024
Fixed an issue with the Parquet Writer Snap, where string-formatted timestamps were stored and retrieved as invalid data because of improper handling. Now, the Snap properly handles the string-formatted timestamps through the Timestamp parquet type option. The Timestamp parquet type dropdown option enables you to choose the appropriate Parquet type for your timestamp schema based on the format of the timestamp data.
November 2024
Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2024
Upgraded the org.json.json library from v20090211 to v20240303, which is fully backward compatible.
May 2024
The upgrade of the Azure Storage library from v3.0.0 to v8.3.0 has impacted the Hadoop Snap Pack causing the following issue when using the WASB protocol.
Known Issue
When you use invalid credentials for the WASB protocol in Hadoop Snaps (HDFS Reader, HDFS Writer, ORC Reader, Parquet Reader, Parquet Writer), the pipeline does not fail immediately, instead it takes 13-14 minutes to display the following error:
reason=The request failed with error code null and HTTP code 0. , status_code=error
SnapLogic® is actively working with Microsoft®Support to resolve the issue.
Fixed a resource leak issue with the following Hadoop Snaps, which involved too many stale instances of ProxyConnectionManager and significantly impacted memory utilization.
Enhanced the HDFS Writer Snap with the Write empty file checkbox to enable you to write an empty or a 0-byte file to all the supported protocols that are recognized and compatible with the target system or destination.
May 2024
The Azure Data Lake Account has been removed from the Hadoop Snap Pack because Microsoft retired the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 protocol on February 29, 2024. We recommend replacing your existing Azure Data Lake Accounts (in Binary or Hadoop Snap Packs) with other Azure Accounts.
February 2024
Fixed a memory management issue in the HDFS Writer, HDFS ZipFile Writer, ORC Writer, and Parquet Writer Snaps, which previously caused out-of-memory errors when multiple Snaps were used in the pipeline. The Snap now conducts a pre-allocation memory check, dynamically adjusting the write buffer size based on available memory resources when writing to ADLS.
February 2024
Enhanced the AWS S3 Account for Hadoop with an External ID that enables you to access Hadoop resources securely.
February 2024
Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023
Fixed an issue with the Parquet Writer Snap that displayed an error Failed to write parquet data when the decimal value passed from the second input view exceeded the specified scale.
Fixed an issue with the Parquet Writer Snap that previously failed to handle the conversion of BigInt/int64 (larger numbers) after the 4.35 GA now converts them accurately.
November 2023
Fixed an issue related to error routing to the output view. Also fixed a connection timeout issue.
November 2023
Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2023
Enhanced the Parquet Writer Snap with a Decimal Rounding Mode dropdown list to enable the rounding method for decimal values when the number exceeds the required decimal places.
August 2023
Enhanced the Parquet Writer Snap with the support for LocalDate and DateTime. The Snap now shows the schema suggestions for LocalDate and DateTime correctly.
Enhanced the Parquet Reader Snap with the Use datetime types checkboxthat supports LocalDate and DateTime datatypes.
Behavior change:
When you select the Use datetime types checkbox in the Parquet Reader Snap, the Snap displays the LocalDate and DateTime in the output for INT32 (DATE) and INT64 (TIMESTAMP_MILLIS) columns. When you deselect this checkbox, the columns retain the previous datatypes and display string and integer values in the output.
August 2023
Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
May 2023
Introduced the HDFS Delete, which deletes the specified file, group of files, or directory from the supplied path and protocol in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
May 2023
The Hadoop Directory Browser Snap now returns all the output documents as expected after implementing pagination for the ABFS protocol.
May 2023
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
February 2023
Fixed an authorization issue that occurs with the Parquet Writer Snap when it receives empty document input.
February 2023
The Apache Commons Compress library has been upgraded to version 1.22.
February 2023
The Kerberos Account that is available for a subset of snaps in the Hadoop Snap pack now supports a configuration that enables you to read from and write to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) managed by multiple Hadoop clusters. You can specify the location of the Hadoop configuration files in the Hadoop config directory field. The value in this field overrides the value that is set on the Snaplex system property used for configuring a single cluster.
February 2023
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022
The AWS S3 and S3 Dynamic accounts now support a maximum session duration of an IAM role defined in AWS.
Fixed an issue in the following Snaps that use AWS S3 dynamic account, where the Snaps displayed the security credentials like Access Key, Secret Key, and Security Token in the logs. Now, the security credentials in the logs are blurred for the Snaps that use AWS S3 dynamic account.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.27 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Hadoop Directory Browser Snap where the Snap was not listing the files in the given directory for Windows VM.
4.27 Patch
Enhanced the Parquet Reader Snap with int96 As Timestamp checkbox, which when selected enables the Date Time Format field. You can use this field to specify a date-time format of your choice for int96 data-type fields. The int96 As Timestamp checkbox is available only when you deselect Use old data format checkbox.
Enhanced the Parquet Writer and Parquet Reader Snaps with Azure SAS URI properties, and Azure Storage Account for Hadoop with SAS URI Auth Type. This enables the Snaps to consider SAS URI given in the settings if the SAS URI is selected in the Auth Type during account configuration.
Fixed a memory leak issue when using HDFS protocol in Hadoop Snaps.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.25 Patch
Fixed the dependency issue inHadoop Parquet ReaderSnap while reading fromAWS S3. The issue is caused due to conflicting definitions for some of the AWS classes (dependencies) in the classpath.
Enhanced the HDFS Reader and HDFS Writer Snaps with the Retry mechanism that includes the following settings:
Number of Retries: Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts when the Snap fails to connect to the Hadoop server.
Retry Interval (seconds): Specifies the minimum number of seconds the Snap must wait before each retry attempt.
4.24 Patch
Enhanced the AWS S3 Account for Hadoop to support role-based access when you select IAM role checkbox.
4.24 Patch
Fixes the missing library error inHadoop Snap Pack when running Hadoop Pipelines in JDK11 runtime.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.23 Patch
Fixes the issue inHDFS ReaderSnap by supporting to read and write files larger than 2GB using ABFS(S) protocol.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.21 Patch
Updates the Parquet Writer and Parquet Reader Snaps to support the yyyy-MM-dd format for the DATE logical type.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.20 Patch
Updates the Hadoop Snap Pack to use the latest version of org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java for compression type Snappy, in order to resolve the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.xerial.snappy.SnappyNative.maxCompressedLength(I)I error.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.19 Patch
Fixes an issue with the Hadoop Parquet Writer Snap wherein the Snap throws an exception when the input document includes one or all of the following:
Empty lists.
Lists with all null values.
Maps with all null values.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.18 Patch
Fixed an issue with the Parquet Writer Snap wherein the Snap throws an error when working with WASB protocol.
Added ADLS Gen2 support for ABFS (Azure Blob File System) and ABFSS protocols.
Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.
Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during preview check box.
Added a new property, Output for each file written, to handle multiple binary input data in the HDFS Writer Snap.
Added two new Snaps: HDFS ZipFile Reader and HDFS ZipFile Writer.
Added support for the Data Catalog Snaps in Parquet Reader and Parquet Writer Snaps.
4.14 Patch
Fixed an issue wherein the Hadoop snaps were throwing an exception when a Kerberized account is provided, but the snap is run in a non-kerberized environment.
Added the Hadoop Directory BrowserSnap, which browses a given directory path in the Hadoop file system using the HDFS protocol and generates a list of all the files in the directory. It also lists subdirectories and their contents.
Added support for S3 file protocol in theORC Reader, andORC WriterSnaps.
Added support for reading nested schema in the Parquet Reader Snap.
4.13 Patch
Fixed the HDFS Reader/Writer and Parquet Reader/Writer Snaps, wherein Hadoop configuration information does not parse from the client's configuration files.
Fixed the HDFS Reader/Writer and Parquet Reader/Writer Snaps, wherein User Impersonation does not work on Hadooplex.
KMS encryption support added to AWS S3 account in the Hadoop Snap Pack.
Enhanced the Parquet Reader, Parquet Writer, HDFS Reader, and HDFS Writer Snaps to support WASB and ADLS file protocols.
Added the AWS S3 account support to the Parquet Reader and Writer Snaps.
Added second input view to the Parquet Reader Snap that when enabled, accepts table schema.
Supported with AWS S3, Azure Data Lake, and Azure Storage Accounts.
4.12 Patch
Fixed an issue with the HDFS Reader Snap wherein the pipeline becomes stale while writing to the output view.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.11 Patch
Addressed an issue with Parquet Reader Snap leaking file descriptors (connections to HDFS data nodes). The Open File descriptor values work stable now,
Added Kerberos support to the standard mode Parquet Reader and Parquet Writer Snaps.
4.10 Patch
Supported HDFS Writer to write to the encryption zone.
4.10 Patch
Addressed the suggest issue for the HDFS Reader on Hadooplex.
4.10 Patch
ORC supports read/write from local file system.
Addressed an issue to bind the Hive Metadata to Parquet Writer Schema at Runtime.
4.10 Patch
Made HDFS Snaps work with Zone encrypted HDFS.
Updated the Parquet Writer Snap withPartition byproperty to support the data written into HDFS based on the partition definition in the schema in Standard mode.
Support for S3 accounts with IAM Roles added to Parquet Reader and Parquet Writer
HDFS Reader/Writer with Kerberos support on Groundplex (including user impersonation).
4.9 Patch
Addressed the following issues:
ORC Reader passing, but ORC Writer failing when run on a Cloudplex.
ORC Reader Snap is not routing error to error view.
Intermittent failures with the ORC Writer
4.9.0 Patch
Added missing dependency org.iq80.snappy:snappy to Hadoop Snap Pack.
Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
Snap-aware error handling policy enabled for Spark mode in Sequence Formatter and Sequence Parser. This ensures the error handling specified on the Snap is used.
4.7.0 Patch
Spark Validation: Resolved an issue with validation failing when setting the output file permissions.
Updated the HDFS Writer and HDFS Reader Snaps with Azure Data Lake account for standard mode pipelines.
HDFS Writer: Spark mode support added to write to a specified directory in an Azure Storage Layer using the wasb file system protocol.
HDFS Reader: Spark mode support added to read a single file or an HDFS directory from an Azure Storage Layer.
The following Snaps now support error view in Spark mode: HDFS Reader, Sequence Parser.
Resolved an issue in HDFS Writer Snap that sends the same data in output & error view.
HDFS Reader and HDFS Writer Snaps updated to support IAM Roles for Amazon EC2.
Support for Spark mode added to Parquet Reader, Parquet Writer
The HBase Snaps are no longer available as of this release.
Resolved an issue with Sequence Formatter not working in Spark mode.
Resolved an issue with HDFSReader not using the filter set when configuring SparkExec paths.
NEW! Parquet Reader and Writer Snaps
NEW!ORC Reader and Writer Snaps
Spark support added to the HDFS Reader, HDFS Writer, Sequence Formatter, and Sequence Parser Snaps.
Behavior change: HDFS Writer in SnapReduce mode now requires the File property to be blank.
Implemented wasbs:// protocol support in Hadoop Snap Pack.
Resolved an issue with HDFS Reader unable to read all files under a folder (including all files under its subfolders) using the ** filter.