Google Directory Update

Google Directory Update

On this page

Snap type:



This Snap updates users, groups and org units in Google Directory.

  • Expected upstream SnapsFile reader followed by any file parser followed by Structure.
  • Expected downstream SnapsAny file Formatter followed by File Writer.
  • Expected inputResource type and input data.
  • Expected output The data for the resource type provided.



Support and limitations:Works in Ultra Tasks.

This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See Google Directory Accounts for information on setting up this type of account.

  • Verify that you have the correct Application scope defined for your account. See Google Directory Application Scope for more information.
  • Access tokens for Google Directory accounts expire in one hour. 
InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.


Required. The type of resource to be created.

The options available include:

  • user
  • userPhoto
  • orgunit
  • group

Default value: user


Required. The type of action to perform. The options available include:

  • update
  • patch

Use the patch option to send only the data for the specific fields you are updating and minimize the size of the update request. See Google's documentation on Patch (partial update) for more information.

Default value: update

Snap execution

Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

Supported Attributes by Resource


  • userKey - Required.
  • See the API documentation referenced at the bottom of the page for the complete list of optional field properties.

    You can write and update custom fields in a user profile. You must define the custom schema on the domain prior to use.


  • userkey - Required.
  • photoData - Required for update.

NotephotoData should be provided as a base64 string.

  • See the API documentation referenced at the bottom of the page for the complete list of optional field properties.


  • groupKey - Required.
  • See the API documentation referenced at the bottom of the page for the complete list of optional field properties.


  • customerID - Required.
  • orgUnitPath - Required.
  • See the API documentation referenced at the bottom of the page for the complete list of optional field properties.


Refer to the example - Perform End-to-End Operations in Google Directory.

JSON to add a User.photo

  "kind": "admin#directory#user#photo",
  "id": string,
  "etag": etag,
  "primaryEmail": string,
  "mimeType": string,
  "height": integer,
  "width": integer,
  "photoData": bytes

JSON for Updating a User

In this example, the user Jane Doe is now Jane Smith, so her familyName is being updated. She is also being added to the TestOrg orgunit.

        "userKey": "janedoe@example.com",
        "name": {
            "familyName": "Smith",
            "givenName": "Jane"
        "orgUnitPath": "/TestOrg"

See Also

Snap Pack History

 Click to view/expand
ReleaseSnap Pack VersionDateTypeUpdates
November 2024main29029 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2024main27765 StableAdded Google Service Account to connect Google Directory Snaps to a data source.
May 2024main26341 Stable

Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2024436patches26168 LatestEnhanced the Google Directory Read Snap with an On empty result dropdown list that enables you to select the Snap behavior when no matching filter value is found.
February 2024436patches25581 Latest

Fixed an issue with the Google Directory Read Snap that displayed a null pointer exception when the Filter attributes field set was configured with key-value entries.

February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023main23721 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2023main22460 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
May 2023433patches22103 Latest

Fixed an issue with Google Directory Update Snap that could not add or update organizations and displayed the error, IO error occurred. The Snap now works as expected, allowing you to update the organization and IMS details successfully.

May 2023



Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022main18944 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2022main17386 Stable
4.29 Patch429patches16728 Latest

Enhanced the Google Directory Insert Snap where the Snap did not display the original payload in the error view. Now, the original payload is passed to the error view.

Enhanced the Google Directory Update Snap where the original payload is displayed in the error view, but not under the original tag. Now the original payload is displayed under the original tag.

4.29main15993 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.28main14627 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.





Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.26main11181 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

Enhanced the Google Directory Insert and Google Directory Update Snaps to support custom schema attributes. You can fetch these custom fields and their values in a user profile by adding them as custom schema attributes to upstream Snaps.

4.24 Patch424Patch8638 Latest

Enhanced the Google Directory Read Snap by introducing two new field attributes, projection and customFieldMask, to retrieve custom schema fields.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.23 Patch423Patch7817 Latest

Fixed the authorization issue in the Snap Pack by migrating to a verified Google OAuth application.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.


Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during preview check box.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.



Enhanced the error view output to include error, reason, and resolution.