SAS Generator

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This Snap generates a SAS (Shared Access Signature) URI that enable you to access Azure Storage containers or blobs for a specified period. You can use this URI with other Snaps, such as File Writer or File Reader, to interact with the files in the Azure Storage container or blob. See Using SAS for more information on SAS. 

Depending upon the Snap's configuration, you can either access all blobs in a containeror a specific blob in a container. See Snap Settings for more information.

SAS Type Compatibility Chart

Snap NameService SAS On ContainerService SAS On BlobAccount SAS
Directory BrowserYesNoNo
File DeleteYesYesNo
File OperationYesNoYes
File PollerYesNoNo
File ReaderYesYesYes
File WriterYesYesYes
Multi File ReaderYesNoNo
ZipFile ReadYesYesYes
ZipFile WriteYesYesYes

Input and Output

  • Expected input: A document containing the key/value pairs required for populating the expression properties in the Snap. 
  • Expected outputA document containing two fields, SasType and SasUri. The following is a sample output document:

  • Expected upstream SnapsAny Snap with a document output view. For example, Mapper, Copy, etc.
  • Expected downstream Snaps: Compatible Snaps with a document input view. For example, File Reader, Directory Browser, and Multi File Reader.


  • None.

Configuring Accounts

This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of the SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. This Snap requires an Azure Storage account. See Configuring Binary Accounts for information on setting up accounts that work with this Snap.

Configuring Views


This Snap has at most one optional document input view. It may contain values to evaluate expression properties in SAS Generator Snap.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view.


  • None.


  • Works in Ultra Pipelines.

Known Issues

  • None.

Snap Settings

LabelRequired. The name for the Snap. Modify this to be more specific, especially if there are more than one of the same Snap in the Pipeline.

The name of the Azure Storage container that you want to access. Enter the name or select one suggested by the Snap. This property is required for Service SAS on container and Service SAS on blob.
Examples: testcontainer
Default value: N/A

The container's name must always be in lowercase. See Referencing Containers and Blobs for more information.


The name of the Azure Storage blob that you want to access. Enter the name or select one suggested by the Snap. Blob name should be a relative path in the container.

  • testblob
  • abc.csv
  • testblob/abc.csv

Default value: N/A

Leave this property blank to access all the blobs in the specified container.


The protocol over which Azure Storage permits access to the client using the SAS URI. Available options are:

  • https: For WASBS
  • http: For WASB

Default value: https

SAS Permissions

Select the file-access permissions that you want to assign to users of the SAS URI. See Specifying Permissions for more information.

Available options are:

  • READ: permission to read a blob
  • WRITE: permission to create or overwrite a blob
  • LIST: permission to list a directory
  • CREATE: permission to create a blob (cannot overwrite an existing blob)
  • DELETE: permission to delete a blob

Default value: READ, WRITE, LIST, DELETE

Expire in (hours)

Specifies the validity of the SAS URI in hours. Configure this property and the Expire in (minutes) property to specify the total duration of the URI's validity.
Example: 3
Minimum value: 0
Default value: 0

Expire in (minutes)Specifies the expire time in minutes. 
Example: 10
Minimum value: 0
Default value: 1
Snap Execution

Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during Pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

Default ValueExecute only
Example: Validate & Execute

Understanding the SAS URI Validity

The validity of the SAS URI is determined by the values in the Expire in (hours) and Expire in (minutes) properties. For example, if the SAS Generator Snap is configured as shown below, the validity of the SAS URI generated by the Snap is 3 hours and 43 minutes. 

See Also

 Click to view/expand

Release Snap Pack VersionDateTypeUpdates
November 2024main29029 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2024438patches28197 Latest
  • Fixed an issue in the Binary Snap Pack that caused intermittent errors on the Groundplex nodes when using the SMB protocol. The errors occurred when multiple IPs were returned for the same address, and one of the IPs was unreachable by the SMB server
  • Fixed an issue in the Directory Browser Snap where a mount error was displayed if the hostname contained an underscore, resulting in an empty hostname in the SMB URL.

August 2024




Upgraded the org.json.json library from v20090211 to v20240303, which is fully backward compatible.

May 2024437patches27146 LatestEnhanced the Azure Storage Account with Managed Identity, which provides applications with an automatically managed identity for connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra ID authentication.
May 2024437patches26873 LatestFixed an issue with the File Poller Snap where the Snap applied a case-sensitive filter in the Windows operating system.
May 2024437patches26592 Latest

Enhanced the Decompress Snap to support encrypted and unencrypted ZIP and 7z files through the new File Password Account type.

May 2024main26341 Stable

The Azure Data Lake Account has been removed from the Binary Snap Pack because Microsoft retired the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 protocol on February 29, 2024. We recommend replacing your existing Azure Data Lake Account with other Azure Accounts.

February 2024436patches25711 Latest

Fixed an SMB (server message block) connectivity issue within the Binary Snap Pack, as the incorrect name provided by the SMB client did not match the Windows cluster virtual name, affecting the SPN (service principal name) connection.

February 2024436patches25332 Latest

Fixed a null pointer exception in the Public Key Account for Binary Snap Pack when the Public Key field value is null. Now, the account displays a configuration exception for a null value.

February 2024436patches25241 Latest

Fixed an issue with the File Writer Snap, which partially writes the file for some FTPS servers by pausing for seconds before closing the output stream as specified in the global property ftpsDelayBeforeClosing.

February 2024436patches25161 LatestFixed an issue with the File Poller Snap that displayed an exception when an unauthorized character ':' was used in the Windows Snaplex.
February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023435patches24525 LatestFixed an issue with the File Poller Snap that caused it to poll recursively for files in the root directory of the S3 bucket.
November 2023435patches23780 Latest

Fixed an issue with the Binary Snaps that failed to build a data connection when connecting to the FTP server over FTPS protocol.

November 2023main23721 Stable

Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

August 2023434patches23502 LatestFixed an issue with the File Operation Snap (SFTP protocol) where the error message did not display during a move operation, although the existing file was available in the target path and the Error if exists checkbox was selected.
August 2023434patches23302 Latest

Fixed an issue that occurred when node properties were used to override default algorithm specifications for SFTP operations.

August 2023434patches22976 LatestFixed an issue that caused account credentials to be visible in the stack trace of some failed SFTP operations.
August 2023434patches22842 Latest

Fixed an issue that caused NTLM authentication issues when trying to access SMB servers.

August 2023434patches22639 Latest

The JSON key field in the Binary Google Service Account supports JSON strings. You can upload the JSON key either from SLDB or dynamically pass the value using a pipeline parameter or access values from Secrets Manager.

August 2023




Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

May 2023433patches22297 Latest
  • Fixed an issue with the PGP Sign Snap that caused an error when using an encryption subkey for signing.
  • Fixed an issue with the File Writer Snap where the file was unable to validate when the File action field was set to IGNORE for the WASB and WASBs protocols.
May 2023


  • Dynamic ports are supported for the SMB file protocol.
  • Fixed an issue with the File Writer Snap that caused slow performance when writing large files and the Flush interval was set to a positive value.
May 2023433patches21870 LatestAdded the PGP Sign Snap, which allows binary data to be signed using PGP.
May 2023



With the 4.33 GA release, support for some algorithms for SFTP connection negotiation is removed for improved security and because we’ve updated the library used to connect to SFTP sources. With Snap Pack version 433patches21645, you can modify the global properties. Refer to the Configuration Settings for Snaps documentation for details about how to revert to the previous settings.

May 2023433patches21576 Latest

Fixed the issues with the AES Encrypt and AES Decrypt Snaps, where the Snaps previously did not include the error stack trace in the error view. The Snaps now provide detailed information in case of any issues or errors.

May 2023433patches21482 Latest
  • Fixed an issue that caused a String index out of range error with the SFTP protocol in the File Writer Snap when it attempted to create a top-level directory.

  • Enhanced the PGP Encrypt Snap with the Encryption key ID field, which allows you to specify the key ID for encrypting the data. If you do not specify an encryption key ID, the Snap uses the primary key in the public key (master key).

Starting from version 433patches21482, the PGP Encrypt Snap will no longer support encryption with an expired key. To ensure continued support for encryption, we highly recommend extending the expiration of your PGP key.

May 2023433patches21291 LatestFixed an issue with the Multi File Reader Snap where it failed with the error S3 object not found when the Snap found no matching file to read and the Folder/File property value did not end with a forward slash (/).
May 2023433patches21179 Latest
  • Fixed an issue with the File Delete Snap where the Snap failed with a 404 Not Found error when trying to delete files from an Amazon S3 bucket. This issue occurred only with the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in an Amazon AWS S3 Account.

  • Fixed an issue where Binary Snaps could not handle region information for the Amazon S3 file protocol, which resulted in an error.

May 2023main21015 Stable

The Key passphrase field in the Private Key Account now supports expressions, allowing dynamic evaluation using pipeline parameters when the expression button is enabled.

February 2023



Fixed an issue where the ZipFile Read and ZipFIle Write Snaps failed to display the input schema for the File or File name field when using an expression.

February 2023432patches20431 Latest
  • Fixed an issue where the File Writer Snap would not retry on completing the writing of the file.

  • Added a configuration warning message when using the WASBS protocol with AzCopy, as it supports only the HTTPS protocol.
February 2023432patches20349 Latest

The JSCH library has been upgraded to version 0.2.7.

February 2023main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022431patches18977 Latest

The PGP Decrypt Snap now allows you to skip the signature verification when you face an issue with the signature in the encrypted file.

November 2022main18944 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
September 2022430patches17933 Latest
  • The File Delete Snap now passes the input document to the error view correctly.

  • The AWS S3 and S3 Dynamic accounts now support the maximum session duration of an IAM role defined in AWS.

August Patch


 Stable and Latest

Fixed an issue with the Directory Browser Snap, which failed with a null pointer exception error when connecting to the SFTP server containing a port number.

The Binary Snap Pack is deployed as both the latest and stable distribution. We recommend that you use this version for your Org when using the recommended Snaplex version (main-13269 - 4.30 GA).

August 2022main17386 Stable
  • The File Operation Snap supports moving data from a local node to an Azure blob through the AZ Copy utility.

  • The